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WJUG: October 2015: Rust

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John Hurst

Oct 20, 2015, 5:37:45 AM10/20/15
to,, Nigel Charman, Nick

A reminder for the Wellington Java User Group meeting for October 2015.

Introduction to Rust

Wednesday, October 21: 5:00 for 5:15 - 6:30pm

Rust is a modern systems programming language. Rust's key promise is memory safety without a garbage collector. In addition, Rust features freedom from data races without a built-in concurrency model, modern programming idioms in a systems context, and (from a language geek's point of view) a sophisticated type system using ownership types and traits.

I'll give an introduction to the language, hopefully persuade you that using Rust is both worthwhile and easy to do within a mainly Java program, and do a bunch of live coding where you can laugh as I fail to remember common parts of the standard library.

Speaker: Nicholas Cameron

Nicholas Cameron is a senior research engineer at Mozilla working on Rust. He works on the compiler, tools, and language design. Previously, he worked on layout and graphics in Firefox, and has conducted post-doctoral research at Victoria University of Wellington. He has a PhD from Imperial College London .


This meeting is hosted by:
Victoria University of Wellington
Government Buildings
Lecture Theatre: GBLT4
15 Lambton Quay

The Java User Group thanks our host!

Please extend an invitation to attend to any interested friends or colleagues. As always, there is no cost involved!

John Hurst
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