rxCheckPercent Davis

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Joachim Puttkammer

2022年8月5日 06:31:362022/8/5
收件人 weewx-user
I have not noticed any interruptions in the reception of weather data from the Davis station (Vantage pro2 ).

Software WsWin (Windows7) signal quality (Envoy reception)wswin.jpg

Software Weewx (console reception - weewx 4.8.0 - Debian Buster on Raspberry pi 4).

I have no idea

greetings Joachim

Tom Keffer

2022年8月5日 07:24:372022/8/5
收件人 weewx-user
Without more information, neither do we. 

1. See the wiki article Posting to weewx-user for how to get a good log.

2. What about other types? Temperature? WInd? Do they look OK?

3. It's worth noting that you are comparing two different units on two different days. They may not be directly comparable. Your console may be having reception problems. It is worth running

wee_device --info

for information about reception statistics.

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Joachim Puttkammer

2022年8月5日 07:58:412022/8/5
收件人 weewx-user
to 2. All the other types are looking OK.

to 3. I didn't feel like taking today's screeshot and used yesterday's, hence the different days.

weewx is running in 2 instances .

@ raspi4weewx  ~
wee_device /etc/weewx/dav.conf --info  
Using configuration file /etc/weewx/dav.conf
Using Vantage driver version 3.2.3 (weewx.drivers.vantage)
Davis Vantage EEPROM settings:
   CONSOLE TYPE:                   Vantage Pro2
     Date:                         Sep 29 2009
     Version:                      1.90
     Archive interval:             60 (seconds)
     Altitude:                     149 (meter)
     Wind cup type:                large
     Rain bucket type:             0.2 mm
     Rain year start:              1
     Onboard time:                 2022-08-05 13:47:43
     Barometer:                    hPa
     Temperature:                  degree_10C
     Rain:                         mm
     Wind:                         km_per_hour
     Latitude (onboard):           +44.3
     Longitude (onboard):          +6.1
     Use manual or auto DST?       AUTO
     DST setting:                  N/A
     Use GMT offset or zone code?  GMT_OFFSET
     Time zone code:               N/A
     GMT offset:                   +2.0 hours
     Temperature logging:          LAST
     Retransmit channel:           OFF (0)
     Channel   Receive   Repeater  Type
        1      active      none    iss  
        2      active      none    temp (as extra temperature 1)
        3      active      none    temp (as extra temperature 2)
        4      active      none    wind  
        5      inactive    none    soil  
        6      inactive    none    (N/A)  
        7      inactive    none    (N/A)  
        8      inactive    none    (N/A)  

     Total packets received:       18579
     Total packets missed:         773
     Number of resynchronizations: 1
     Longest good stretch:         432
     Number of CRC errors:         278
     Current barometer reading:    29.866 inHg
     Altitude:                     492 feet
     Dew point:                    52 F
     Virtual temperature:          87 F
     Humidity correction factor:   2.6
     Correction ratio:             1.017
     Correction constant:          +0.494 inHg
     Gain:                         0.000
     Offset:                       -34.000
     Wind direction:               +355 deg
     Inside Temperature:           -0.1 F
     Inside Humidity:              +0 %
     Outside Temperature:          +0.0 F
     Outside Humidity:             +0 %
     Extra Temperature 1:          +0.0 F
     Extra Temperature 2:          +0.0 F
     Soil Temperature 1:           +0.0 F
     Soil Temperature 2:           +0.0 F
     Soil Temperature 3:           +0.0 F
     Soil Temperature 4:           +0.0 F

Tom Keffer

2022年8月5日 08:27:542022/8/5
收件人 weewx-user

Joachim Puttkammer

2022年8月5日 11:03:002022/8/5
收件人 weewx-user
Which Log?
 # Set to 1 for extra debug info, otherwise comment it out or set to zero
debug = 0
or ????

Tom Keffer

2022年8月5日 11:15:452022/8/5
收件人 weewx-user


2022年8月5日 12:02:072022/8/5
收件人 weewx-user

Joachim Puttkammer

2022年8月5日 13:05:022022/8/5
收件人 weewx-user

Tom Keffer

2022年8月5日 13:17:262022/8/5
收件人 weewx-user
The log shows that this is a clear case of corruption of the logger's memory. Or, at least, that is one problem. The clue is:

Aug  5 17:55:53 raspi4weewx weewx-dav[851767] DEBUG weewx.drivers.vantage: Getting archive packets since 2022-08-05 17:54:00 CEST (1659714840)
Aug  5 17:55:53 raspi4weewx weewx-dav[851767] DEBUG weewx.drivers.vantage: Gentle wake up of console successful
Aug  5 17:55:55 raspi4weewx weewx-dav[851767] DEBUG weewx.drivers.vantage: Retrieving 513 page(s); starting index= 3
Aug  5 17:55:55 raspi4weewx weewx-dav[851767] DEBUG weewx.drivers.vantage: DMPAFT complete: page timestamp 2022-08-03 19:22:00 CEST (1659547320) less than final timestamp 2022-08-05 17:54:00 CEST (1659714840)

Despite claiming that there are 513 pages to retrieve, it downloads ... nothing. 

See the wiki discussion Corrupt station memory for how to clear. 

This is a good example of why you always want to include the log, even if it seems uneventful.

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Joachim Puttkammer

2022年8月6日 03:15:222022/8/6
收件人 weewx-user
I tried to clear the corruption of the station memory. Now there are other faults.
Because I am travelling I will report back after my arrival.

Joachim Puttkammer

2022年8月17日 02:58:342022/8/17
收件人 weewx-user
# If possible, new archive records are downloaded from the station
# hardware. If the hardware does not support this, then new archive
# records will be generated in software.
# Set the following to "software" to force software record generation.
#record_generation = software
record_generation = hardware

previously was set  record_generation = software
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