Jamboree Medical Form Update / Gateway

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Brian Bennett

Jun 9, 2010, 3:32:20 AM6/9/10
to White Buffalo Jamboree Troops
Hello Scouts and Scouters, Friends and Family of Troops 1632 and 1633

Emails from the National Office on our Scouts Jamboree Medical Forms
are going out to individual Scouts. The email will either state the
medical form is approved or if there is a question on dates / shot
records / information requests. Please keep an eye on your email in
case you get a question or request for information. If you do please
let us know at wbjam...@gmail.com

Members of both Jamboree Troops met this past Saturday to build our
gateway. Special Thanks to Dr. Mike Holub for his help. Dr. Mike was
the 1st Assistant Scoutmaster for our Jamboree Troop in 2005. He is
not going with us this year but is looking forward to 2013.

Questions or comments please email us at wbjam...@gmail.com

Brian Bennett

Harry Bubeck

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