Final week of the semester

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Mr P

Dec 10, 2011, 11:33:09 AM12/10/11
Hi all,
Just to update you on the events for the last week of the semester.
1. KATZ News will meet on Monday and Tuesday at 7am. We will not broadcast a news show, but we will have class. I will be taking attendence.
2. WHS VA will be involved in an upcomming PBS documentary on "Schools that make a change in their community". The filming and planning will be done by VA students. Sign up NOW on our WHS VA homepage if you wish to be considered for a part in this effort.
3. WHS VA will be featured on a commercial being shot by KION for the county office of education. This promotional commercial will be on the ROP program, which includes all of the programs I teach at WHS. It will be filmed on Friday during 4th perioid finals.
4. All videos are due! Last day to turn in your video is: Video Broadcasting on Monday, December 12 - end of class and Video Production, Tuesday, December 13th, end of class.
5. All cameras must be turned in on Tuesday. A severe penalty will be administered to students who do not return cameras on this date. If you need a camera to film over the holiday, see me and we will work something out.

Mr P

Mani Ortiz

Aug 30, 2012, 1:10:17 PM8/30/12
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