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Fwd: Film Screening - "Tibet: Blood in the Snow" - 6:30 pm, Monday December 2, 2013

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Karishma Pais

Nov 28, 2013, 8:46:07 AM11/28/13

From: PEN India <>

Dharma Rain Centre


Comet Media Foundation

invite you, with your friends, to a Film Screening of the documentary,

Tibet: Blood in the Snow

followed by a discussion and Q & A session with the film maker and Director of the film, Mark Gould

Date and Time: 6:30 pm, Monday, 2nd December, 2013

Venue: Comet Media Foundation, 301 Meher House, 15 Cawasji Patel Street, Fort, Mumbai 400001
           (Entrance behind People's Book House)

The Film : In an incident that shocked the world, a teenage Tibetan nun, Kelsang Namtso, was killed when Chinese border police opened fire on a group of pilgrims as they fled Tibet over the infamous Nangpa Pass. The shooting was witnessed by many international mountain climbers, some of whom videotaped or photographed the events and also helped rescue survivors and sent the story out to the world. These events were videotaped by cool-headed Sergiu Matei who picked up his camera, when the shooting began. 

The story broke around the world when American mountain guide, Luis Benitez emailed his account of the shooting to a popular climbing website, revealing for the first time the sanctioned murder of Tibetan refugees by Chinese border police.

Using the original climber footage, re-enactments and interviews with witnesses and survivors, Tibet: Murder in the Snow (duration about 60 mins), producer Sally Ingleton and director Mark Gould,  tells of young Tibetans who risk their lives each year to illegally cross the rugged Himalaya Mountains in an attempt to see their spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, or attend school in India.

Mark Gould works across theatre, film and TV. He has directed 11 documentaries for the ABC and 3 for SBS, as well as serial drama for commercial broadcasters. His work includes A Winners’ Guide to the Nobel Prize about Australian Nobel Prize winners Barry Marshall and Robin Warren. Ratings winner Out of the Dust for Australian Story. ‘a pig, a chicken and a bag of rice’, a love story about a Buddhist wedding for Compass, Moulin Rouge Girls, a Logie nominated four-part half-hour series that set an ABC ratings record and Rising Stars, a four-part series following young singer songwriters in the NSW public education system.

Mark Gould will be present at the film screening on Monday, for a discussion with the audience.

The Dharma Rain Centre is a Bombay based Buddhist group, that meets regularly for practice and study. Website:  Email:

Comet Media Foundation or Comet is a non-profit organisation based in Mumbai, India. Founded in 1985, it situates itself at the juncture of science, technology and society. It makes and distributes media that fosters education, social change and sustainability. Comet's dream is a society of individuals, empowered from childhood within a culture of knowledge seeking and knowledge creation. In such a world, everyone would realise her or his potential and experience fulfillment, within an equitable and sustainable way of living. This is what connects all the varied projects and links Comet to the work of educational innovators across India and all over the world. (

With warm regards,

Aspi Mistry
Dharma Rain Centre


The PEN All-India Centre
Theosophy Hall
40 New Marine Lines
Mumbai 400 020

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