White Buffalo Calf Woman sings: Signs and Sines of the Rainbow

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TwinDeerMother WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman

Oct 30, 2018, 10:19:48 PM10/30/18
to indigocrys...@googlegroups.com, whitebuffa...@googlegroups.com

White Buffalo Calf Woman sings: Signs and Sines of the Rainbow

White Buffalo Calf Woman sings: Signs and Sines of the Rainbow

White Buffalo Calf Woman sines.png
White Buffalo Calf Woman sines.png

Signs and Sines of the Rainbow

Can you hear the song inside of you where the colors fly? I know you are here to cry! Inside of your heart, we want to do our part, yet all in this tide, the people need a sign to make it all right. Let our blessings and prayers bring the sines, the frequencies of love that soars, higher like the sacred eagle and where the buffalo rise the green grass takes our bust. We breathe and inside where our hearts meet with you, let us become true blue. I send my colors in the winds, just to greet with you, a spiritual knews. I have missed you, now it's time to receive all that becomes, a relative in the mist, the bliss. I send my tests and commotion to the trees and say, let us believe, because prayers will cleanse all those smears. 

Signs of the White Buffalo, the prayer cloth of many colors, shine in me, shine in thee, shine even in my enemies, because it's the place I need to cleanse to the seeds. For the Great Spirits need us clear. Let us become like the bear, a star, a Grandfather (15, red-blue, appears white, shines like a star) who shines all the colors in the wings. We fly higher like the stars. We fly nearer like this yard. We fly towards loving hands, to help the bands. I send these heartfelt prayers to join others in the airs. Sines and frequencies, I will bend, at the sacred hall of many wings. Tribes of many nations will fall down, because the great circle have been waiting for them. 

Show me your Rainbow. Show me your sines (frequencies). Show me your progress and I will show you mine. Show me how to rise up each day for you. Show me how to become the colors of this view. Let the waking of this dawn, come together in a song. All of the people know, we are growing towards a sacred stone.... the crystalline diamond that is honed. I will hear the cry of angels today. I will hear the cries of babies who want to praise. I will hear the song of the distant land that graze. I know they needed a song to lift them up to the sky. I know they needed a prayer and a lullaby. I know they needed a helping hand. Help each other to stand, like the mighty buffalo wands, spreading hope upon the lands. 

Holy Eagle fly with me. Holy Eagle set us free, all of this sacred Earth needs me. All of this sacred worth is pleased, because we don't want enemies. We want love to seize, hatred in the world today. Take my hands and praise this fire inside. I have a morning star and it's blazing with desire. I know others have lost their waves. I know they need a trusting praise. Just hold onto this land where love does wage, a war against those who do not turn the page. Come on and shine your light like diamonds in the sky. Come on shine your light and find a miracle to cry, to cry, to cry ... a vision in my head, where my heart did read (red, clouds on fire traveling through the seas). 

Where the colors fly in mine eyes, I can sea you, I can vision this dream come true.; Look at the heart in the winds today. Look at the treble the making of the able. That sacred drum knows this heartbeat. Walking with a prayer complete. Sines and signs ahead of me, set me free. Sines and signs ahead of me, set me free, set me free. I want to climb higher than the starry knight. I want go lower to where there is no plight. Let this valley join with my hands. Let my story become a holy band, Rainbow colored CLAN. We are man, we are bands, all the colors that shine. 

Where my love is opening up this field, I know others need to heal. What's the deal? I know it's a shade of gray, where Grandmother (14, red-green, appears gray and empty, connected spacial fields) says, it's time to bed. Cover (blanket of love) yourself now and we will dream those stories, collective glories. Grandmother knows. Grandmother stones. Grandmother help us to be born again. Let my lights inside of me rid this sin, make it dim, where shadows need me. I will plant this seed. I will bring home liberty. Planting glory in my story today. Planting stories in my glory for all the circle to praise (cangleska wakan, sacred circle).
I can feel the heavenly divine, let it shine. Let it shine. I can feel those frequencies upon my soul. I can feel those signs upon my stones (crystalline light). I can feel this waking daze, upon this craze. We the people need to cry, for a vision to bind, the sacred dream collective. We need to become the holy ones, because those are the ghost dancers who know, how to lift up the soul and make the spirit full of gold (yellow, 3, the dreamer actualized). Yes, it's time, to turn those tides. We are the fellow of the mellow. We sit by the fire to light upon our faces with surprise. Did you have a welcome wagon when you came home? I think you needed some more, the welcome chored (cords, chords). Yes, we adored, adorned, because you did return. We wanted you to return home to our hearts. Sometimes, we do not feel all the parts, yet inside our heart chimes. Our hearts chime. Tell me your story, I can feel your glories (circles on a journey through time). 

Rainbow Trail ((journey of colors where Rainbow Mother, red-orange 12, wails and sails through the eyes of her children (as we are linked in rings), all of us full of the spiritual musk, our hearts just bust, from store house, storm clouds and well, the bed you made, it's a sacred place)) you are divine, you make me shine. Great Mother (16, red-indigo) we are not left behind, we are more by your side. Look, turn around. Look look I will be bound. No confusion on my part, I know how to impart, the waves you left for me, that magnetic breeze, those colors that fly in the airs. You shine this way, Great (16) Motherly praised (her perfect love, all is a gift). I know you needed me. I was set free in the breeze. No more enemies. We just wailed and whaled those rainbow colors like sails. 

Signs and Sines of the Rainbow set me free. I want to fulfill my ecstasy for all the vibrancy of a sacred song, the innocent and pure, the devoted to loving each near. All my Relatives I know the truth, you wanted more, a humble heart and place at the great circle, where your story counted and bounced like a ball, big and tall, forwards we fall. Yes, it was ALL. 

White Buffalo Calf Woman sings

Gifted by Alightfromwithin.org Angel Services Around the World
Sioux Task Force and Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Jews for the Ark of the Covenant, Holy People of the Rainbow
Rainbow Tribe
From all corners of the earth
The dancers will come
Who see another view
Though different we dance to the same drum
In truth we are in tune
Different roots, different colours
We know we are one people
Many strands, and many hands
To weave the tapestry
Rainbow tribe
The day is dawning
Rainbow tribe
The dream is calling
Rainbow tribe
The smoke is clearing
Rainbow tribe the time is now
From the North and from the South
From the East and the West
A new tribe will arise
Our grievances we've laid to rest
We're seeing with new eyes
Different roots, different colours
We know we are one people
Many lands and many hands
To make the story whole
Rainbow tribe
The day is dawning
Rainbow tribe
The dream is calling
Rainbow tribe
The smoke is clearing
Rainbow tribe the time is now
Though the journey may be far
The jewel that we seek
Will always be right here
No need to search, no need to even speak
The beauty is so clear
Rainbow tribe
The day is dawning
Rainbow tribe
The dream is calling
Rainbow tribe
The smoke is clearing
Rainbow tribe the time is now
We are the rainbow, we are the rainbow, we are the rainbow tribe
We are the rainbow, we are the rainbow, we are the rainbow tribe
We are the rainbow, we are the rainbow, we are the rainbow tribe
Much love & blessings
Thank you
Golden Katy Keel

White Buffalo the prayer cloth of many colors.
Rainbow Colors in four directions, the sacred buffalo robe (buffalo stone). This is the prayer cloth for Golden Katy Keel, golden 13, aqua 10, magenta 9, gray 14. Read more, a story from Golden Katy's heart as we join her story along the Rainbow Trail, White Buffalo Calf Woman wails (sings the sacred songs) ....
Rainbow Tribe, A Place to Grow, Colors to Glow, a Buffalo Stone

A Place to Grow (a prayer from the heart of Golden Katy when she arrived home into our arms, understanding her own charm)

Indigo Crystal Children with Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Buffalo Woman of the Rainbow Loomed the Sky with Crystal Staff and Shield of Paradise.
Oh our Mother the Earth Oh our Father the Sky your children are we and with tired backs we bring you the gifts that you love. Then weave for us a garment of brightness may the warp be the white light of morning may the weft be the red light of evening may the fringes be the falling rain may the border be the standing rainbow Thus weave for us a garment of brightness that we may walk fittingly where birds sing that we may walk fittingly where grass is green.
White Buffalo Calf Woman in the wind (singing along the plains where the green grass blows).

BuffaloWomanoftheRainbow Loomed the Sky.jpg

A rainbow is a promise
of sunshine after rain
of calm after storms
of joy after sadness
of peace after pain
of love after loss
unknown author

Covenant of the Rainbow
The Promise of the Rainbow, a Covenant in the Dew, where words fly from you. White Buffalo Calf Woman sings.
Genesis 9 The Promise of the Rainbow

9 God blessed Noach and his sons and said to them, “Be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth. 2 The fear and dread of you will be upon every wild animal, every bird in the air, every creature populating the ground, and all the fish in the sea; they have been handed over to you. 3 Every moving thing that lives will be food for you; just as I gave you green plants before, so now I give you everything — 4 only flesh with its life, which is its blood, you are not to eat. 5 I will certainly demand an accounting for the blood of your lives: I will demand it from every animal and from every human being. I will demand from every human being an accounting for the life of his fellow human being. 6 Whoever sheds human blood, by a human being will his own blood be shed; for God made human beings in his image. 7 And you people, be fruitful, multiply, swarm on the earth and multiply on it.”

(v) 8 God spoke to Noach and his sons with him; he said,
9 “As for me — I am herewith establishing my covenant with you, with your descendants after you,
10 and with every living creature that is with you — the birds, the livestock and every wild animal with you, all going out of the ark, every animal on earth.
11 I will establish my covenant with you that never again will all living beings be destroyed by the waters of a flood, and there will never again be a flood to destroy the earth.”
12 God added, “Here is the sign of the covenant I am making between myself and you and every living creature with you, for all generations to come:
13 I am putting my rainbow in the cloud — it will be there as a sign of the covenant between myself and the earth.
14 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth, and the rainbow is seen in the cloud;
15 I will remember my covenant which is between myself and you and every living creature of any kind; and the water will never again become a flood to destroy all living beings.
16 The rainbow will be in the cloud; so that when I look at it, I will remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of any kind on the earth.”
17 God said to Noach, “This is the sign of the covenant which I have established between myself and every living creature on the earth.”
Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

Relatives of the Rainbow Clan,
In this section is about the sacred buffalo robe (sukkah, temporary dwelling), the colors of the rainbow in four directions. When we share the vine, we are entwined with each other. WE are part of each other, as we journey through each other's lives. This is a relative or a "Relative Field" (resonance or relativity). When we get drunk with the wine, we are doing the sacred ghost walk (ruach, breath of life, dew, inipi, sacred pipe, we remember our collective dreaming, we share and are aware of each other, we care), where we sing and cry (or wine) our hearts out. After awhile it feels like you are intoxicated with God's love.

Wine from a grape is actually the fresh squeezed fruit or grape juice, by the hands. Wine of the Gods. This is the sacred wine, the holy song and dance, freeing our emotional baggage we carry around with us. We cleanse ourselves.

When we are unclothed, we are like babies (child like). When we put clothes on, we are clothed or cloaked. During the time of this writing in days past, the suns walked backwards not to see. Yet in our times, we are able to sea right into the soul of others. It is a evolutionary period we have just entered into, the yellow rolling hill in time, when the soul and the sole are in balance. The back side of things would be the inside or where we came from. The front side of things would be the outside or where we are going. Where we are is HERE, NOW, which is the sacred gift. These are your tools of light. Our clothes are like the sacred "sukkah" or "temporary dwelling" (the flesh) where the winds will blow. This is why many Jewish men will wear a prayer cloth on the outside and a prayer cloth on the inside as well. This is clothed and cloaked.
Colors are not all visible to the naked eye. More and more frequencies are being caught on digital cameras, previously known to exist. We are all clothed by the Rainbow in four directions of hues. These hues distinguish from other relatives. We are collectively joined together by gray (14 frequency or wave form) or dream space. In many creations stories, the spider weaves us together. The spider represents Gray or Grandmother (Unci). Grandmothers hold us close, teach us lessons and allow us to be who we are. We look into the eyes of each other. 

The Rainbow Promise is to always be faithful to the hues, the relatives, the scales of the songs that lives inside of us. When the dew rises up, our words find the glory in the stars. We find our way home, into the arms of each other, into the hearts of each other and by helping or serving each other, we are indentured for an eternity, because it is an honor to serve others and find our way down the Rainbow Trail, the soul's personal evolutionary pathway.

Only with true love do we find our way, what is known as the holy eagle path (lavender 8, frequency or wave form). It is through the Rainbow Trail, the lessons we receive, do we learn about the sacred dew, where the Rainbow hues. I bow down with you. All of my Relatives of the Rainbow.
Your devoted servant, White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal child. Buffalo robe: crystal, yellow, green, gray.

Gifted by Alightfromwithin.org Angel Services Around the World
Sioux Task Force and Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Jews for the Ark of the Covenant, the Rainbow Promise

Continue to read the story in Genesis 9, the Promise of the Rainbow.
(vi) 18 The sons of Noach who went out from the ark were Shem, Ham and Yefet. Ham is the father of Kena‘an. 19 These three were the sons of Noach, and the whole earth was populated by them.
20 Noach, a farmer, was the first to plant a vineyard. 21 He drank so much of the wine that he got drunk and lay uncovered in his tent. 22 Ham, the father of Kena‘an, saw his father shamefully exposed, went out and told his two brothers. 23 Shem and Yefet took a cloak, put it over both their shoulders, and, walking backward, went in and covered their naked father. Their faces were turned away, so that they did not see their father lying there shamefully exposed.
24 When Noach awoke from his wine, he knew what his youngest son had done to him. 25 He said, “Cursed be Kena‘an; he will be a servant of servants to his brothers.” 26 Then he said, “Blessed be Adonai, the God of Shem; Kena‘an will be their servant. 27 May God enlarge Yefet; he will live in the tents of Shem, but Kena‘an will be their servant.”
28 After the flood Noach lived 350 years. 29 In all, Noach lived 950 years; then he died.
Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
One who sees a rainbow recites the blessing: "Blessed are You, Hashem our God, King of the Universe (Great Spirit Father, Heavenly Father, Father Sky, 17, red-violet)." Who remembers his covenant is trust worthy in his covenant and fulfills His word.
Chumash - Irving Stone edition

I AM - 365 Names of God with Scripture Quotations
Lean WF
The Rainbow Clan (16 colors)
White Buffalo Calf Woman Creations
Buffalo Robe (Book of Life/Sukkah):
16 Colors that Walk and Talk on Mother Earth, the Rainbow Clan

Buffalo Robe (Book of Life/Sukkah):
16 Colors that Walk and Talk on Mother Earth, the Rainbow Clan (links will be added to colors, check back periodically)
Each child wears four directions in rainbow colors called the buffalo robe, the prayer cloth of many colors.

Relative, Read this first. You are here to learn. This article you may have shared has little truth about colors of the Rainbow (a warning to those who boast). I am the world authority regarding the Sacred Rainbow, White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother. We are of many colors, not a few. It s a gift. Ask questions, but do not bring these kinds of (crystal and indigo ignorance) articles to this circle again, unless you want to hear from me. I suggest this way. "I found this article, what do you think?" or ask for your sacred buffalo robe or four directions in colors. Each being wears many colors and learning means listening and asking questions. Do not come into this circle and start teaching about rainbow colors, as if you are an authority on the matter of the rainbow prophecy. Share your heart instead. Thank you. Elder and actual crystal child (11, red-red, appears crystal colored), White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother

Warning: Relatives, This image (not included, link at end of post to image) and context is the Property of the Rainbow Clan, keepers in perpetuity, Suns of Jacob, the Jewish Nation. This is the Arc/Ark of the Covenant, the Rainbow Promise and it's mathematical perfection of the spacial fields. Share, yet be aware, no books, cards or any other forms in sales. All is free, for the Rainbow family. Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal child, law bringer (LOVE), alightfromwithin.org, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
1. color red
Sixth Sun-Red child; Frequency 1, red robe
2. color orange
Fifth Daughter-Orange child; Frequency 2, Wihake Wihake, fifth-born daughter.
3. color yellow (bright yellow, like 24k gold, element)
Fifth Sun-Yellow child; Frequency 3, Hake Hake, fifth-born son.
4. color green
Fourth Daughter-Green child; Frequency 4, Waŋ´ske Waŋ´ske, fourth-born daughter.
5. color blue
Fourth Sun-Blue child; Frequency 5, Ca´taŋ Ca´taŋ, fourth-born son.
6. color indigo
Third Daughter-Indigo child; Frequency 6, Ha´pstiŋ Ha´pstiŋ, third-born daughter.
7. color violet (purple),
Third Sun-Violet child (color purple); Frequency 7, Hepi Hepi, third-born son.
8. color lavender (middle earth color, the gate in/out of paradise), red robe
Second Daughter-Lavender child; Frequency 8, Ha´paŋ Ha´paŋ, second-born daughter.
9. color magenta (middle earth color, pinks)
Second Sun-Magenta child (color pinks); Frequency 9, red robe, Hepaŋ Hepaŋ, second-born son.
10. color aqua (middle earth color, sky blue)
Eldest Daughter-Aqua child (color sky blues); Frequency 10 (true color red-flows and completes the circle), Winona Winona, first-born daughter.
11. color crystal (mirror to soul, diamond, pearl, pure light)
Eldest Cosmic/heavenly Sun-Crystal child (color pearl, diamond, clear, pure light); Frequency 11 (true color red-red), Caske Caske, first-born son.
12.a. color silver (light gray, mirror to sole, reflection of light particles, element)
Cosmic/heavenly Woman (yearning devotion) - Silver child (color cut gems, shards of light and it's electromagnetic state); Frequency 12 (true color red-orange),
12.b. color rainbow (revolving rainbow colors, dark red), red robe
Cosmic/heavenly Mother(earnest devotion) - Rainbow child (color, revolving colors and reverberation); Frequency 12 (true color red-orange),
13. color golden (dark yellow, like 14k gold, combined elements)
Cosmic/heavenly Father-Golden child; Frequency 13 (true color red-yellow),
14. color gray (dark gray or gray glory)
Cosmic/heavenly Grandmother-Gray child; Frequency 14 (true color red-green),
15. color white (or white star)
Cosmic/heavenly Grandfather-White child (color bright star); Frequency 15 (true color red-blue).

Wicaŝta, man, which can be abbreviated as wica
Wiŋ´yaŋ Wiŋ´yaŋ, woman, which can be abbreviated as wiŋ
Siceca Siceca, child
Hokŝina/da Hokŝina/da, boy
Wiciŋcana Wiciŋcana, girl
Kuŋ´ŝi Kuŋ´ŝi, paternal grandmother
Tuŋkaŋŝi Tuŋkaŋŝi, paternal grandfather (Lakota, tunksila)
Uŋci Uŋci, maternal grandmother (Lakota, unci)
Uŋkaŋ Uŋkaŋ, maternal grandfather
Ate Ate, father
Ina Ina, mother
Ciŋkŝi Ciŋkŝi, son
Cuŋkŝi Cuŋkŝi, daughter
(Dakota, Lakota and English)

Warning: Relatives, This image and context is the Property of the Rainbow Clan, keepers in perpetuity, Suns of Jacob, the Jewish Nation. This is the Arc/Ark of the Covenant, the Rainbow Promise and it's mathematical perfection of the spacial fields. Share, yet be aware, no books, cards or any other forms in sales. All is free, for the Rainbow family. Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother, elder crystal child, law bringer (LOVE), alightfromwithin.org, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Read more:
Sacred Buffalo Robe, the Pray Cloth of Many Colors part 1 of 2
Sacred Buffalo Robe, the Pray Cloth of Many Colors part 2 of 2
Indigo Crystal Children with Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Legend of the Rainbow Warriors, the Rainbow Circle of Light
The Warriors of the Rainbow Prophecy and Rainbow Woman (White Buffalo Calf Woman)

Photograph gifted by Grandmother Sowing the Pillows. Her buffalo robe is gray, rainbow, white, gray. Grandmother weave the rainbow fields together, through the workings of the heart. We bow with the holy arks, the stones that fly, the arc of the covenant realized (real-eyes). We cry the tears where the dew appears. The Rainbow curls (cries in ecstasy). We are the word (holy dew, speaks through you). (not included double rainbow)
Read more and find many links to learn about the Rainbow frequencies, sines and signs. Covenant of the Rainbow

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