[WG-CloudIDSec] Cloud Security and Identity Assurance Innovations

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Neil McEvoy

Oct 22, 2014, 1:04:56 PM10/22/14
to wg-clo...@kantarainitiative.org

Hey guys

One of the core remits of this group was to identify and build relevant industry partner relationships, in particular the Cloud Security Alliance.

Ie. If you are going to run a security-related service, like IDaaS, then of course the security of the environment that runs it is especially important. How is it designed and audited is therefore the same key question.

Anyhoo with that in mind I wanted to let you know I was invited by the CSA to found and lead a new Toronto chapter for them, which I've agreed to and we announced at their summit this week:

Given IDaaS is one of the CSA foundation areas there is a natural compliment with our work here and I thought this a good time to see if we can revive our efforts here...

On this note I have also set a headline theme for our London Digital Government event, to be 'Identity Assurance Innovations', see:

So a very fertile topic for us to focus on is to identity how we might work with the CSA, to implement highly secure IDaaS scenarios that utilizes the latest Identity technologies etc.


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