whenever gem with Google Cloud Platform

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Aug 8, 2018, 4:58:12 PM8/8/18
to Whenever Gem
Has anyone been able to use this gem with Google Cloud Platform? They utilize a cron.yaml file to set up scheduled tasks and I was curious if this is just their version of creating a crontab file/if it's compatible with this gem. I appreciate any help. 

Ben Langfeld

Aug 8, 2018, 5:21:30 PM8/8/18
to whenev...@googlegroups.com
Whenever doesn’t support any other definition of a cron schedule than a simple crontab. The other one I know of people wanting is rendering to kubernetes CronJob resources.

Enviado do meu iPhone

Em 8 de ago de 2018, à(s) 17:58, bai...@gmail.com escreveu:

Has anyone been able to use this gem with Google Cloud Platform? They utilize a cron.yaml file to set up scheduled tasks and I was curious if this is just their version of creating a crontab file/if it's compatible with this gem. I appreciate any help. 

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