Fwd: [Khula-Manch] 3 Day Workshop by The Health Awareness Center

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Mayank Rungta

Jan 25, 2017, 12:27:36 AM1/25/17
to whazzu...@yahoogroups.com, WhazzupBuddies
Can't recommend this workshop enough. For those keen on taking the control over their health this is a one of the finest workshops we have been fortunate to have attended.

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From: Khula Manch <khulama...@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 12:30 PM
Subject: [Khula-Manch] 3 Day Workshop by The Health Awareness Center
To: KhulaManchorg <khulamanchorg@googlegroups.com>


In the year 2015 we did a lot of screenings on food and health. We strongly believe that this is essential to focus on food and health since it is connected to all the aspects of life. All such issues like sustainability, society, environment, farming crisis, etc are all interconnected to food and health. The recent tragedy was to loose someone like Shri. Anupam Mishra Ji to cancer who has done so much of work in the space of water conservation and advocating traditional train water harvesting techniques.

Keeping this important aspect in mind we thought of sharing about this THAC workshop. THAC team is based out of Mumbai and don't do workshops in Bangalore very often. We were immensely benefited by this in our lives and were able to go deeper in other aspect that forms the core of KhulaManch.

Details about the workshop below:

I am writing to you to invite you for - THE AWAKENING by THAC (The Health Awareness Center). It is a 3-day workshop on February 10th, 11th and 12th 2017.

The focus of the workshop  is to empower us to take our health in our own hands by exploring the subject of health in its essence, evaluating the vast field of information and myths around it through lectures, interactions and easy practical ways(including cooking demonstration).

The THAC team conducts workshops highlighting natural principles of being and feeling well, robust and energetic.  They clarify and clear concepts around health, share knowledge about structure and function of the body alongside progression and solution of diseases.  Besides theory,  practical demonstration of cooking as well as relaxation and deactivation techniques are shared to help take charge of one's health. It helps restore trust and assurance in life itself and paves way to live off the grid of the fear centric mindset perpetuated by the medical industry.  

For those who do not know me, I would like to briefly give a context to my connect with THAC. It was one event in my life which brought us on the journey of wellness. Triggered by the pain of injecting insulin four times a day and the thought of pricking myself everyday all my life was enough to make me sit up and question my interventions in the name of Health. That is when THAC happened to me 3 years back.

For the first time I understood the meaning of living in wellness. For the first time I understood that we have such an amazing body which has the capability and the power of healing and keeping us healthy. We all love nature - the trees, the forest, the birds, the butterfly but we forget the creation of nature which is so close to us - Our BODY.

For the first time I started appreciating and loving my body. I understood the true meaning of HEALTH and WELLNESS. Today there is no fear of disease and illness and it has been taken over by FAITH. 

In the last 3 years, I have been able to overcome chronic autoimmune thyroid issue as well as been able to reduce my insulin dosage for autoimmune Type 1 Diabetes. Also I feel prepared to deal with the challenges of living in the world gravitating towards more pollution and DIS-ease.

I invite you to SEE, HEAR AND FEEL this simplicity through 3 days workshop called 'The Awakening', health and wellness anchored in natural principles. 

Attached is the note with details on the workshop.

Prior registration and enrollment is required. Do register if you are ready for this journey. There is limited number of participation.

Date of Workshop: 10th, 11th, 12th February
Time: 10am to 5:30pm

The fee for the workshop is 15000.

Please call (09986043080) or mail me (priyan...@gmail.com) to get any clarification and procedure for registration.

Let me know if you want to enroll.

Priyanka Varma

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मयंक  रुंगटा

#MustWatch A Blade of Grass - an amazing talk by Anju Venkat
3 DAY WORKSHOP Introduction (Blore).docx
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