Fwd: PGSMA Event Oct 20 2016 Media Release

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Joanne Saltman

2016年9月28日 14:39:442016/9/28
收件人 WMJGS group、Amanda and Isadore Jermyn、Andrea Olkin、Anthony and Esta Sobey、Barbara Miller、Carol Jolly、David Carmen、David Herships、David Weinberg、Dr. Norman Spencer、Edward Zuckerman、Elaine and Arnold Trehub、Emily Bayard、Frank Olbris、Frieda Howards、Hannah Zuckerman、Henia Lewin、Howard Nenner、Jane Trigere、Joel Halpern、Jonathan Podolsky、Kenneth Elstein、Lisa Lipshires、Lissa Robinovitz、Lynne Shapiro、Marian Broder、Michael Engel、Nina Sitron、Nitza Seaver、Paul Shuldiner、Ruth Smith、Sherry Gelwasser、Shoshanna Zonderman、Sons of Zion、Steven Katz、Zahava Koren
This upcoming meeting might be of interest


CSI Meets Roots: Meet a Forensic Genealogist!
The Polish Genealogical Society of Massachusetts and the Chicopee Public Library, along with a grant from The Chicopee Cultural Council (part of The Massachusetts Cultural Council), are pleased to present an exciting program on Forensic Genealogy by hosting well-known Colleen Fitzpatrick on October 20, 2016 at the Chicopee Public Library, 449 Front Street, Chicopee, MA. 


Colleen will give two talks - one at 2 pm and a second at 6:30 pm.  Admission is free but pre-registration is requested to ensure that there is adequate space for everyone who is interested.  Please visit our website for registration information: www PGSMA,ORG


2:00pm: Forensic Genealogy:” The Database Detective” and “Not Just the Facts, Ma’am, Give me the Big Picture!”

 Forensic Scientists and Genealogists share the same goal – to find out who was who, and who did what and when. In explaining how to analyze photographs, to mine databases, and to use DNA analysis to reveal family history, Dr. Fitzpatrick will focus on how you can use forensic genealogy to solve mysteries from our family’s past.


Forensic genealogy will not only show you where to look for information, but more importantly how to look at it.
6:30pm: “The Secrets of Abraham Lincoln’s DNA”
  It has been suspected that Abraham Lincoln may have suffered from a variety of genetic disorders including a rare cancer called MEN2B.  However it is only recently that DNA testing has become available that could confirm these suspicions that until now have been based solely on Lincoln’s physical appearance and historical reports about the condition of his health.
  The Abraham Lincoln DNA project is one of the first in the area of Bio-Historical research—the study of how the genetics of historical figures may have influenced the course of world history.
  This talk will discuss the how we are addressing these issues, and the fascinating secrets that we have so far unlocked about Abraham Lincoln’s DNA.


PGSMA will conduct a short business meeting at 6:30pm, prior to the beginning of the evening lecture.
Both presentations are free and open to the public – bring a friend!
The Chicopee Public Library is located at 449 Front Street, Chicopee, MA.

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