Reminder 1 - The RELICS ANNUAL PICNIC - Sunday, August 22nd, Noon at The Fish

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Western Mass Relics

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28 Jul 2021, 08.29.2828/07/21
kepadaWestern Mass Relics
Dear Relics PAST and PRESENT,

We're having our Annual Picnic (which we missed last year due to Covid) on Sunday, August 22nd at Noon at The Fish.  This is our main SOCIAL event of the year and we hope each and every one of you can/will attend.

The cost is $10 per person.  You can bring anyone you want (wives, girlfriends, family members) but it is $10 for each person.

Food and Beverages are being provided by The Relics, but we invite you to bring along a dessert to share.

Besides simply being able to interact socially with your fellow Relics, a main attraction are the various Raffles ("Chinese" raffle, 50/50 raffle).  We are seeking raffle items in NEW or LIKE NEW condition.  If you'd like to personally donate an item, or if you know of a business that would donate items, please get them to one of the Official Donation Takers:
  • Steve Lepow
  • Paul Grudgen
  • Dave Beach
  • Ted Chmura
Great items we have had in the past are Tickets to Pro Sports events; various Sports Merchandise; Lottery Ticket Trees; Beer and Wine Assortments, etc.

Lastly, we'd like your help in extending the invitation to PAST Relics...the ones who might not get these communications.  PLEASE REACH OUT TO THEM and let them know they are WELCOME, and that we'd love to see them at the Picnic.

If you have any questions, please reply here or direct them to :

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