Order of listAll and listExplained.

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Sep 19, 2009, 9:54:38 AM9/19/09
to What The Trend API
On the API documentation for both trends/listAll and trends/
listExplained it states that "most recently explained trends are
returned first." However when I view these feeds (in any format) they
are in different orders.

When I visit twitter.com to see the actual top 10 trends I get
another, 3rd order.

What I'm trying to do is to display the current top trends, along with
their explanations. However it seems like if I were to simply display
the first 10 results from trends/listAll or trends/listExplained, then
they won't actually be the top 10 current trends- they will be the
ones whose explanations have most recently been updated on

Is this correct / can anyone explain why the 2 API calls are ordered
differently / where I've misunderstood?


Thomas Mango

Sep 19, 2009, 9:58:45 AM9/19/09
to what-the-...@googlegroups.com
You'll have to query the Twitter trends API method directly to find
the top ten current trends. You can then take each trend and plug it
into the whatthetrend API for an explanation.

As far as I know, whatthetrend doesn't have any support for the actual
order of trends on Twitter.

Thomas Mango


Sep 20, 2009, 5:08:15 PM9/20/09
to What The Trend API
Thanks for the fast response. I saw your response and looked further-
it seems that the trends/listAll is in order of "most recently a
trending topic on twitter" (as on the whatthetrends.com homepage), and
trends/listExplained is in order of "most recently had its explanation

So it seems there's no guarantee that the most popular topics will be
at the top of the list, although in practice this is roughly what
happens, and the current top-10 will always be the same as those
listed on twitter.com.


On Sep 19, 2:58 pm, Thomas Mango <tsma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You'll have to query the Twitter trends API method directly to find  
> the top ten current trends. You can then take each trend and plug it  
> into the whatthetrend API for an explanation.
> As far as I know, whatthetrend doesn't have any support for the actual  
> order of trends on Twitter.
> --
> Thomas Mango
> tsma...@gmail.com

Ingo Muschenetz

Sep 21, 2009, 9:39:52 AM9/21/09
to What The Trend API
That is correct. The order listed on the homepage is to encourage the
unexplained trends to the top of the list so that they may be
explained. The RSS feeds are similar, but as you say, if you take the
top 10 items of the feed, that will match what Twitter has trending
(if not the exact order).

We are looking at fixing the order of the feeds to match Twitter


Steve Cerruti

Oct 14, 2009, 7:49:16 PM10/14/09
to What The Trend API
Is there currently a parameter to limit the number of trends returned?
Is that something you would consider?

Ingo Muschenetz

Oct 14, 2009, 7:51:03 PM10/14/09
to What The Trend API
There is in the beta API. you can experiment with the "count"


Let us know how that goes.


Ingo Muschenetz

Oct 15, 2009, 4:13:42 PM10/15/09
to What The Trend API
Use the same query, but at api.whatthetrend.com. We are moving all API
calls there to make it simpler.

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