"India and Egypt: Mirror Images" Exhibition

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Karishma Pais

Feb 23, 2012, 1:52:29 PM2/23/12
to whazzu...@googlegroups.com, whazzu...@yahoogroups.com, annap...@googlegroups.com, desisi...@yahoogroups.com
From: ICAE <indi...@indiaegypt.com>

Press Release

An Exhibition of Paintings by Yousef Damoum

“India and Egypt : Mirror Images”

At Maulana Azad Centre for Indian Culture

February 26 -    March 8, 2012

The Maulana Azad Centre for Indian Culture (MACIC) is organizing an exhibition of photographs entitled "India and Egypt : Mirror Images”  by  Yousef Damoum.  His Excellency Dr Salah El Meligy, the Head of the Fine Arts Sector, Ministry of Culture of the Arab Republic of Egypt and H.E Mr R. Swaminathan Ambassador of India to Egypt will jointly inaugurate the exhibition at 7.00 p.m on Sunday, February 26, 2012 at the Centre at 23, Talaat Harb St, Downtown, Cairo.

Youssef Damoum is an Egyptian archaeologist who has developed a great interest in painting in the course of his work. After his training in archaeology from Cairo University he joined the firm Arab Contractors as a conservator and participated in the conservation of several important Egyptian monuments such as Sultan Hassan and Rifai mosques as well as the Jewellery Museum in Alexandria. He is also an admirer of India and has studied India’s ancient sculpture and painting. Thus, his paintings draw inspiration both from Pharaonic art and sculpture as well as from Ajanta paintings of India and medieval and ancient Indian sculpture.  Mr Damoum is also a member of the Egypt-India Friendship Association. According to Mr Damoum, “ History has never seen two civilizations so similar in artistic eloquence and accuracy, while being completely different in characteristics and properties such as the Pharaonic and Indian civilizations. “

The exhibition will remain open until Thursday, March 8, 2012 from 10 am to 6 pm daily except on Fridays and Saturdays. All are cordially invited. For further details, please contact MACIC at:

Tel: 23933396 / 23960071; Fax: 23936572; e-mail: ma...@indembcairo.com<mailto:ma...@indembcairo.com>


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