I am pleased to announce the Wellington Java User Group meeting for April 2015.
Java 8
Wednesday, Apr 22: 5:00 for 5:15 - 6:30pm
We had a session on Java 8 in April 2014. Due to popular demand, we are following this up with a repeat, but we hope we'll have time for some new stuff too.
Java 8 was released in March 2015. This is the biggest change in the Java language and libraries since Java 1.5 nearly 10 years ago. The main changes are for the lambda language features and the streams libraries. These changes permit a functional programming style and may change the paradigms of Java programming more than any prior platform change.
We will look at how lambdas and streams work, as well as other new APIs such as java.time. We will study a detailed example of how switching to these APIs change a simple program.
We will also look at some usage patterns that arise with lambdas and streams. If we get time we may also look at the new Nashorn Javascript engine in Java 8.
Speaker: John Hurst
John Hurst is a Wellington Developer who started with Java in 1996. He develops mostly with Java/Groovy/Oracle at present. He is interested in the evolution of programming languages and what programming languages of the future will look like.
This meeting is hosted by:
Hopper Meeting Room
Fronde Systems Group Ltd
3 Queens Wharf
The Java User Group thanks our host!
Please extend an invitation to attend to any interested friends or colleagues. As usual, there is no cost involved!
Remember, if you don't want to see more talks by me (two already this year, sheesh!), you need to step up and propose your own talk!
John Hurst
Life is interfering with my game