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Fwd: 27th Jan 5:30 p.m. J.Krishnamurti Video Screening and discussion at The Retreat House, Bandra

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KFI Mumbai

Jan 25, 2014, 11:47:33 AM1/25/14
to Vasanti Padte, Abhijit Padte, P. V. Dabholkar, ashank desai, Whazzup in Mumbai (Bombay) !!!, Shehnaz Elavia, Roda Billimoria, Girish Menon, Natasha Saran

The Retreat House

6 Kane Road, Bandra (W), Mumbai – 400 050

Cordially invites you to

A Video-Screening of J. Krishnamurti's Talk

On Monday 27th January, 2014

At 5:30 p.m.  



Is it Possible to Live in Peace?

(1st Public Talk, Saanen, Switzerland, 10th  July, 1983) 

Is it possible for us to live in peace, inwardly and outwardly? Institutions and political and religious leaders have failed to bring about peace in the world. To resolve his many conflicts man depends on his brain and its capacity for memory and thought. He does so perhaps the brain is the only instrument he has, but it has not actually solved the problems. So what is the fundamental function of the brain? Is it just survival? Is the brain meant to live in conflict always, to live without its own conditioning? So the first thing is to find out if the brain can be unconditioned.

The video screening will be

followed by a dialogue



Krishnamurti Foundation India - Mumbai Executive Committee

HimmatNiwas, 31, Dongersey Road, Malabar Hill, Mumbai-400006.

Tel: 23633856, 93237 49567 | Email:

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