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Screening of the documentary, Oh That's Bhanu

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Cinephile Film Club

Mar 5, 2023, 2:35:37 AM3/5/23

Greetings from the Cinephile Club! This Thursday, 9th March at 6.30 pm,  we will be screening the documentary, Oh That's Bhanu, which won the National award for Best Direction. The screening will be attended by the director R.V. Ramani and artist Maya Krishna Rao, who features in the film. 

Film: Oh That's Bhanu 
Directed by: R.V. Ramani
Duration: 1hr 51 mins 

Based on the late danseuse Bhanumati Rao, the documentary was made over a period of a few years, from 2014 to 2019. A Bharatanatyam and Kathakali dancer who performed all over the world, Bhanumati is shown as an elegant and witty woman, whose hearing and memory doesn't usually stand up and led an enigmatic, passionate, yet simple and pragmatic life.

The screening will be followed by a Q&A with the director M.V. Ramani and Bhanumati's daughter, Maya Krishna Rao. 


Cinephile Film Club,

Maquinez Palace,

Old GMC Complex,

Panjim, Goa.  


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