Lakota Warrior Women WINYAN AKICITA Sioux Relative Complaints Against Sister Unci Maka Wakan Winyan Madison Coon

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White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother

Jul 6, 2018, 5:44:57 AM7/6/18
to Hoop 3

Lakota Warrior Women WINYAN AKICITA
Sioux Relative Complaints Against Sister Unci Maka Wakan Winyan Madison Coon

Beloved Younger Sister Christie Prettybear Red Elk and all my Relatives,

It is not easy to be attacked by our own family, but this is what TRUE LOVE DOES. Demands restitution to our Great Spirit within. There are Lakota Spirituality Laws already written brought together by over 300 tribes, yet few actually follow the lack of exploitation that it demands of our peoples and peoples of other nations (four colors).

We must care first. We yell, we cry, we fret, because it is what we need to do, to LOVE EACH OTHER. Too many of our people are not using any kind of spiritual life. So many are using the written language to the portal into Sioux Spirituality, however, this is not the way it is done. We are a story telling people. We must tell the story.

Unci Maka Wakan Winyan Madison Coon is tired that our own people are exploiting each other. This is why I will not come to Pine Ridge, South Dakota until I put together an ARMY (Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Veterans), which is happening over here in Palo Alto California where I am. We must train our Sioux (Lakota, Dakota, Nakota) men to become their own greatness, by protecting between the slithering grasses. This is their role. Yet, one must be prepared. So many of our men, children and elders do not prepare spiritually. Going to sundance once a year is not enough. It must be a daily purification through dance, song and drum. We do not do this. Our women and children stolen and our men tossed aside. I think we need more than this unholy ride. We must rise up within our great spiritual hearts where the drum lives within us all. Our people need to bow, become humble and need a good cause. She,our beloved Sister Unci Maka Wakan Winyan White Buffalo Woman (she uses many describing names of her character) Madison Coon is our family, our relative, our blood, our wind that propels us towards our own greatness for each child. We fight for real love, real harmony and real peace, which means we will FIGHT FOR LOVE.

All my Deer and Elk family, you are the first to fly in the winds, over the rolling hills. You must lead others too. Even if your heart feels attacked, because being attacked is what we have felt so long, we must RECEIVE, our stories. THIS IS HOW WE GET TO THE CIRCE, the Great Hoop, by listening to all who come to speak. Each voice is important. Listening is what we have taken away from each other. This teaching must change and the GREAT CIRCLE must be received, then we proceed.

Older women rule over the Great Sioux Nation. If we decide to rid of our older women voice, we rid the Great Sioux Nation. So my beloved younger Sister, someday you will be an older woman, who needs to be heard, because we are a matriarchal society. Women fight for the whole clan, each and everyone. If we must attack to be heard, then we will attack. There is a story about the lakota woman (paraphrased story, just trying to get you to understand us Sioux Women, I cannot find the original story).

Story about different tribal women

First man married a Navaho Woman. He came home and told his woman that he wanted the house clean and food on the table each night at a certain time. She complied and did what was told of her.

Second man married Ojibway woman. He came home and told his women that he wanted the house clean and food on the table each night at a certain time. She fussed at him and didn't want to do it, but she gave in and complied.

Third man married a Sioux woman. He came home and told his woman that he wanted the house clean and food on the table each night at a certain time.She hit him in the face and with one eye made his own sandwich.

Original story is so good, however you get the idea.You do not boss the Sioux Women around. We DEMAND MEN to do their job. This is our role.

This is what we are up against:
"They say we must kill the Indian in us to get ahead in this world.” Mary Brave Bird is a Sioux Indian woman.

We older women are fighting to bring back the Indian spirituality in us instead. We need every young woman to understand, we are fighting for our Nation, because we must lead the world in a spiritual way. The world looks towards us for these answers, yet we must first cleanse ourselves. The sacred fight for love, patience and understanding is now a fight to get in your face and get to a spiritual life, because if you don't, you literally will die. WE women fight for LIFE (wiconi)

Running Eagle Shooting Star says, "I love you and pray to Wakan Tanka (Father God)".

Your devoted elder Sister,
White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother 
buffalo robe: crystal, yellow, green, gray Angel Services Around the World
Sioux Task Force and Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy 
Jews for the Ark of the Covenant, Holy People of the Rainbow

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​Women Warrior Cullture.png

Women Warrior Culture 
Long ago, the Lakota culture made it possible for women warrior societies to exist. Lakota society was difficult for early anthropologists to classify. In many ways, we are what they call “matrilineal”; and yet, in other ways we are “patrilineal”. Then again the situation differs from Tiospaye to Tiospaye. A Tiospaye is a Lakota extended family unit. The idea was that we did what worked best for the Tiospaye; hence, even though many Tiospayes have many things in common, they also have distinguishable differences between them. So the early anthropologists just labeled us as “Unilineal”, for the lack of a better label.

Also, many times a woman would assume her husband’s or male relative’s place in the warrior society he was a member of, if he was killed in battle. When a woman is menstruating, she is thought of as being in cleansing (it is not perceived as evil, less than or anything negative–rather, it is about regeneration) somewhat as mentioned in the Lakota Star Knowledge story called the Mother Earth Cleansing. In this story Mother Earth cleanses herself of the addictive/dualistic society in the Lakota Star Knowledge story. And in this spirit so does a woman menstruate.

Hence, during an attack from an enemy, whenever the enemy saw a Lakota Woman Warrior coming towards him, he would flee for his very life. The attacker assumes the role of the dualistic society and a menstruating woman’s cleansing power will render the attacker, his weapons, his horse, and anything belonging to him, as useless should she touch him or any of his belongings because her cleansing also destroys all duality. It is also known among ourselves that several women warrior societies existed long time ago.

Hence, in a Lakota society, the women were highly respected by their men, and greatly feared by their enemy. Also, in a traditional Lakota relationship, each partner is a compliment to each other. Each gives 100% of themselves to the relationship, while maintaining their own 7th Directions. Their relationship only enhances the inner peace each already has.

Duality cannot survive in a traditional Lakota society because duality is based on the illusions of fear and control, and the Lakota ways are built on contentment. Hence, Love Addiction, or any other addiction, cannot exist in a traditional Lakota society. As a result, we have no words for english phrases such as “I cannot live without you”, among other popular love addiction statements. Domestic violence also cannot survive within a traditional Lakota society because should one abuse his/her partner in any manner, s/he becomes the dualistic society, and dualism cannot survive in a Lakota Reality.

1997 by David Little Elk.

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