[WG-FI] Friends of Multilateral Federation & the Deployment Profile

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Judith Elaine Bush

Jan 27, 2022, 8:01:53 PM1/27/22
to wg...@kantarainitiative.org


InCommon’s TAC wishes to develop a testing infrastructure that can help InCommon participants validate their inter-operational readiness.

A call for working group members went out in the usual channels and there was little interest. I write to you all specifically as your interest in the profile may also lend some sympathy to this effort. Perhaps you missed the earlier calls? Or, you may not be prepared to serve on a working group, but you might be interested in helping define some of the testing behaviors for specific elements of the profile.

The InCommon TAC has had a small team review the deployment profile and classify the requirements into requirements that are (1) currently expected of participants, t(2) hat are important to guide participants into following, and (3) some that need more time for InCommon to be prepared to expect participants to fully comply (*cough* logout *cough*).  That team also classified whether behavior could be controlled by the federation metadata manager, tested, or if the behavior would be left for community members to report to InCommon.

This review means that where the working group charter  --  https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/fedtestwg/Federation+Test+Environment+Working+Group+Charter – says “Develop the testable Deployment Profile requirements into specific, implementable testing criteria” we already have a prioritized list of the requirements that we believe could be reasonably tested by InCommon.

Perhaps you might have enough time to

  1. Sign up for the mailing list so if there’s something targeted you can help with, you will hear about it
    1. Join the Federation Testing WG Mailing List. Email incomm...@incommon.org with the subject line:
      Subscribe fedtestwg [Firstname] [Lastname] 
  2. Let us know when you could be available for a meeting to kick off this work the week of Feb 7th  https://doodle.com/poll/dfvnygtn2s46regn
  3. Be a co-chair of the group? Let me know!


Judith Bush


Wessel, Keith

Jan 28, 2022, 11:17:17 AM1/28/22
to wg...@kantarainitiative.org

I’ll add that you need not be part of an InCommon member institution to be on the list or participate in the working group. InCommon welcomes international participation in its working groups, and we can all benefit from it.



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