Hi Jonathan,
Unfortunately it's impossible as the bin_topologies group object only pickles the function itself but not the input. Depending on whether you set ``mab_log: True`` in west.cfg during your simulation, you can either estimate or calculate the exact values.
If ``mab_log: True``, you can use the min/max values to calculate the exact bin bounds since bin spacing is even.
import numpy
min_val = 1 # Min Value from mab_log
max_val = 5
# Max Value from mab_log
nbins = 4
# number of bins fed to MAB in west.cfg
bin_bounds = numpy.linspace(min_val, max_val, nbins +1)
If ``mab_log: False`` (False is default), then you can potentially find the min/max values from the last pcoord values of all segments, but that might be slightly off from what's being used due to recycling and such.
We plan to add in the option to output those values into a text file but that process involves adding more print/pstatus statements
here .
Jeremy L.