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Fwd: Myth- Our Subjective Truth: Devdutt Pattanaik at Bandra

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Karishma Pais

Sep 1, 2014, 5:48:36 AM9/1/14
From: Junoon <>


Myth- Our Subjective Truth

Join this week's adda with DEVDUTT PATTANAIK
mythologist, storyteller, illustrator

Sat 6 Sep | 6 pm | MCubed Library, Bandra


Greetings from Junoon!

We are excited to have Devdutt Pattanaik as our Mumbai Local speaker this week - many of us have read his books on Indian mythology and business. We will now get to enjoy this thinker, writer and illustrator talking about myths, why they're subjective truths, and why he loves the world of mythology. 

Look forward to seeing you on
Saturday 6 September (6 pm) at the MCubed Library, Bandra
Bring friends!

Entry is free*, on a first-come-first basis. Space is limited. And while we try to squeeze in as many people as possible - it's wise to pre-register to save your seat.
Write to us at with your pre-registration request - we will confirm your status within 1 working day (we don't work Saturdays!)

Warm regards,
for the Junoon team

Entry Free – suggested ages 12 & up.
Some Mumbai Local sessions may have adult content. 

For more on Mumbai Local, visit
Join the Mumbai Local family to create an arts-energised city.
Contribute  times, skills, resources, funds. Click here for details | | facebook/junoontheatre | twitter/JunoonTheatre #mumbailocalarts

Coming up at Mumbai Local:
Sat 6 Sep, MCubed Library: Devdutt Pattanaik
Sun 14 Sep, Bhau Daji Lad Museum: Swanand Kirkire
Fri 19 Sep, Kitab Khana: Shakuntala Kulkarni
Fri 26 Sep, Somaiya Vidyavihar: Atul Kulkarni

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