West Newton Community

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Welcome to the West Newton Community discussion list!  Looking for a recommendation?  Got an issue in the neighborhood and looking for support?  Want to share a good deal or experience?  This is the place!

Some things worth mentioning:
  • This list was set up for the purpose of discussion issues as they pertain to WEST NEWTON in specific ... there are other forums for more citywide topics.  It is a neighborhood forum and there are several around the city.  If you are interested in other neighborhoods, just ask me ... I know of most of them.  Basically, to repeat the same arguments that are clearly being cross posted on several neighborhood threads ... should go to a more general citywide discussion group.
  • While a one time mention of an “Off topic” posting will of course show up and are welcome and even encouraged (like something that West Newtonites may want to be aware of and redirect to where the discussion is happening) ... extended discussions should be focused on West Newton issues and further discussion of more citywide issues should be pointers to those other forums.
  • This is a community to facilitate conversation.   Members are expected to respect each other’s privacy to the extent that email and public forums allow.
West Newton Sandbox Rules
The purpose of the discussion group is to share neighborhood interests, perspectives,  and advice.  It is not meant for advocacy, attacks or venting.  i.e. the purpose is to SHARE, not to convince or lecture.   Basically, one should consider asking "How will this help the 400+ subscribers of this neighborhood?"
We support this purpose with the following  “Sandbox Rules”
  • Avoid the word “you” – The word “you” can be specific or “universal” and is often confusing even during face to face interactions let alone on email to community forum and misunderstandings too easily occurs.   In most cases, a “universal you” can be reworded to either avoid using a pronoun completely, or replaced with “one”.   If it becomes clear that the message IS being directed at an individual, then it is most likely an inappropriate post for this forum.
  • Respect differences of opinions. – We are clocking at over 500 members in this forum and I am told that we are often forwarded to other forums.   Very likely, there will be more than one perspective, view and opinion on any given topic.  Everyone is welcome and encouraged to voice his/her view.  However, one is NOT encouraged to use this forum to CHANGE someone else’s view.   One can ask/raise questions about views or opinions expressed, but the objective is NOT to persuade others.   This is a forum for SHARING and INFORMING not for ADVOCATING.
  • No offensive language. – Self explanatory.  No profanity.   Consider this list PG. Perhaps this link can help Synonyms and Antonyms of Words | Thesaurus.com when in need of vocabulary help.
  • Adjectives to modify actions and things, not people - Refrain from name calling, badgering and labeling (praise and positive feedback is okay! )   By describing actions rather than people, it is more difficult to make a personal attack and actually gets at the heart of the matter.   This includes public officials.   For instance “I have repeatedly called <name an official> and have never gotten a response” is describing an action, but saying “<Name an Official> is a lazy incompetent fool” describes the person.   The former is encouraged, the latter will be flagged as a violation.
  • Brevity is the soul of wit. Communications are most effective when they are short and sweet. Many participants use “Daily Digest” or participate via a handheld and long message trails that simply repeat an earlier message makes it difficult to follow a discussion. Actually cutting and pasting pertinent parts of a previous post is highly encouraged. If it is inconvenient to do from one's phone, then perhaps it is worthy of more attention and thought when one is at a more convenient communication device or spot.  Communication to over 500 people is worthy of some thought and consideration.
Individuals who do not follow the “sandbox rules” will be given warning and if violations continue, put on moderation until one can demonstrate a willingness to follow the rules.   I appreciate anyone bringing violations to my attention.
Again, WELCOME to the West Newton Community list and I look forward to hearing all our neighbors' voices in our forum!

(Founder and co-moderator)