Learning from the Book of Life
When we look around, we find there is no want of people having book knowledge. We ourselves have also read enough on right living. Have we changed really? Can more words help? Isn't life itself the greatest teacher? Can we not step back a little from our habitual indulgence in concepts, models and theories and take an honest, unbiased look at the way we live? Can we try to understand our habits, reactions, mood swings and the behaviour of our own physical body? Is "direct learning" possible from such observation and study of the book of our own life?
Krishnamurti Foundation India, Mumbai Centre
Invites you for a
Talk by
Swami Chidananda
Learning from the Book of Life
followed by Questions & Answers
Sunday, March 9, 2014 at 10 a.m.
Shrimat Anandashram Sabhagriha
Kanara Saraswat Association
Talmaki Wadi
J. D. Marg, Near Bhatia Hospital
Tardeo, Mumbai – 400007
Swami Chidananda held various positions at the Varanasi centre of Krishnamurti Foundation India (KFI) for ten years (2003 - 2013). He then moved to Solan, Himachal Pradesh while continuing to be member of the Governing Body of K F I. He also has an association with J Krishnamurti Trust in Hyderabad.
Chidananda has been a Vedanta teacher for three decades, before which he was an Electronics engineer. He heard Krishnamurti in 1981 in Chennai, when he was an M Tech student at IIT Madras. His deep interest in K began, however, in 1994 when he was in San Jose, California and visited Ojai a few times. Since then, he remains inspired by K's teachings while he continues to be a resource person on Shankara's Vedanta and Ramana Maharshi's self-inquiry. He occasionally speaks at educational institutions and on corporate platforms on human values, communication etc.
He has authored two books: Erase the Ego and The Equanimous Mind. There are many audio CDs and DVDs of his talks.