Plastic Shaman or Does One Want to Come Home? Soul Retrieval with White Buffalo Calf Woman

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White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother

May 15, 2019, 7:00:09 PM5/15/19
to, Hoop 3
Beloved Whitefeathers Lisa and Jay,
Please take advantage of me, White Buffalo Calf Woman, the real thing, who gifts all away. Come and ask and receive. Now are you going to send me proceeds from your benefits from my name? How about you learn from me and learn to give it away instead, when using my name. Many people using my name, get harmed, when trying to use my name in a bad way. I would say that you didn't know the Lakota laws (Lakota Summit V, an international gathering of US and Canadian Lakota, Dakota and Nakota Nations, about 500 representatives from 40 different tribes and bands of the Lakota unanimously passed a “Declaration of War Against Exploiters of Lakota Spirituality.)” signed by most of the tribes in the world. We do not sell spirituality. WE gift a way. This is our way, the Lakota way. 

I love you and if you want to learn more, you can find me by hitting reply and asking questions. I am in the wind as well. I am listening.  I bless you and bring all your dreams come true, to the heart inside of the royal blue, where all our Relatives live, inside the heart of you. 

your devoted servant,
White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother Angel Services Around the World
Sioux Task Force and Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Jews for the Ark of the Covenant, Holy People of the Rainbow Promise

Soul Retrieval with White Buffalo Calf Woman
Friday  11 January  2019  7:00 PM    Friday  11 January  2019 9:00 PM
Last update 13/01/2019

Join us on 1/11
Time 7:00-9:00
Cost $25
Shamanic Soul Retrieval with White Buffalo Calf Woman
What is soul retrieval
In shamanism there is the idea that at times in our lives, pieces of the soul may split off for a wide variety of reasons, often as a protective measure. We can invite pieces to return with the help of our own inner wisdom and sometimes with the help of a shamanic practitioner. One way to work with soul retrieval is through shamanic journeying.
What is shamanic journeying?
This is a meditation, often guided by a shamanic practitioner, wherein you go on a "journey" through other realms, in this case to try to locate the soul piece with the assistance of White Buffalo Calf Woman. Drumming often accompanies this experience, along with calling in helping spirits and power animals to assist.
Why try a soul retrieval?
-Feeling lost, incomplete, stuck, or empty
-PTSD, Depression
-Lost memory about certain times in your life
-Feeling like you haven't been the same since a traumatic event such as accident, surgery, death of loved one, or break up
The evening will include:
-Discussion of soul loss and retrieval- what it is, how it happens, and what you can do about it.
-Guided group soul retrieval meditation with White Buffalo Calf Women, to invite back one soul piece
-Time to reflect and journal
Come together in community, and and support each other in releasing old patterns and inviting healing! Bring yourself into a more awakened state of openness and health.
● No experience necessary.
● $25.00
● Please bring anything you would like to place on community altar
● Circle will begin promptly at 7:00PM
●Please bring a journal and writing utensil if you would like to record your journeys. Also a yoga mat or blanket and pillow for your comfort. 
●Email or call with questions or 949 842 4472.
This event will be facilitated by Lisa Marie Whitefeather and Jay Rau. Both Lisa and Jay have been trained in numerous modalities of Shamanism such as Extraction, Power Animal Retrieval, Soul Retrieval, Psychopomp, Inner Child & Ancestral Healing. Their teachers include Hank Wesselman, Jill Kuykendall, Amanda Foulger(Foundations of Shamanic Studues), Gretchen Crilly Mckay, Ross Bishop, Daniel Foor PhD and many others who are not as public w their wisdom and teachings.
We look forward to seeing all of you. Blessings.....Lisa & Jay

Lakota Declare War Against “Shamans” & “Plastics”

by The People | NAAIP ArticlesPopular

Lakota Declare War Against “Shamans” & “Plastics”

At the Lakota Summit V, an international gathering of US and Canadian Lakota, Dakota and Nakota Nations, about 500 representatives from 40 different tribes and bands of the Lakota unanimously passed a “Declaration of War Against Exploiters of Lakota Spirituality.” The following declaration was unanimously passed on June 10, 1993.

Declaration of War Against
Exploiters of Lakota Spirituality

Whereas we are conveners of an ongoing series of comprehensive forums on the abuse and exploitation of Lakota spirituality; and

Whereas we represent the recognized Lakota leaders, traditional elders, and grassroots advocates of the Lakota people; and

Whereas for too long we have suffered the unspeakable indignity of having our most precious Lakota ceremonies and spiritual practices desecrated, mocked and abused by non-Indian “wannabes”, hucksters, cultists, commercial profiteers and self-styled “New Age shamans” and their followers; and

Whereas with horror and outrage we see this disgraceful expropriation of our sacred Lakota traditions has reached epidemic proportions in urban areas throughout the country; and

Whereas our Sacred Pipe is being desecrated through the sale of pipestone pipes at flea markets, powwows and “New Age” retail stores; and

Whereas pseudo-religious corporations have been formed to charge people money for admission into phony “sweat lodges and vision quest” programs; and

Whereas sacrilegious “sundances” for non-Indians are being conducted by charlatans and cult leaders who promote abominable and obscene imitations of our sacred Lakota sundance rites; and

Whereas non-Indians have organized themselves into imitation “tribes” assigning themselves make-believe “Indian names” to facilitate their wholesale expropriation and commercialization of our Lakota traditions; and

Whereas academic disciplines have sprung up in colleges and universities institutionalizing the sacrilegious imitation of our spiritual practices by students and instructors under the guise of educational programs in “shamanism”; and

Whereas non-Indian charlatans and “wannabes” are selling books that promote systematic colonization of our Lakota spirituality; and

Whereas the television and film industry continues to saturate the entertainment media with vulgar sensationalist and grossly distorted representations of Lakota spirituality and culture which reinforce the public’s negative stereotyping on Indian people and which gravely impair the self-esteem of our children; and

Whereas individuals and groups involved in the “New Age Movement,” in the “men’s movement,” in “neo-paganism” cults and in “shamanism” workshops all have exploited the spiritual traditions of our Lakota people by imitating our ceremonial ways and by mixing such imitation rituals with non-Indian occult practices in an offensive and harmful pseudo-religious hodge-podge; and

Whereas the absurd public posturing of this scandalous assortment of pseudo-Indian charlatans, “wannabes,” commercial profiteers, cultists and “New Age shamans” comprises a momentous obstacle in the struggle of traditional Lakota people for an adequate public appraisal of the legitimate political, legal, and spiritual needs of real Lakota people; and

Whereas this exponential exploitation of our Lakota spiritual traditions requires that we take immediate action to defend our most precious Lakota spirituality from further contamination, desecration and abuse;

Therefore We Resolve As Follows:

1. We hereby and henceforth declare war against all persons who persist in exploiting, abusing, and misrepresenting the sacred traditions and spiritual practices of the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota people.

2. We call upon our Lakota, Dakota and Nakota brothers and sisters from reservations, reserves and traditional communities in the United States and Canada to actively and vocally oppose this alarming takeover and systematic destruction of our sacred traditions.

3. We urge our people to coordinate with their tribal members living in urban areas to identify instances in which our sacred traditions are being abused, and then to resist this abuse, utilizing whatever specific tactics necessary and sufficient, for example: demonstrations, boycotts, press conferences, and acts of direct intervention.

4. We especially urge all our Lakota, Dakota and Nakota people to take action to prevent our own people from contribution to and enabling abuse of our sacred ceremonies and spiritual practices by outsiders; for as we all know, there are certain ones among our own people who are prostituting our spiritual ways for their own selfish gain, with no regard for the spiritual well-being of the people as a whole.

5. We assert a posture of zero-tolerance for any “white man’s shaman” who rises from within our own communities to “authorize” the expropriation of our ceremonial ways by non-Indians, all such “plastic medicine men” are enemies of the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota people.

6. We urge traditional people, tribal leaders, and governing councils of all other Indian Nations, as well as all national Indian organizations, to join us in calling for an immediate end to this rampant exploitation of our respective American Indian sacred traditions by issuing statements denouncing such abuse; for it is not the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota people alone whose spiritual practices are being systematically violated by non-Indians.

7. We urge all our Indian brothers and sisters to act decisively and boldly in our present campaign to end the destruction of our sacred traditions, keeping in mind that our highest duty as Indian people: to preserve the purity of our precious traditions for future generations, so that our children and our children’s children will survive and prosper in the sacred manner intended for each of our respective peoples by our Creator.

Wilmer Stampede Mesteth; (Oglala Lakota);
Traditional Spiritual Leader & Lakota Culture Instructor;
Oglala Lakota College, Pine Ridge, South Dakota

Darrell Standing Elk; (Sicangu Lakota);
President, Center for the SPIRIT, San Fancisco, California,
& Pine Ridge, South Dakota

Phyllis Swift Hawk; (Kul Wicasa Lakota);
Tiospaye Wounspe Waokiye; Wanblee, South Dakota

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