#DeathsOfPrisonersWithDisabilities #HRW via #MeganKrakouer | #EasyToReadVersion '#HesNeverComingBack' | #HumanRightsWatchYouTube | #RCiADiC #AboriginalPrisoners #AboriginalDisabilityRights #AboriginalDisabledLivesMatter #AboriginalPeopleWithDisability | #SarahCollard #HanSinclair #NATSILS #RangiHirini #ElainePearson #GreensDom #SophieMcNeill #KritiSharma #AaronFernandes #HannahMcglade #CurtinUni #abc730 #SBSNews

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Sep 17, 2020, 10:20:13 PM9/17/20
to WGAR News Public Google Group

#ThisWGARNews of #18thSept2020 #WGARcompilations #WGARenewsletters

Easy-to-Read version | Human Rights Watch: Deaths of people with disabilities in prisons in Western Australia
ThisWGARNews of 18thSept2020

ThisWGARNews of 18thSept2020

#EndSolitaryConfinement; #ImproveAccessToSupport, #ImproveAccessToServices '(Perth, September 15, 2020) – Three #SuspectedSuicides in the last four months in #WesternAustralia’s prisons have highlighted the #UrgentNeed for #BetterMentalHealthServices and #SupportForPrisoners with #MentalHealthConditions, #HumanRightsWatch said in a report released today. ... The 57-page report, “#HesNeverComingBack: #PeopleWithDisabilitiesDyingInWesternAustraliasPrisons” [ #HRWReport Source www.hrw.org/report/2020/09/15/hes-never-coming-back/people-disabilities-dying-western-australias-prisons ] examines the #SeriousRiskOfSelfHarmAndDeath for #PrisonersWithMentalHealthConditions, particularly #AboriginalAndTorresStraitIslanderPrisoners, #inWesternAustralia, nearly 30 years after the 1991 [ #RCiADiC ] #RoyalCommissionIntoAboriginalDeathsInCustody. A #HumanRightsWatchAnalysis of #CoronersInquest and #MediaReports between 2010 and 2020 found that about 60percent of #AdultsWhoDiedInPrisons in #WesternAustralia had #aDisability, including #MentalHealthConditions. Of the 60 percent, 58 percent died as a result of #LackOfSupport, #Suicide, or #TargetsOfViolence – and half of these deaths were of #AboriginalAndTorresStraitIslanderPrisoners. ... '

ThisWGARNews of 18thSept2020

ThisWGARNews of 18thSept2020

ThisWGARNews of 18thSept2020

Western #Australia’s prisons are damaging and at times deadly for people with mental health conditions, particularly Aboriginal people, read our new @HRW report here https://hrw.org/news/2020/09/15/australia-deaths-prisoners-disabilities
NEW: 3 suspected suicides in the last 4 months in Western Australia’s prisons have highlighted the urgent need for better mental health services & support for prisoners with mental health conditions.

ThisWGARNews of 18thSept2020

This is unacceptable: 60% of deaths in custody in WA are people with disability, half are First Nations people.
Even in cases where a person's disability or mental health history was known & document "staff failed to provide adequate and timely support"

The daughter of a Torres Strait Islander woman who died in a WA prison last month said her mother no one to turn to on the inside.
So far this year, there have been 4 deaths in WA prisons — 3 were suicide- all were Indigenous Australians.

Aboriginal people have been dying in custody for too long & it's important that @hrw has investigated Aboriginal deaths & mistreatment & made recommendations in response,"

ThisWGARNews of 18thSept2020

#NSPTRP #NationalSuicidePreventionTraumaRecoveryProject

#WGAREditorialComment: OverThePastManyYears TwitterAccounts have Asked WhetherOrNot #WGARnews is run by an #AboriginalPerson.. #TeamWGAR seek to clarify matters.. We have a #WGAREditorialTeam that has expanded to eighty-nine (89) members, - forty-four (44) are active via phone and/or email or rarely in person, & forty-five (45) are available via Twitter.. Altogether, half of our #WGAREditorialTeamMembers are #GrassRoots #Aboriginal and/or #TorresStraitIslander Persons.. The other half are #nonIndigenousPersons who have shown #StrongGrassRootsSolidarity with #AboriginalPeoplesRights.. Thirteen (13) of our #WGAREditorialTeamMembers are #CoreAndActive #WGARorganisers. This #CoreAndActive Team facilitate #GrassRootsAboriginalVoices & #Grassroots #VoicesInSolidarity with #AboriginalPeoplesRights via #WGARcompilations and/or Twitter several times a fortnight.. these #WGARenewsletters are posted on our #WGARnewsPublicGoogleGroup between six (6) and eight (8) times a fortnight.. Typically there is an average of seven (7) days a fortnight in which no #WGARcompilation is posted to our #WGARnewsPublicGoogleGroup.. groups.google.com/group/wgar-news
Our #WGAREditorialTeamMembers are located in Regional Rural villages or towns or cities or major cities acrossAustralia.. some travel from time to time (or even extensively) intrastate or interstate or overseas and some are located overseas.. #WGAREditorialTeam are diverse in background age ethnicity gender sexuality class ability... #WGAREdNote: Some of #WGAR's #CoreAndActive #WGARorganisers & Many #WGAREditorialTeamMembers are #GrassRoots #AboriginalElders.. or represent #GrassRootsOrgs led by #Elders | #AboutWGARnewsUpdateOf13thSeptember2020

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