Rhondda gallery

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David Beilby

Feb 27, 2020, 12:58:31 PM2/27/20
I have just completed a very large project to create a gallery covering buses in the Rhondda.  It covers the period from Rhondda Transport through Western Welsh and National Welsh to Rhondda Buses and ceases with the takeover by Stagecoach.  It looks in detail at the fleets of Rhondda Transport and Rhondda Buses but also, by covering the services worked from Porth depot as well as a look at the depot itself, it covers vehicles provided by Western Welsh and National Welsh operating from Porth. 

The galleries on the bus services describe the history and evolution of the various services and I believe all services ever operated at least get a mention, but that doesn't mean I haven't missed anything!  Because the galleries also include the joint operators there are significant numbers of Western Welsh and Merthyr Tydfil photographs as well, along with Crosville, as the TrawsCambria service was worked from Porth for a while. Cardiff buses get a look in too.  The Caerphilly Busways fleet is also included, as it was owned by Rhondda Buses, but the services will be covered at a later date.  I have also not, generally, included anything from Parfitt's although as you will see there are some exceptions.  Again, that fleet will hopefully be dealt with later.

Some of the photographs will be familiar but hopefully a lot are not.  The captions also cover local history as well as the vehicles themselves.  Inevitably, in a task of this magnitude errors will creep in.  I want it to be a useful reference source, so please if you spot anything wrong let me know, I would want it to be correct.

It has taken nearly two years to produce this work and has involved significant contributions from many photographers for which I am very grateful.  It's a big project involving about 1950 photographs - I hope that you find it interesting and informative (otherwise I will wonder why I bothered!).  You can find the gallery at https://davidbeilby.zenfolio.com/f423273179.

There are still gaps in the coverage, notably geographical coverage of some parts of the network.  I fear many will forever remain unfilled but I would welcome contributions that would fill these gaps.


David Beilby

Robert Evans

Feb 28, 2020, 8:40:34 AM2/28/20
to welsh-bus-...@googlegroups.com
excellent well done for all your hard work

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