Foreground switches only

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Chris Phelan

Nov 22, 2016, 6:25:44 AM11/22/16
to Wifi Strongest Signal

I have two phones - a Wileyfox Swift (Cyanogen OS 13.1.2, Android 6.0.1) and a Samsung Galaxy S5 (Cyanogenmod 13.0.2 nightly, Android 6.0.1) both of which exhibit the same issue.

I have a Netgear WG514 router and 2 TP-Link TLWPA4220 Powerline extenders, all configured to use the same SSID and authentication, and running on different channels (1,6, and 11). When Wifi Romaing Fix (2.08) is in the foreground, e.g. on the info page, it works as expected. I can move around the different APs and it associates with the strongest as expected (the default -65dBm threshold works well).

However, as soon as I switch to another task, WRF fails to switch APs. Notifications are enabled, but the behaviour is the same with or without that, and the developer option 'Always allow roaming scans' also makes no difference.

I have tried disabling battery optimisation for the app, but that doesn't help either. I am software engineer with a lots of networking experience, and I'm also an Android developer.

Any ideas? I'm guessing it's related to Cyanogen, but have no strong evidence.



Filip Średnicki

Nov 26, 2016, 3:48:30 PM11/26/16
to Wifi Strongest Signal

Same issue on my Asus ZenFone with Android version 6.0.1. Only difference is that my APs are working on the same channel and I have Edimax router working with TP-Link extender. I have noticed additionally that application doesn't start with the system even if autostart checkbox is marked.

I hope there is way to fix it. I'm using beta version with connection method no.2. Rest of settings are default...

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