Hi, JasonOK, got it figured out. First, you'll have to download v1.0.1 to fix that nagging 'stats' bug. Find it at SourceForge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/weewx.Stop weewx.Install weewx as per usual. Double check the configuration file weewx.conf [it should transfer all your old settings, but...]. If you've made modifications to your templates, you might want to replace the stock 'templates' subdirectory with the version setup.py backed up.Now use the tool 'sqlite3' to modify the archive database. Suppose you took the console outside on 7 Nov 2009 at 1pm. You want to delete all data before that time.prompt$ sqlite3 /home/weewx/archive/weewx.sdb [adjust for your path]sqlite> delete from archive where datetime(dateTime,'unixepoch','localtime')<'2009-11-07 13:00:00';sqlite> .exitIn the delete statement above, case matters. The first 'datetime' should be all lowercase (it's actually a SQL function), the second ('dateTime') in camelCase (it's actually a SQL type). The quotes around the date/time is also needed because of the spaces.Now delete the stats archive. Restart weewx. It will rebuild the stats database (check /var/log/syslog to be sure). Your plots/stats should now reflect only data after the time you gave above.Let me know how it goes.-tk-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Rennie [mailto:jre...@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 7:02 AM
To: Thomas Keffer
Subject: Re: KMANATIC3On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 11:49 AM, Thomas Keffer <tke...@gmail.com> wrote:--
Re: the startup quirk. It's a bug I found just two days ago! If the stats file doesn't exist, weewx initializes it, but then forgets to read the SQL types back in. Restarting causes it to skip the initialization sequence, and just read the types. A one line fix.Great!I'm chugging away on V1.1. Biggest change is a refactoring to allow even easier customization by subclassing. I think I've figured out the Python idioms people use to allow customization and dynamic loading, but there are still a few glitches.If I may make a suggestion, let me recommend that you be a bit wary of class inheritance in python. I started coding python professionally a year ago after writing Java code for nearly two years and, looking back, a lot of the OOP idioms you might take from C++/Java just don't work particularly well in python. I realize you may be past the point of designing the class/module structure and whatnot and/or you may have come up with good designs that fit python's variation of OOP, but I can tell you it may not be as easy as it looks.Any plans to do a website?I have a blog which I'm happy to publicize:I do publish the weewx page, but it's run of my home machine (the same one that runs weewx), so I just have it for my personal use and don't want to publicize it:The weewx plots are nice :)Btw, would you mind a mailing list/group? I'm happy to set one up on googlegroups.Also, is there a way to permanently delete data? I haven't been able to figure out how to get rid of data from before I put the station outside. I tried deleting archive files and restarting, then having the Davis console clear all data, but it keeps reappearing when I restart weewx...Jason
Jason Rennie
Research Scientist, ITA Software
Finally, you need to drop the old daily summaries, which otherwise would include these bad data. Use the tool wee_database
to do this:
wee_database weewx.conf --drop-daily
The summaries will be rebuilt the next time weewx starts. As this can take a long time, you may want to do this explicitly:
wee_database weewx.conf --rebuild-daily