Kaltura Collaborative Video Editing Extension Enabled

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Erik Moeller

Jan 9, 2008, 12:08:37 AM1/9/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
Per discussion with Wayne, I've turned on the Kaltura extension, which
makes it possible to remix & edit rich media, including video, in a
wiki-like fashion. The feature can be accessed through the
"Collaborative video" link in the sidebar.

Please report any obvious bugs; a more detailed page will be put on
the wiki with further information. :-)



Jan 9, 2008, 2:31:28 AM1/9/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
not really a bug, but will bug some people ... it asks you to agree that any media you upload be CC-NC-SA ...



Jan 9, 2008, 8:52:25 AM1/9/08
to WikiEducator
Hi Erik, I have been using Kaltura and love it!! My HS students are
enjoyin it as well. Hopefully it remains free for a while. They are
on to something really good here.


Jan 9, 2008, 1:12:27 PM1/9/08
to WikiEducator
Hi Brent ..

Thanks for that, I missed that one.

I'll get in touch with the Kaltura folk and inform them that we only
support content which meets the requirements of the free cultural
works definition and figure out the best way to get this sorted.


On Jan 8, 11:31 pm, Brent <pumiceh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> not really a bug, but will bug some people ... it asks you to agree that any
> media you upload be CC-NC-SA ...
> brent.


Jan 9, 2008, 1:15:13 PM1/9/08
to WikiEducator
Hi Cheryl,

Once code is released as free software -- it will always be free :-D.

We will look into ways to support and promote free hosting services in
collaboration with the free knowledge community.

Glad you like the technology -- this opens exciting opportunities for
our work in building a free curriculum for all!.


Erik Moeller

Jan 9, 2008, 10:05:18 PM1/9/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
On 1/9/08, Brent <pumic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> not really a bug, but will bug some people ... it asks you to agree that any
> media you upload be CC-NC-SA ...

Ugh- we'll fix that ASAP.
Erik Möller


Jan 10, 2008, 2:23:26 AM1/10/08
to WikiEducator
I checked out Kaltura today and am very excited by it. (I was using
Eyespot but there wasn't a password-protected feature.) Now I can work
towards my goal of an online collaborative film festival, starting
with a New Zealand/Canada partnership and expanding out from there.



Jan 10, 2008, 8:58:21 AM1/10/08
to WikiEducator
I quickly tried the video feature yesterday and moved a clip of mine
from Youtube. Because editing was slow on wireless at home I tried it
today at work, and the feature has vanished. It's a great feature and
I hope it returns or is just a temporary quirk of my network. Cheers,


Randy Fisher

Jan 10, 2008, 1:22:00 PM1/10/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com, srasp...@gmail.com

Regarding your idea of an online collaborative film fest, do you have a dedicated page for this on WikiEd? The reason I'm asking, is the more we in the community know about it, the more we can make suggestions and help. For example, I wonder if such a project might be interesting for Heritage Canada, Industry Canada - in Canada - because of its contribution to economic development, culture and job-creation.among other things...

- Randy
Randy Fisher - aka "WikiRandy for WikiEducator"
iCentro Networks
Vancouver, BC
+1 604.684.2275
Skype / Gmail / Yahoo: wikirandy

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.


Jan 10, 2008, 2:40:43 PM1/10/08
to WikiEducator
Declan --

We've temporarily disabled the Kaltura extension -- we discovered that
it was causing a couple of technical problems with the main wiki. The
Kaltura extension code still needs a little work and hopefully we will
be able to relaunch the testing pretty soon. I agree - its a great


Leigh Blackall

Jan 10, 2008, 3:10:39 PM1/10/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
It was clashing with Liquid Threads right? Given the enthusiasm for Kaltura and the underenthusiasm for LT, perhaps we could have Kaltura back on, and LT off?

Leigh Blackall
skype - leigh_blackall
SL - Leroy Goalpost


Jan 10, 2008, 3:40:47 PM1/10/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
LQT still seems to be somewhat broken though, so was is really Kultura that was cuasing the problems? See this thread .. http://www.wikieducator.org/User_talk:BrentSimpson/MetadataInfobox i can't reply to it.


Robert Kruhlak

Jan 10, 2008, 4:06:52 PM1/10/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
Hi Brent,

I can reply when I'm logged in but can't when I'm not.



Robert Kruhlak
Burnaby, BC
(M) +1 778 230 1875
(E) kru...@gmail.com


Jan 10, 2008, 5:23:59 PM1/10/08
to WikiEducator
On Jan 10, 12:40 pm, Brent <pumiceh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> LQT still seems to be somewhat broken though, so was is really Kultura that
> was cuasing the problems?

Hey -- nice try Leigh <smile>

Kaltura was breaking other things as well like special namespaces (eg
Practice:Editing) etc.

Kaltura will be back -- just need a little time to get things to the
point where they'll be working.

To the best of my knowledge the RSS is a third party extension and we
don't seem to have this fixed yet.

Erik Moeller

Jan 10, 2008, 8:56:30 PM1/10/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
On 1/10/08, Leigh Blackall <leighb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It was clashing with Liquid Threads right? Given the enthusiasm for Kaltura
> and the underenthusiasm for LT, perhaps we could have Kaltura back on, and
> LT off?

Mhh, part of working together as a team is lining up with decisions
that have been made. I really hope WikEd won't develop a culture of
constant second-guessing - I've seen more than enough of that in
Wikipedia. :-)

BTW, some of the issues we've seen with LQT (such as "&" in titles not
working) are general MW/Apache issues, not specific to LQT.
Erik Möller

Leigh Blackall

Jan 11, 2008, 3:21:08 AM1/11/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
Eric said:
"lining up with decisions that have been made."

like a red rag to a bull, but I better check what you actually mean by that Eric? It sounds like "accept what you are given", is that what you mean?

I keep seeing new features added without anyone in this email list requesting them, while there have been plenty of requests and suggestions made to this email list and they seem to largely go ignored, or get lost with obscure largely non progressive responses. I would even say defensive - which is not a good sign at all!

Many of the features Wayne and you have introduced are pretty good though, but it is a concern that they are introduced without any evident consultation with the "community" while the "community" requests seem to go by without even a trial! Yes, I consider myself in that community...

Brent is the only person who has replied to my concerns about the RSS problem. He has replied twice with practical suggestions. One was to contact the extension author and see if he can fix it. I did, and no reply from the author. The next response from Brent was for the administrator to update the RSS extension and see if that fixes the problem. This strikes me as a reasonably simple step (compared to LT and Kaltura efforts), but as yet the suggestion has had no response from an administrator, but a surprise release of Kaltura did get announced... I think action on the RSS issue is over due.

I have pushed the RSS update request to the point of nagging, but no response or action from the administrator leads to second guessing!

I too hope this community (or I) do not begin second guessing WE, as a hell of a lot has been invested in it this end. But I'm getting a strong sense of "take what you are given", and a centralised administration with an agenda that is neither documented or discussed in this forum.

A working RSS is an essential feature in this day and age. At least as important as the primary features of the MediaWiki as it is out of the box. But I'm nagging again. I hate having to nag, but some response that shows consideration made to the suggestions made by Brent would be great. Or perhaps administration powers shared for the purpose of fixing this problem. Or, some constructive response!

Sorry if it seems that I am escalating this, its just that I am alarmed by your last message Eric,


Leigh Blackall

Jan 11, 2008, 3:29:46 AM1/11/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
Eric said:<br>"lining up with decisions that have been made."<br><br>like a red rag to a bull, but I better check what you actually mean by that Eric? It sounds like "accept what you are given", is that what you mean?<br><br>I keep seeing new features added without anyone in this email list requesting them, while there have been plenty of requests and suggestions made to this email list and they seem to largely go ignored, or get lost with obscure largely non progressive responses. I would even say defensive - which is not a good sign at all!<br><br>Many of the features Wayne and you have introduced are pretty good though, but it is a concern that they are introduced without any evident consultation with the "community" while the "community" requests seem to go by without even a trial! Yes, I consider myself in that community...<br><br>Brent is the only person who has replied to my concerns about the RSS problem. He has replied twice with practical suggestions. One was to contact the extension author and see if he can fix it. I did, and no reply from the author. The next response from Brent was for the administrator to update the RSS extension and see if that fixes the problem. This strikes me as a reasonably simple step (compared to LT and Kaltura efforts), but as yet the suggestion has had no response from an administrator, but a surprise release of Kaltura did get announced... I think action on the RSS issue is over due.<br><br>I have pushed the RSS update request to the point of nagging, but no response or action from the administrator leads to second guessing!<br><br>I too hope this community (or I) do not begin second guessing WE, as a hell of a lot has been invested in it this end. But I'm getting a strong sense of "take what you are given", and a centralised administration with an agenda that is neither documented or discussed in this forum.<br><br>A working RSS is an essential feature in this day and age. At least as important as the primary features of the MediaWiki as it is out of the box. But I'm nagging again. I hate having to nag, but some response that shows consideration made to the suggestions made by Brent would be great. Or perhaps administration powers shared for the purpose of fixing this problem. Or, some constructive response!<br><br>Sorry if it seems that I am escalating this, its just that I am alarmed by your last message Eric,

On Jan 11, 2008 2:56 PM, Erik Moeller <eloq...@gmail.com> wrote:

Erik Moeller

Jan 11, 2008, 3:51:24 AM1/11/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
On 1/11/08, Leigh Blackall <leighb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> like a red rag to a bull, but I better check what you actually mean by that
> Eric? It sounds like "accept what you are given", is that what you mean?

Mh-hm. No, but we've had the discussion. In the absence of formal
decision-making processes, informal decisions should prevail, rather
than constantly being revisited. I would hate to see you slip into the
role of the perpetual antagonist, a common destructive archetype in
participatory communities, and I'm mildly concerned that your
iconoclastic nature lends itself to it. You have a lot more to
contribute than that. :-)

I'll see what I can do about the RSS issue later today.
Erik Möller

Leigh Blackall

Jan 11, 2008, 2:22:47 PM1/11/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
Thanks again Eric,

Don't be concerned. I think it is a good check on authority actually, it can't be all love and mung beans. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help test the RSS fix.


Erik Möller


Jan 13, 2008, 3:45:04 PM1/13/08
to WikiEducator
Hi Stefan,
Are you interested in working with US students in High School? Please
contact me if you would like to do a film fest with us.
> > > Erik- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Leigh Blackall

Jan 14, 2008, 2:02:24 AM1/14/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
Hello, can't remember if there was a bug report page for Kaltura.. but I was just trying to add "sound" to a project (a 6 meg MP3) and everytime I hit upload my Firefox browser freezes. I'm on Ubuntu and am up to date. Not sure if it is processing something, but nothing can be done with the browser once I click upload. The freeze is instant.

On Jan 14, 2008 9:45 AM, ccapozzoli <ccapo...@hannasd.org> wrote:

Hi Stefan,
Are you interested in working with US students in High School? Please
contact me if you would like to do a film fest with us.

On Jan 10, 2:23am, Rasporich < sraspor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I checked out Kaltura today and am very excited by it. (I was using
> Eyespot but there wasn't a password-protected feature.) Now I can work
> towards my goal of an online collaborative film festival, starting
> with a New Zealand/Canada partnership and expanding out from there.
> Cheers,
> Stefan
> On Jan 10, 2:52am, ccapozzoli <ccapozz...@hannasd.org > wrote:> Hi Erik, I have been using Kaltura and love it!! My HS students are

> enjoyin it as well. Hopefully it remains free for a while. They are
> > on to something really good here.
> > Cheryl
> > On Jan 9, 12:08am, "Erik Moeller" <eloque...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Per discussion with Wayne, I've turned on the Kaltura extension, which
> > > makes it possible to remix & edit rich media, including video, in a
> > > wiki-like fashion. The feature can be accessed through the
> > > "Collaborative video" link in the sidebar.
> > > Please report any obvious bugs; a more detailed page will be put on
> > > the wiki with further information. :-)
> > > Best,
> > > Erik- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Leigh Blackall

Leigh Blackall

Jan 14, 2008, 2:02:57 AM1/14/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com


Jan 14, 2008, 2:14:36 AM1/14/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
I tried the same sound file but instead of mine hanging it just crashed everthing when it reached %100.

I'm on Firefox on Linux.

We need a good place for bug reports!@!



Jan 14, 2008, 9:29:52 PM1/14/08
to WikiEducator
Hi Cheryl,

Sounds like a great idea, right now the school I'm on a year's leave
from (Calgary Arts Academy) is a K-9 charter school which teaches
everything through the arts using a unique model called 'arts
immersion.' There are plans to expand to a high school, and
definitely filmmaking will be a central pillar of the learning process
there, as it is so highly collaborative. The tech plan I co-authored
for the junior high meets all technology outcomes with making
documentary films and using a 'cascade mentorship' model for older
experienced students to partner with primary kids. I talked to the
48 hour film people here in NZ about possibly having a side event
dedicated to international collaboration, but they need to keep their
festival quite focused. So I suppose we start our own, 'build it and
they will come' to quote W.P. Kinsella...:)



Jan 16, 2008, 6:58:04 AM1/16/08
to WikiEducator
Hi guys,
I'm Miki, from Kaltura team.
We are now checking the problem you had with that soundfile uploading.
(we assumed it's the audio file in here
So, for us it worked fine on windows and mac, we are now checking to
see if it's a linux issue.
Anyway, I will update you all as soon as it's fixed.


On Jan 14, 9:14 am, Brent <pumiceh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried the same sound file but instead of mine hanging it just crashed
> everthing when it reached %100.
> I'm on Firefox on Linux.
> We need a good place for bug reports!@!
> brent.
> On Jan 14, 2008 8:02 PM, Leigh Blackall <leighblack...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > link to what I was working on
> >http://wikieducator.org/Audio_Log:Leo_Laoshi_talks_with_Alexander_Hayes
> > On Jan 14, 2008 8:02 PM, Leigh Blackall < leighblack...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hello, can't remember if there was a bug report page for Kaltura.. but I
> > > was just trying to add "sound" to a project (a 6 meg MP3) and everytime I
> > > hit upload my Firefox browser freezes. I'm on Ubuntu and am up to date. Not
> > > sure if it is processing something, but nothing can be done with the browser
> > > once I click upload. The freeze is instant.


Jan 16, 2008, 11:11:42 AM1/16/08
to WikiEducator
Hi Miki,

In addition to problems with audio files -- I also had problems
attempting to upload a video file from my Ubuntu Linux destop. So it
seems the file upload feature may be buggy. Perhaps this is a Linux -
Flash issue.

This is a great technology and our community look forward in helping
Kaltura with bug reports and ideas for future implementation.

BTW -- How would you like us to give feedback -- pehaps a dedicated
page in the wiki?


On Jan 16, 3:58 am, miki <miki.avi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'm Miki, from Kaltura team.
> We are now checking the problem you had with that soundfile uploading.
> (we assumed it's the audio file in herehttp://wikieducator.org/Audio_Log:Leo_Laoshi_talks_with_Alexander_Hayes


Jan 16, 2008, 9:47:01 PM1/16/08
to WikiEducator

Just put up my first video (to a song I've composed)

on http://wikieducator.org/User:Srasporich

Let me know what you think so far...


On Jan 17, 12:58 am, miki <miki.avi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'm Miki, from  Kaltura team.
> We are now checking the problem you had with that soundfile uploading.
> (we assumed it's the audio file in herehttp://wikieducator.org/Audio_Log:Leo_Laoshi_talks_with_Alexander_Hayes


Jan 16, 2008, 10:12:56 PM1/16/08
to WikiEducator
Hi Rasporich

Its a privileged to know that we have such talent among our
WikiEducators! I like what you've done so far.

How about composing a theme song for WE? We could start with
collaborative development of the lyrics, collaborative video shoots to
go with the theme song.

Could be a cool project for us to test the collaborative features of


On Jan 16, 6:47 pm, Rasporich <sraspor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Just put up my first video (to a song I've composed)
> onhttp://wikieducator.org/User:Srasporich

Leigh Blackall

Jan 17, 2008, 12:57:20 AM1/17/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
Yes, nice suggestion! A song for Wikied..

Your song reminded me of the work of David Byrne and Talking Heads I know, its a stretch, it was a very subtle reminder... your song triggered some deep long ago memory sensation in me... that means I liked it alot btw :)

So, songs for Wikieducator.. how would we treat such a thing? A song complaining about the editing interface, but busting through and realising that it was easy, and that you are cool with Wikipedia and the likes now.. a little bit of freedom lyrics but not too much.. multi lingual perhaps.. and a bit of God Save the Queen and Her Fascist Regime just for some good, honest, self conscious COL measure ;)


Jan 17, 2008, 1:15:31 AM1/17/08
to WikiEducator
Can we do better than the free software song?



On Jan 16, 9:57 pm, "Leigh Blackall" <leighblack...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, nice suggestion! A song for Wikied..
> Your song reminded me of the work of David Byrne and Talking
> Heads<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talking_Heads>I know, its a
> stretch, it was a very subtle reminder... your song triggered
> some deep long ago memory sensation in me... that means I liked it alot btw
> :)
> So, songs for Wikieducator.. how would we treat such a thing? A song
> complaining about the editing interface, but busting through and realising
> that it was easy, and that you are cool with Wikipedia and the likes now.. a
> little bit of freedom lyrics but not too much.. multi lingual perhaps.. and
> a bit of God Save the Queen and Her Fascist
> Regime<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_Save_the_Queen_%28Sex_Pistols_song%29>just
> for some good, honest, self conscious COL measure ;)

Leigh Blackall

Jan 17, 2008, 1:35:05 AM1/17/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
oooh I dunno... perhaps the chills in the IMB Linux Ads would be cool...

Leigh Blackall

Jan 17, 2008, 1:39:01 AM1/17/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
In fact, I think I'll remix that IBM Linux add and rebadge it Wikieducator...


Jan 17, 2008, 10:28:53 AM1/17/08
to WikiEducator
Yeah -- a collaborative digital mashup -- that's a cool idea.

So what are the next steps?

1. transcribe the original audio
2. collaborate on the text for the audio dub
3. Different folk from the community record the audio dubs


On Jan 16, 10:39 pm, "Leigh Blackall" <leighblack...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In fact, I think I'll remix that IBM Linux add and rebadge it
> Wikieducator...
> On Jan 17, 2008 7:35 PM, Leigh Blackall <leighblack...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > oooh I dunno... perhaps the chills in the IMB Linux Ads<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCDqBVcM1LU>would be cool...

Leigh Blackall

Jan 17, 2008, 3:04:56 PM1/17/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
are you talking about the IBM mashup Wayne? Well, firstly - whats the copyright on it do you know? I can't tell..


Jan 17, 2008, 3:44:18 PM1/17/08
to WikiEducator
Hey folks,

Thanks for the encouraging feedback, I've heard the Talking Heads
comparison before and I think my song mirrors one of their chord
progressions. I'll work on some lyrics for a wikied song - snappy yet
relaxed, groovin', with a sense of humour, I think, could be the tone.
Some nice world music influences would be a good metaphor, fitting
with the whole 'globe in the hand' logo. Ojos de Brujo and the way
they mix flamenco with hip hop, and Senegalese rhythms really move
me. The 'Later...' series has a world music dvd that is absolutely
riveting. Anyways, it is exciting to consider the possibilities.


On Jan 18, 9:04 am, "Leigh Blackall" <leighblack...@gmail.com> wrote:
> are you talking about the IBM mashup Wayne? Well, firstly - whats the
> copyright on it do you know? I can't tell..

Leigh Blackall

Jan 17, 2008, 4:37:02 PM1/17/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
ah yes, clearly in very capable hands. Looking forward to seeing first drafts Stefan :)

Randy Fisher

Jan 17, 2008, 4:41:21 PM1/17/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
I can see it now - a documentary about the making / recording of the music for the video for WikiEducator!

- Randy
Randy Fisher - aka "WikiRandy for WikiEducator"
iCentro Networks
Vancouver, BC
+1 604.684.2275
Skype / Gmail / Yahoo: wikirandy

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.


Jan 17, 2008, 6:07:51 PM1/17/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
now if only us linux folks can get in on the party...


Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.


Jan 17, 2008, 6:19:13 PM1/17/08
to WikiEducator
Hi Stefan

Look forward to listening to the WE theme tune!!!! We could use this
in the promo Kaltura for the Learning4Content project.

See: http://www.wikieducator.org/Learning4Content

If there are any WE's out there with messages of encouragement, advice
etc as to why you should join the L4C intiative -- be bold and edit
the video.


Leigh Blackall

Jan 17, 2008, 6:52:05 PM1/17/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
I'm on Wondows today and am uploading a video into the Learn4Content promo...

When I browsed for the file, it wouldn't show up in the browser. The file is an MP4, although an MOV in the same directory was showing. The file type field was set to "video" and had no other options, such as "all files". So I manually change the extension of the MP4 to MOV and now it is uploading. Hopefully the server will know what is going on and can support and process an MP4 - even with the wrong extension of MOV. So, does Kultura support MP4 and other popular video formats like WMA? Hope so... back to check the progress of my upload..

Leigh Blackall

Jan 17, 2008, 7:19:22 PM1/17/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
well, yes, it took my MP$ and is playing it back - all be it painfully slow. So if it takes MP4 why doesn't it display such format when you browse to upload it?


Jan 17, 2008, 8:33:20 PM1/17/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
maybe we should start a collaborative video for the Davos question, see: http://nz.youtube.com/davos



Jan 17, 2008, 10:51:52 PM1/17/08
to WikiEducator
Hey thanks Leigh --

This is exactly the kind of feedback we need to improve the technology
- A real community with a strong education focus thinking about the
practicalities of using the technology.

OK -- have you seen this page: http://www.wikieducator.org/Help:Collaborative_video

It points to a feedback page on the Kaltura wiki where we encouraged
to post our thoughts, bugs etc.

Lets show Kaltura that the WE community will provide the feedback they
need to improve the technology.


On Jan 17, 4:19 pm, "Leigh Blackall" <leighblack...@gmail.com> wrote:
> well, yes, it took my MP$ and is playing it back - all be it painfully slow.
> So if it takes MP4 why doesn't it display such format when you browse to
> upload it?
> On Jan 18, 2008 12:52 PM, Leigh Blackall <leighblack...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm on Wondows today and am uploading a video into the Learn4Content
> > promo...
> > When I browsed for the file, it wouldn't show up in the browser. The file
> > is an MP4, although an MOV in the same directory was showing. The file type
> > field was set to "video" and had no other options, such as "all files". So I
> > manually change the extension of the MP4 to MOV and now it is uploading.
> > Hopefully the server will know what is going on and can support and process
> > an MP4 - even with the wrong extension of MOV. So, does Kultura support MP4
> > and other popular video formats like WMA? Hope so... back to check the
> > progress of my upload..
> > On Jan 18, 2008 12:07 PM, Brent <pumiceh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > now if only us linux folks can get in on the party...
> > > brent.
> > > On Jan 18, 2008 10:41 AM, Randy Fisher < wikira...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > I can see it now - a documentary about the making / recording of the
> > > > music for the video for WikiEducator!
> > > > > > > > > > > > onhttp://wikieducator.org/User:Srasporich
> ...
> read more »


Jan 17, 2008, 10:57:59 PM1/17/08
to WikiEducator
Brent -- I like the Davo's approach --- shall we start a one or two WE
equivalents of the Davo's video.

This is a powerful medium and I like it very much. Almost a wiki in
moving pictures with sound <smile>. I'm going to get my camera out
over the weekend and have a bash at a few clips. Especially if
there's a WE page with a question to respond to and few guidlines

I'm going to struggle with uploading files from my Linux box -- but
I'm prepared to go the long way of uploading on youtube to get this
into a WE Kaltura -- not ideal, but will at least give me chance to
put the technology through its paces and see where I can suggest
improvements. Hey -- its the open source way -- release early &


Leigh Blackall

Jan 18, 2008, 12:16:47 AM1/18/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
Hi Wayne, I checked out the links and didn't see a clear place to paste the problem with MP4 support and solution with MOV extension rename. I arrived at a feedback wiki which I had to sign in to add to... there I paused and thought, this GoogleGroups thread has and is developing all the feedback they need. All they need to do is take the RSS from this thread and drop it in their wiki :) or by linked back to this thread... I realise that that is probably not realistic, but I did notice for a moment there that a Kultura rep was on this email forum, perhaps they are seeing our feedback here after all?

I think Kultura has a bunch of potential and I reckon it was a good choice to add to the Wikied project. But how can we boost their response time for bugs and general inquiries? Is there anyone on the Wikied project that can keep a log of our feedback and report back to them on a monthly basis? And is the media content that the Kultura plays on the fastest server we can find? I find it is very slow in buffering the files to deep dark South New Zealand... is there a way we could set up local servers to hold some of the content and so help the speed a little to users in NZ?


Jan 18, 2008, 2:28:02 PM1/18/08
to WikiEducator
I see many posibilities for this video tool. I just uploaded a short
clip on termite behavior:

There are so many things that one can't do in the classroom for so
many reasons. Often a video is an acceptable substitute. I need to
spend more time learning the editing process, but it's an exciting
addition to the tool box. SO thanks. Declan McCabe

Leigh Blackall

Jan 18, 2008, 4:01:09 PM1/18/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
what a curious little video! Is there some text to explain what is happening with that termite? With text on the same page we could go about doing voice overs for it...


Jan 18, 2008, 7:02:46 PM1/18/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
that is a strange little video ... sometimes I feel just like that.



Jan 18, 2008, 9:44:00 PM1/18/08
to WikiEducator
Hi Wayne,

I just put a composition on the Learning4Content video. Two versions
of the song, which may be kind of weird (it ended up being a club
dance song), but its only a first attempt. Let me know what you think,
and other directions to explore... I think the lyric can be a bit
distracting while the video is on, even at a low volume, and maybe
something more atmospheric and relaxing could play during the


Leigh Blackall

Jan 18, 2008, 9:46:26 PM1/18/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com

On Jan 19, 2008 3:44 PM, Rasporich <srasp...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Wayne,

I just put a composition on the Learning4Content video.  Two versions
of the song, which may be kind of weird (it ended up being a club
dance song), but its only a first attempt. Let me know what you think,
and other directions to explore... I think the lyric can be a bit
distracting while the video is on, even at a low volume, and maybe
something more atmospheric and relaxing could play during the


On Jan 18, 12:19pm, mackiwg <WMackint...@col.org> wrote:
> Hi Stefan
> Look forward to listening to the WE theme tune!!!! We could use this
> in the promo Kaltura for the Learning4Content project.
> See:http://www.wikieducator.org/Learning4Content
> If there are any WE's out there with messages of encouragement, advice
> etc as to why you should join the L4C intiative -- be bold and edit
> the video.
> Cheers
> Wayne

Leigh Blackall

Jan 18, 2008, 9:47:02 PM1/18/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
oh sorry.. the L4C video.. checking now..

Leigh Blackall

Jan 18, 2008, 10:13:16 PM1/18/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
nice. I muted my voice in the screenrecording clip. I loaded that clip for screen footage of the wikieducator. I reckon this soundtrack would work well in a fast paced timelapse of page edits and stuff.. maybe the first 20 second could be screenrecordings like that, then change to pictures of real people from the COL files, and then to the printed books, people around the world using the resources, andthen back to the screenrecordings. Might need a few other themes in the audio to cue these transitions tho

Leigh Blackall

Jan 18, 2008, 10:22:48 PM1/18/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
moving the discussion to the video page: http://wikieducator.org/Kaltura_Talk:Video_251518#lqt_thread_964


Jan 18, 2008, 10:54:46 PM1/18/08
to WikiEducator
Sorry bout that,

here's the link


On Jan 19, 3:46 pm, "Leigh Blackall" <leighblack...@gmail.com> wrote:
> link?


Jan 19, 2008, 7:07:31 AM1/19/08
to WikiEducator
Well I suppose it is a tad strange. This page gives it some context:
http://www.wikieducator.org/Termite_trails; I need to work on some
text directly on the clip page.

On Jan 18, 4:01 pm, "Leigh Blackall" <leighblack...@gmail.com> wrote:
> what a curious little video! Is there some text to explain what is happening
> with that termite? With text on the same page we could go about doing voice
> overs for it...

Leigh Blackall

Jan 19, 2008, 6:06:09 PM1/19/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
What a gold mine of resources you have there Declan.. I like the way you have used Templates to tie the design together, and you have all the text content in there with consistency, with some media starting to show up. I'm sure many teachers will find your resources interesting, useful and or inspiring...

A while back I proposed a campaign to get casual teachers involved on Wikieducator. Casual teachers, or relief teachers have a hard life taking full time teachers classes in short, usually one off affairs. Behavioral issues can be at their worst, and support almost non existent! Relief teachers have to be very resourceful to get through their day. The ones I have met usually have a book of tried and true lesson plans and techniques for getting through, and they carry that book of stuff, everywhere they go.

Imagine if we could establish an intuitive, consistent and easy to follow structure on WIkied for such lesson plans and their supporting resources? Much like what you have established on the St Michaels pages.. and that a campaign targeting casual teachers managed to see their private and sometimes guarded book of tricks coming onto the wikieducator.. and Wikieducator becoming the support that so many (especially younger) relief teachers need.

I think Wayne picked up on this idea and started the Handouts4Teachers project... Is St Michaels work part of that initiative? I haven't been able to put my money where my mouth is there as we don't have much of a need for such resources in tertiary training... at least not that I have yet recognised.. there might be some way to bridge though.. sorry, just thinking out loud.

On Jan 19, 2008 11:07 PM, Declan <dmc...@smcvt.edu> wrote:

Well I suppose it is a tad strange.  This page gives it some context:
http://www.wikieducator.org/Termite_trails; I need to work on some
text directly on the clip page.


Jan 20, 2008, 3:22:12 AM1/20/08
to WikiEducator
Hello Guys.

It's Miki again, from the Kaltura team. I guess my previous message
was somewhat short, so I will try to be more clear this time.

First I would like to let you all know I am reading (even if not
frequently replying) this thread, and trying to keep track with the
bugs and comments you discuss here.
As for now you can also leave your comments on:
http://www.kaltura.com/devwiki/index.php/Feedback_Page, but, as Leigh
marked, it requires a very short sign-up.

We will try to figure out the best way for us to communicate (maybe
this thread really is the best way) as your feedback is much
appreciated and much needed for us to improve and provide to all the
best tool for collaborative video creating.
Leigh also asked/suggested that some one here will be in constant
contact with me. This will also be a great way to make sure we're on
the same page and keep track of progress.

So, I am reading the posts here, and I will try to inform as soon as
any of your bugs/requests will be fixed/created.

Any idea or thought will be appreciated, and you can feel free to
contact me directly.

Miki Avital,
Kaltura.com Team

On Jan 18, 7:16 am, "Leigh Blackall" <leighblack...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Wayne, I checked out the links and didn't see a clear place to paste the
> problem with MP4 support and solution with MOV extension rename. I arrived
> at a feedback wiki which I had to sign in to add to... there I paused and
> thought, this GoogleGroups thread has and is developing all the feedback
> they need. All they need to do is take the RSS from this thread and drop it
> in their wiki :) or by linked back to this thread... I realise that that is
> probably not realistic, but I did notice for a moment there that a Kultura
> rep was on this email forum, perhaps they are seeing our feedback here after
> all?
> I think Kultura has a bunch of potential and I reckon it was a good choice
> to add to the Wikied project. But how can we boost their response time for
> bugs and general inquiries? Is there anyone on the Wikied project that can
> keep a log of our feedback and report back to them on a monthly basis? And
> is the media content that the Kultura plays on the fastest server we can
> find? I find it is very slow in buffering the files to deep dark South New
> Zealand... is there a way we could set up local servers to hold some of the
> content and so help the speed a little to users in NZ?

Leigh Blackall

Jan 20, 2008, 5:27:14 AM1/20/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
Hi Miki, thanks for dropping by. You must be very proud of Kultura, I think it is a very good looking and mostly reliable application so far.

My list of things I think are small problems, as well as a bit of wishfulness:

  1. Problem loading media into the editor when using Ubuntu as an Operating System
  2. When loading media on a Windows OS, the browse window seems to only recognise the .MOV format as a video file, and does not 'see' .MP4 - Manually changing the extension to .MOV seems to fix the problem as the file browser window sees the file then and once uploaded the MP4 (as an MOV) does play back once on the server
  3. I'm hoping that you will offer a dual upload feature (something like Heyspread.com) so that when I opt to load media into Kultura, I am prompted to also load to Blip.tv, Archive.org and Youtube (as well as my own server). Would save a lot of time and offer a lot of flexibility.
  4. I am also hoping Kultura will enable me to point a URL in as a media upload, and it will fetch the file and load it for me. Very handy for moving across media I already have on other servers, as well as other media I can get permission to copy.
  5. Download file option.. not sure if its there already, hard to see if it is. WOuld like to have the option to download a Kultura file in MP4, Theora, MP3 and OGG.

On Jan 20, 2008 9:22 PM, miki < miki....@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Guys.

It's Miki again, from the Kaltura team. I guess my previous message
was somewhat short, so I will try to be more clear this time.

First I would like to let you all know I am reading (even if not
frequently replying) this thread, and trying to keep track with the
bugs and comments you discuss here.
As for now you can also leave your comments on:


Jan 20, 2008, 7:30:54 AM1/20/08
to WikiEducator
Hi Leigh,

Thank you for your response. We are all here in Klatura very proud of
our product, and very happy to see people find it useful, and share
the excitment of this excellent new tool with us.

It will help us a lot to know what flash player version you have
(right-click our player, or any other flash movie in a browser, then
click about flash player - and you will get a message in new browser
window) in order to get a better view on your uploadng problem.

The MP4 issue will be fixed on the next update.

As for your wish list, i got it now, but at this stage we would like
make sure our current features work as they should and then we will go
into addin new features and improvements, but keep your ideas coming,
we're not losing none of them.

Thanks again,

Miki Avital,
Kaltura.com Team

On Jan 20, 12:27 pm, "Leigh Blackall" <leighblack...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Miki, thanks for dropping by. You must be very proud of Kultura, I think
> it is a very good looking and mostly reliable application so far.
> My list of things I think are small problems, as well as a bit of
> wishfulness:
> 1. Problem loading media into the editor when using Ubuntu as an
> Operating System
> 2. When loading media on a Windows OS, the browse window seems to only
> recognise the .MOV format as a video file, and does not 'see' .MP4 -
> Manually changing the extension to .MOV seems to fix the problem as the file
> browser window sees the file then and once uploaded the MP4 (as an MOV) does
> play back once on the server
> 3. I'm hoping that you will offer a dual upload feature (something
> like Heyspread.com) so that when I opt to load media into Kultura, I
> am prompted to also load to Blip.tv, Archive.org and Youtube (as well
> as my own server). Would save a lot of time and offer a lot of flexibility.
> 4. I am also hoping Kultura will enable me to point a URL in as a
> media upload, and it will fetch the file and load it for me. Very handy for
> moving across media I already have on other servers, as well as other media
> I can get permission to copy.
> 5. Download file option.. not sure if its there already, hard to see
> if it is. WOuld like to have the option to download a Kultura file in MP4,
> Theora, MP3 and OGG.
> On Jan 20, 2008 9:22 PM, miki <miki.avi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello Guys.
> > It's Miki again, from the Kaltura team. I guess my previous message
> > was somewhat short, so I will try to be more clear this time.
> > First I would like to let you all know I am reading (even if not
> > frequently replying) this thread, and trying to keep track with the
> > bugs and comments you discuss here.
> > As for now you can also leave your comments on:
> >http://www.kaltura.com/devwiki/index.php/Feedback_Page, but, as Leigh

Leigh Blackall

Jan 20, 2008, 3:35:55 PM1/20/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
Hi Miki, I'm not at my Ubuntu terminal at present so can't easily check. But I installed the Flash player on it about 3 weeks ago directly from Adobe's site.. I'm not sure if Adobe has made the most up to date player available to Linux yet, or if Kultura can make it happen on an older version of Flash..


Jan 20, 2008, 3:45:55 PM1/20/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com

I was on Firefox on Linux (Ubuntu) and I'm pretty sure I had the Flash 9 player installed. It would upload an mp3 file, but as soon as it reached %100 it would crash the entire browser.



Jan 20, 2008, 9:43:45 PM1/20/08
to WikiEducator

You're too kind! I'll bounce your praise onto the student teachers
who developed the ideas. The use of templates was driven by
necessity; I was going page-by-page making these changes and Kirk in
Wikia (where we started out) generously and patiently explained
templates to me. We are not part of the handouts4teachers program in
any formal way, but I think I did pop a link in to that page at some
point. I am certainly willing to participate in that initiative. You
have quite the collection of resources over in your patch of
wikieducator and I already adapted your template generator for my own
uses (thank you very much). I'm a newbie with the media stuff, but I
can get from live insect to online video. I'd like to learn how
better to do that. I see a lot of educational potential for time-
lapse clips. Right now I'm heavily committed to courses with little
time remaining for learning new techniques, but I carve out a little
here and there.

Anyway, it's great to plug into wikieducator; its a great community
with enormous potential.
Cheers; Declan

On Jan 19, 6:06 pm, "Leigh Blackall" <leighblack...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What a gold mine of resources you have there Declan.. I like the way you
> have used Templates to tie the design together, and you have all the text
> content in there with consistency, with some media starting to show up. I'm
> sure many teachers will find your resources interesting, useful and or
> inspiring...
> A while back I proposed a campaign to get casual teachers involved on
> Wikieducator. Casual teachers, or relief teachers have a hard life taking
> full time teachers classes in short, usually one off affairs. Behavioral
> issues can be at their worst, and support almost non existent! Relief
> teachers have to be very resourceful to get through their day. The ones I
> have met usually have a book of tried and true lesson plans and techniques
> for getting through, and they carry that book of stuff, everywhere they go.
> Imagine if we could establish an intuitive, consistent and easy to follow
> structure on WIkied for such lesson plans and their supporting resources?
> Much like what you have established on the St Michaels pages.. and that a
> campaign targeting casual teachers managed to see their private and
> sometimes guarded book of tricks coming onto the wikieducator.. and
> Wikieducator becoming the support that so many (especially younger) relief
> teachers need.
> I think Wayne picked up on this idea and started the
> Handouts4Teachers<http://wikieducator.org/Handouts4Teachers>project...
> Is St Michaels work part of that initiative? I haven't been able
> to put my money where my mouth is there as we don't have much of a need for
> such resources in tertiary training... at least not that I have yet
> recognised.. there might be some way to bridge though.. sorry, just thinking
> out loud.
> SL - Leroy Goalposthttp://learnonline.wordpress.com- Hide quoted text -


Jan 22, 2008, 5:59:12 PM1/22/08
to WikiEducator
If anyone's interested I put up a first cut of the music video for


> > >http://www.wikieducator.org/Termite_trails;Ineed to work on some
> > SL - Leroy Goalposthttp://learnonline.wordpress.com-Hide quoted text -

Leigh Blackall

Jan 23, 2008, 4:31:01 AM1/23/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
Is there a way to embed a kaltura vid on a wordpress blog? The code provided doesn't do it (wordpress is funny about embed codes, for eg, youtube is [youtube=URL] and Slideshare is [slideshare=URL] and so on. So I guess the question should be to Wordpress or if Kaltura has worked it out with them..

Alternatively, if there was a quick way to get a video out of Kaltura, I could upload to Youtube or Blip and then have the video in Wordpress. Though it might not sound ideal, it would actually be a good way to spread the message I reckon...

On Jan 23, 2008 11:59 AM, Rasporich <srasp...@gmail.com> wrote:

If anyone's interested I put up a first cut of the music video for

On Jan 21, 3:43pm, Declan <dmcc...@smcvt.edu> wrote:
> Leigh,
> You're too kind! I'll bounce your praise onto the student teachers
> who developed the ideas. The use of templates was driven by
> necessity; I was going page-by-page making these changes and Kirk in
> Wikia (where we started out) generously and patiently explained
> templates to me. We are not part of the handouts4teachers program in
> any formal way, but I think I did pop a link in to that page at some
> point. I am certainly willing to participate in that initiative. You
> have quite the collection of resources over in your patch of
> wikieducator and I already adapted your template generator for my own
> uses (thank you very much). I'm a newbie with the media stuff, but I
> can get from live insect to online video. I'd like to learn how
> better to do that. I see a lot of educational potential for time-
> lapse clips. Right now I'm heavily committed to courses with little
> time remaining for learning new techniques, but I carve out a little
> here and there.
> Anyway, it's great to plug into wikieducator; its a great community
> with enormous potential.
> Cheers; Declan


Jan 24, 2008, 5:17:18 AM1/24/08
to WikiEducator
Hi Leigh,

I am in charge of Kaltura's PR and marketing, which includes our blog
- www.kaltura.com/blog/, which is also on WordPress. I've embedded a
few Kaltura videos on our blog, but I agree, WordPress is a bit
difficult in this regard. The last time I embedded it one of our
programmers helped me and this is what we posted: [SWF]http://
www.kaltura.com/index.php/widget/100565/-1/6/2, 400, 300[/SWF]

I believe he downloaded an SWF plugin for WordPress first. Let me
know if this helps and if not I'll get you in touch directly with one
of our techies and he can help you out.


On Jan 23, 11:31 am, "Leigh Blackall" <leighblack...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there a way to embed a kaltura vid on a wordpress blog? The code provided
> doesn't do it (wordpress is funny about embed codes, for eg, youtube is
> [youtube=URL] and Slideshare is [slideshare=URL] and so on. So I guess the
> question should be to Wordpress or if Kaltura has worked it out with them..
> Alternatively, if there was a quick way to get a video out of Kaltura, I
> could upload to Youtube or Blip and then have the video in Wordpress. Though
> it might not sound ideal, it would actually be a good way to spread the
> message I reckon...
> > > > >http://www.wikieducator.org/Termite_trails;Ineedto work on some
> > > > SL - Leroy Goalposthttp://learnonline.wordpress.com-Hidequoted text -
> > > > - Show quoted text -
> --
> --
> Leigh Blackall+64(0)21736539

Leigh Blackall

Jan 24, 2008, 5:34:22 AM1/24/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Lisa, it helps a little. My blog, and many of the staff I work with, use hosted blogs at wordpress.com we don't have a say on what extensions are added to the service. I will try out the code you have given me and see if it works.

Our course blogs (some of our teachers use blogs to deliver online courses) use hosted wordpress blogs on the service called edublogs.org and I know they do have the SWF extension added so that's good, and others use Blogger blogs which I imagine aren't a problem.

I'm curious though Lisa, how come the Kaltura player gives Myspace code? Is that something that is developed in negotiation with Myspace, or is Myspace open enough for developers to write embed code for it? Perhaps Kaltura could contact Wordpress.com and ask to have their player supported, especially with the possible uptake by Wikimedia projects! That will make Kaltura huge, and I'd say a lot my wordpress users will want an easy embed code.

Also, any word on an export video feature? Maybe I better go and subscribe to Kaltura blog. You're going to have some hard core communicating effort coming up hey Lisa :) Kaltura is going to get a lot of attention I'd say.


Jan 25, 2008, 6:39:28 AM1/25/08
to WikiEducator
Thanks Leigh - actually MySpace is open enough for us to have the
specific widget code and it works there without a problem. Also, I
know that our standard widget code works for Blogger since I use it on
my daughter's blog :-)

As for Wordpress - you should be on our business development team -
we're now in the process of adding partners just like Wordpress to
allow their users to easily use Kaltura's technology on their sites.
For example, our extension to the MediaWiki software is part of the
same strategy - the goal is to solidify Kaltura's platform as the de-
facto tool for video creation and collaboration online - at any site.

As for the exporting - right now we don't support exporting clips from
Kaltura to YouTube or downloading them - in essence, a Kaltura today
is a collection of clips, images and sounds and our editor and player
know how to "deal" with them and convert them, if needed, in order to
play them all as one clip. We're now working on a feature called
"flattening", which will take a Kaltura video and technically flatten
all of the clips and turn them into one movie, which users will them
be able to export and download. I'll keep you posted when that

I hope all of this helps. Specifically, for your blog, I'd be happy
to put you in touch with someone on our team who could try to help you
figure out how to get the Kaltura player to work on the blog - let me
know if you'd like me to do so.


On Jan 24, 12:34 pm, "Leigh Blackall" <leighblack...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Lisa, it helps a little. My blog, and many of the staff I work with,
> use hosted blogs at wordpress.com we don't have a say on what extensions are
> added to the service. I will try out the code you have given me and see if
> it works.
> Our course blogs (some of our teachers use blogs to deliver online courses)
> use hosted wordpress blogs on the service called edublogs.org and I know
> they do have the SWF extension added so that's good, and others use Blogger
> blogs which I imagine aren't a problem.
> I'm curious though Lisa, how come the Kaltura player gives Myspace code? Is
> that something that is developed in negotiation with Myspace, or is Myspace
> open enough for developers to write embed code for it? Perhaps Kaltura could
> contact Wordpress.com and ask to have their player supported, especially
> with the possible uptake by Wikimedia projects! That will make Kaltura huge,
> and I'd say a lot my wordpress users will want an easy embed code.
> Also, any word on an export video feature? Maybe I better go and subscribe
> to Kaltura blog. You're going to have some hard core communicating effort
> coming up hey Lisa :) Kaltura is going to get a lot of attention I'd say.
> On Jan 24, 2008 9:17 PM, Lisa <lish...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Leigh,
> > I am in charge of Kaltura's PR and marketing, which includes our blog
> > -www.kaltura.com/blog/, which is also on WordPress. I've embedded a
> > > > > > >http://www.wikieducator.org/Termite_trails;Ineedtowork on some

Leigh Blackall

Jan 26, 2008, 2:39:17 AM1/26/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
Hi Lisa, thanks for all that info. Sounds as if you guys are onto it! Good to hear. I'm quite happy to wait for your development team to work out a wordpress widget. "Flattening" helps me realise what it is that Kaltura is doing, so I understand the difficulties in enabling and export file feature. I get the impression that you guys agree that it would be an important feature to have, so that's great.

One last feature request while I have you on the line :) a simple way to add clips I have on other services. Before Kaltura came along, I loaded clips to Blip, Youtube and Archive.org.. I'll continue to do that too, especially with a tool like heyspread.com that makes it a one click process to load clips across multiple services. But now Kaltura is on the scene, its yet another place to upload to! If you guys can work out a way for me to load to Kaltura as well as a number of other places at the same time (or to easily import my clips from other places into Kaltura) that would save this user a lot of double handling and bandwidth... Hope you know what I mean.



Jan 27, 2008, 3:06:26 AM1/27/08
to WikiEducator
Hi Leigh,

For your easy importing/uploading request - while you're in the "add
to this video" wizard you can login to your YouTube account and see
your clips from that account. at that stage you can select as many
clips as you want, and import them to the Kaltura. This process does
not affect your bandwidth as it happens between Kaltura's and
YouTube's servers. You will only have to wait a couple of minutes for
a conversion process to end - and you're ready to go. Sure, it's not
"all-in-one" as you wished, but on the other hand - it's not double
time of uploading :)

Hope this is somewhat helpful,


On Jan 26, 9:39 am, "Leigh Blackall" <leighblack...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Lisa, thanks for all that info. Sounds as if you guys are onto it! Good
> to hear. I'm quite happy to wait for your development team to work out a
> wordpress widget. "Flattening" helps me realise what it is that Kaltura is
> doing, so I understand the difficulties in enabling and export file feature.
> I get the impression that you guys agree that it would be an important
> feature to have, so that's great.
> One last feature request while I have you on the line :) a simple way to add
> clips I have on other services. Before Kaltura came along, I loaded clips to
> Blip, Youtube and Archive.org.. I'll continue to do that too, especially
> with a tool like heyspread.com that makes it a one click process to load
> clips across multiple services. But now Kaltura is on the scene, its yet
> another place to upload to! If you guys can work out a way for me to load to
> Kaltura as well as a number of other places at the same time (or to easily
> import my clips from other places into Kaltura) that would save this user a
> lot of double handling and bandwidth... Hope you know what I mean.
> Regards,
> Leigh.
> ...
> read more »

Leigh Blackall

Jan 27, 2008, 3:27:21 AM1/27/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
Its great! I must have missed this! Thanks Miki.. be great if Blip.tv was there too... especially seeing as Blip supports Creative Commons.. so maybe Kaltura could search CC vids on Blip.. but I wouldn't be surprised if Kaltura already does that too!! :)


Jan 27, 2008, 6:35:00 AM1/27/08
to WikiEducator
Just to add one more thing - yes, we're on it :-) You can import
clips from YouTube as Miki mentioned, as well as Flickr and other
sites - that's part of our global network of content. We're always
working on adding additional partners (like Blip.tv) to the network in
order to allow users to access their own and other content from the
various sites in one repository. Cheers!

On Jan 27, 10:27 am, "Leigh Blackall" <leighblack...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Its great! I must have missed this! Thanks Miki.. be great if Blip.tv was
> there too... especially seeing as Blip supports Creative Commons.. so maybe
> Kaltura could search CC vids on Blip.. but I wouldn't be surprised if
> Kaltura already does that too!! :)
> ...
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Leigh Blackall

Jan 27, 2008, 3:49:19 PM1/27/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
you guys sure are on to it! Good work

Leigh Blackall

Jan 30, 2008, 10:54:11 PM1/30/08
to wikied...@googlegroups.com
Couple of things:

Just tried to upload an MP4 again. The file browser window is still not recognising MP4. In the past I have manually changed the extension to .MOV so the file browser could see it. That hack has stopped working. To get around this I am loading to Youtube, then pointing the video into Kaltura, which is a really sweet feature btw! Tried the "URL" load, wasn't sure how it worked, tried to point it to a Blip.tv page but it didn't find any video.. (is it a search feature, or a URL loader?) Will try pointing directly to a URL movie file.. needs clarification in the interface I think..

On the instruction page for Collaborative Video on Wikieducator, the instructions are just a bit out. I notice that the page cannot be edited by me (why?), and the 3rd dot point in the instructions says:
  • Click on "Generate Code"
when it should say:
  • Click on "Generate Tag"

> ...
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