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2024 Retired Rides

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Mike Perry

Mar 5, 2024, 10:12:51 AM3/5/24
to Bob Morris, Rodney Cowley, Roger Kalin, Spencer Ridings, Rick Pennington, Frank Bologna, Mark Brewer, Bill Cook, GERRI LEE, Leonard Yang, Joe Young, Patrick Dynes, Lyle Strosnyder, Jim Wiedower, Steve Polcastro, Robert Golightly, Lynne Hewitt, Tom McKean, Zita Winzer, Steve Pierce, Winchester Wheelmen, Rosalie Perry
Looks like everyone has survived another winter, and it is now time to get our spring cycling season going.  The season starts with the first Thursday in March and will continue until the start of another winter.  The March schedule is short but sweet with the following rides:

Thursday, March 21st.,   Italian Delight on Warrior Drive at 10:00 am.  Ride length is 27-28 miles.  Lunch at the Italian Delight after the ride for anyone interested.

Thursday, March 28th.,   Berryville Swimming Pool parking lot at 10:00.  Ride length is 28-29 miles.  This is probably the most flat ride our area can offer.

Note:  If anyone has a ride or route that they think would work well for our group please let me know.  I am always looking for a new adventure.  I am thinking of putting on sections of the C & O Canal as an option this year, and maybe a day trip to ride the Gap Trail out of Cumberland.  I currently have around 17 possible routes to draw from, but I would like more.   Mike

Jim Wiedower

Mar 5, 2024, 11:20:40 AM3/5/24
to Mike Perry, Bob Morris, Rodney Cowley, Roger Kalin, Spencer Ridings, Rick Pennington, Frank Bologna, Mark Brewer, Bill Cook, GERRI LEE, Leonard Yang, Joe Young, Patrick Dynes, Lyle Strosnyder, Steve Polcastro, Robert Golightly, Lynne Hewitt, Tom McKean, Zita Winzer, Steve Pierce, Winchester Wheelmen, Rosalie Perry
Count me in. 
Jim Wiedower

william cook

Mar 5, 2024, 12:27:42 PM3/5/24
to Jim Wiedower, Mike Perry, Bob Morris, Rodney Cowley, Roger Kalin, Spencer Ridings, Rick Pennington, Frank Bologna, Mark Brewer, Bill Cook, GERRI LEE, Leonard Yang, Joe Young, Patrick Dynes, Lyle Strosnyder, Steve Polcastro, Robert Golightly, Lynne Hewitt, Tom McKean, Zita Winzer, Steve Pierce, Winchester Wheelmen, Rosalie Perry

I hope to be with you. Bill

Bill Cook, Winchester, VA USA

Patrick Dynes

Mar 12, 2024, 8:59:40 AM3/12/24
to Mike Perry, Bob Morris, Rodney Cowley, Roger Kalin, Spencer Ridings, Rick Pennington, Frank Bologna, Mark Brewer, Bill Cook, GERRI LEE, Leonard Yang, Joe Young, Lyle Strosnyder, Jim Wiedower, Steve Polcastro, Robert Golightly, Lynne Hewitt, Tom McKean, Zita Winzer, Steve Pierce, Winchester Wheelmen, Rosalie Perry
To All Riders on Mike's List--

How about riding one of our routes this Thursday March 14? The forecast says 74 degrees. I think in Latin this is termed "Carpe Diem" which means seize the day. 

I am open to any route but when in doubt it seems reasonable to just start at the Berryville location. We can start at the usual 10AM. 

I am completely open to other suggestions. Please respond with other routes if you feel strongly about it. Also let the group know if your plan to ride.


Patrick Dynes

On Tue, Mar 5, 2024 at 10:12 AM Mike Perry <> wrote:

Rick P

Mar 12, 2024, 9:29:35 AM3/12/24
to Patrick Dynes, Mike Perry, Bob Morris, Rodney Cowley, Roger Kalin, Spencer Ridings, Frank Bologna, Mark Brewer, Bill Cook, GERRI LEE, Leonard Yang, Joe Young, Lyle Strosnyder, Jim Wiedower, Steve Polcastro, Robert Golightly, Lynne Hewitt, Tom McKean, Zita Winzer, Steve Pierce, Winchester Wheelmen, Rosalie Perry
You can do it as an impromptu ride for the group. I'm sure others would join you. I know I can't ride on the 14th 



Mar 12, 2024, 2:31:17 PM3/12/24
Patrick. I would be interested in doing that ride. I will let you know for sure later today.
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Lynne Hewitt

Mar 12, 2024, 2:34:39 PM3/12/24
to Patrick Dynes, Mike Perry, Bob Morris, Rodney Cowley, Roger Kalin, Spencer Ridings, Rick Pennington, Frank Bologna, Mark Brewer, Bill Cook, GERRI LEE, Leonard Yang, Joe Young, Lyle Strosnyder, Jim Wiedower, Steve Polcastro, Robert Golightly, Tom McKean, Zita Winzer, Steve Pierce, Winchester Wheelmen, Rosalie Perry
I will be there. 

- Lynne Hewitt

On Mar 12, 2024, at 8:59 AM, Patrick Dynes <> wrote:


Mar 12, 2024, 2:40:09 PM3/12/24
I will go as well Patrick.

Leonard Yang

Mar 12, 2024, 4:36:48 PM3/12/24
to, Patrick Dynes, Mike Perry, Bob Morris, Rodney Cowley, Roger Kalin, Spencer Ridings, Rick Pennington, Frank Bologna, Mark Brewer, Bill Cook, GERRI LEE, Joe Young, Lyle Strosnyder, Jim Wiedower, Steve Polcastro, Robert Golightly, Lynne Hewitt, Tom McKean, Zita Winzer, Steve Pierce, Rosalie Perry
I plan to ride with you, Patrick.
On 03/12/2024 8:59 AM EDT Patrick Dynes <> wrote:

Roger Kalin

Mar 13, 2024, 7:31:37 AM3/13/24
It should be a nice ride Patrick, but I'm out of town until Thursday so I won't be able to make it.

Norm Sandstrom

Mar 14, 2024, 7:13:05 AM3/14/24
Patrick I will be joining you for the ride.  Looking forward to it!

Norm Sandstrom

Leonard Yang

Mar 21, 2024, 10:21:54 AM3/21/24
to, Bob Morris, Rodney Cowley, Roger Kalin, Spencer Ridings, Rick Pennington, Frank Bologna, Mark Brewer, Bill Cook, GERRI LEE, Joe Young, Patrick Dynes, Lyle Strosnyder, Jim Wiedower, Steve Polcastro, Robert Golightly, Lynne Hewitt, Tom McKean, Zita Winzer, Steve Pierce, Rosalie Perry
Didn't see anyone at Stephen City today. Was there a secret ride cancellation? Not that I'm oaranoid or anything. :)
Len Y.
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C. Rumsey

Mar 21, 2024, 1:46:40 PM3/21/24
Probably due to cold temps was 38° and wind gust ?
Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 21, 2024, at 10:21, Leonard Yang <> wrote:

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