Parsing Ecowitt WH31, WN34L and WH57

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Dec 22, 2021, 5:39:36 PM12/22/21
to weewx-user
I am running Weewx 4.5.1 using Matthew's Interceptor driver in ecowitt-client mode to parse data from an Ecowitt GW1000. I recently supplemented my Ecowitt setup with a few additional sensors and cannot seem to get them to parse properly.

A few rounds of the syslog:
Dec 22 16:20:54 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] DEBUG weewx.manager: Daily summary version is 1.0
Dec 22 16:20:55 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] DEBUG weewx.manager: Daily summary version is 1.0
Dec 22 16:20:56 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] DEBUG weewx.manager: Daily summary version is 4.0
Dec 22 16:20:58 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] INFO weewx.imagegenerator: Generated 16 images for report StandardReport in 7.17 seconds
Dec 22 16:20:58 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] INFO weewx.reportengine: Copied 9 files to /var/www/html/weewx
Dec 22 16:20:58 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] DEBUG weewx.reportengine: Running report 'cmon'
Dec 22 16:20:58 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] DEBUG weewx.reportengine: Found configuration file /etc/weewx/skins/cmon/skin.conf for report 'cmon'
Dec 22 16:20:58 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] DEBUG weewx.cheetahgenerator: Using search list ['weewx.cheetahgenerator.Almanac', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Station', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Current', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Stats', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.UnitInfo', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Extras', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.JSONHelpers']
Dec 22 16:20:58 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] DEBUG weewx.manager: Daily summary version is 4.0
Dec 22 16:20:58 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] INFO weewx.cheetahgenerator: Generated 1 files for report cmon in 0.20 seconds
Dec 22 16:20:58 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] DEBUG weewx.manager: Daily summary version is 4.0
Dec 22 16:20:58 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] DEBUG PIL.PngImagePlugin: STREAM 'IHDR' 16 13
Dec 22 16:20:58 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] DEBUG PIL.PngImagePlugin: STREAM 'IDAT' 41 1216
Dec 22 16:21:04 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] DEBUG user.interceptor: empty queue
Dec 22 16:21:10 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] DEBUG user.interceptor: POST: PASSKEY=XXXX&stationtype=GW1000B_V1.6.8&dateutc=2021-12-22+22:21:10&tempinf=71.6&humidityin=53&baromrelin=29.406&baromabsin=29.406&tempf=74.1&humidity=50&winddir=149&windspeedmph=1.57&windgustmph=4.47&maxdailygust=5.82&solarradiation=21.16&uv=0&rainratein=0.000&eventrainin=0.000&hourlyrainin=0.000&dailyrainin=0.000&weeklyrainin=0.110&monthlyrainin=1.091&yearlyrainin=50.925&totalrainin=50.925&temp2f=71.60&humidity2=55&lightning_time=1639936192&lightning_num=0&lightning=14&tf_ch1=58.8&wh65batt=0&batt2=0&wh57batt=4&tf_batt1=1.40&freq=915M&model=GW1000_Pro
Dec 22 16:21:11 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] DEBUG user.interceptor: raw data: PASSKEY=3190878978C9C58F9A8EE5E46324353B&stationtype=GW1000B_V1.6.8&dateutc=2021-12-22+22:21:10&tempinf=71.6&humidityin=53&baromrelin=29.406&baromabsin=29.406&tempf=74.1&humidity=50&winddir=149&windspeedmph=1.57&windgustmph=4.47&maxdailygust=5.82&solarradiation=21.16&uv=0&rainratein=0.000&eventrainin=0.000&hourlyrainin=0.000&dailyrainin=0.000&weeklyrainin=0.110&monthlyrainin=1.091&yearlyrainin=50.925&totalrainin=50.925&temp2f=71.60&humidity2=55&lightning_time=1639936192&lightning_num=0&lightning=14&tf_ch1=58.8&wh65batt=0&batt2=0&wh57batt=4&tf_batt1=1.40&freq=915M&model=GW1000_Pro
Dec 22 16:21:11 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] DEBUG user.interceptor: ignored parameter eventrainin=0.000
Dec 22 16:21:11 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] DEBUG user.interceptor: ignored parameter baromrelin=29.406
Dec 22 16:21:11 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] DEBUG user.interceptor: ignored parameter maxdailygust=5.82
Dec 22 16:21:11 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] INFO user.interceptor: unrecognized parameter lightning_time=1639936192
Dec 22 16:21:11 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] DEBUG user.interceptor: ignored parameter monthlyrainin=1.091
Dec 22 16:21:11 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] DEBUG user.interceptor: ignored parameter PASSKEY=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Dec 22 16:21:11 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] INFO user.interceptor: unrecognized parameter tf_ch1=58.8
Dec 22 16:21:11 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] INFO user.interceptor: unrecognized parameter lightning_num=0
Dec 22 16:21:11 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] DEBUG user.interceptor: ignored parameter hourlyrainin=0.000
Dec 22 16:21:11 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] DEBUG user.interceptor: ignored parameter freq=915M
Dec 22 16:21:11 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] INFO user.interceptor: unrecognized parameter tf_batt1=1.40
Dec 22 16:21:11 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] DEBUG user.interceptor: ignored parameter model=GW1000_Pro
Dec 22 16:21:11 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] DEBUG user.interceptor: ignored parameter yearlyrainin=50.925
Dec 22 16:21:11 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] INFO user.interceptor: unrecognized parameter wh57batt=4
Dec 22 16:21:11 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] DEBUG user.interceptor: ignored parameter dailyrainin=0.000
Dec 22 16:21:11 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] DEBUG user.interceptor: ignored parameter stationtype=GW1000B_V1.6.8
Dec 22 16:21:11 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] DEBUG user.interceptor: ignored parameter weeklyrainin=0.110
Dec 22 16:21:11 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] INFO user.interceptor: unrecognized parameter lightning=14
Dec 22 16:21:11 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] DEBUG user.interceptor: raw packet: {'wind_speed': 1.57, 'humidity_in': 53.0, 'temperature_in': 71.6, 'solar_radiation': 21.16, 'wind_gust': 4.47, 'humidity_2': 55.0, 'temperature_2': 71.6, 'wh65_battery': 0.0, 'humidity_out': 50.0, 'uv': 0.0, 'battery_2': 0.0, 'rain': 0.0, 'dateTime': 1640211670, 'pressure': 29.406, 'temperature_out': 74.1, 'wind_dir': 149.0, 'rain_total': 50.925, 'rain_rate': 0.0, 'usUnits': 1}
Dec 22 16:21:11 Gugelhupf weewx[20166] DEBUG user.interceptor: mapped packet: {'pressure': 29.406, 'outHumidity': 50.0, 'rainRate': 0.0, 'UV': 0.0, 'radiation': 21.16, 'rain': 0.0, 'dateTime': 1640211670, 'windDir': 149.0, 'outTemp': 74.1, 'windSpeed': 1.57, 'extraHumid2': 55.0, 'inTemp': 71.6, 'windGust': 4.47, 'inHumidity': 53.0, 'extraTemp2': 71.6, 'usUnits': 1}

I know there are some adjustments I need to make to properly log the lighting sensor (WH57) though I'm not sure which pull request to go with or  Pull #72 looks more straight forward for a direct edit and I think following that format I could also add support for the WN34L since it's newer and shows up as tf_ch1.  Has anyone worked with the newer  WN34 sensor?

Where I am really lost is why the WH31 is not working correctly.  There is not a parameter issue shown, and temp2f seems to be in the existing map in the interceptor driver.  I have checked my MySQL database and there is no data in the extraTemp2 or extraHumid2 fields.  Is there another step I missed?

Associated section of weewx.conf:
                barometer = Barometer
                dewpoint = Dew Point
                ET = ET
                heatindex = Heat Index
                inHumidity = Inside Humidity
                inTemp = Inside Temperature
                outHumidity = Humidity
                outTemp = Outside Temperature
                radiation = Radiation
                rain = Rain
                rainRate = Rain Rate
                UV = UV Index
                windDir = Wind Direction
                windGust = Gust Speed
                windGustDir = Gust Direction
                windSpeed = Wind Speed
                windchill = Wind Chill
                windgustvec = Gust Vector
                windvec = Wind Vector
                extraTemp1 = Pi CPU
                extraTemp2 = Shop Temperature
                extraTemp3 = Temperature3

Thanks in advance,

Rainer Lang

Dec 23, 2021, 12:49:48 AM12/23/21
Matthew's Interceptor driver doesn't handle that (yet ?).
As you seem to be living in Germany resp. speaking German, have a look at
where a modified Interceptor driver is described (and downloadable) which covers all recent sensors from the Ecowitt ecosystem. And it's working ! 😎
best regards
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Dec 24, 2021, 12:05:47 PM12/24/21
to weewx-user
Third attempt to post... (more basic response)

I tried Werner's full script, but it runs into a Unicode Decode Error.  My German is too basic to follow steps in his first post for manual installation.

I think I can try the changes for WN34L and WH57 as mentioned above, but does anyone have any ideas why the WH31 data does not post to the database even though weewx accepts it?


Tom Keffer

Dec 27, 2021, 8:20:05 AM12/27/21
to weewx-user
I'm not an expert on the GW1000, but have you tried Gary Roderick's driver? 

On Sun, Dec 26, 2021 at 9:51 PM <> wrote:
Ranier, thank you for the lead.  I downloaded Werner's complete installation file in the last post, but continue to encounter a UnicodeDecodeError.  I am trying to figure out from his first post, steps to do it manually, but my German is elementary level and I am a bit lost.  I think I can update Matthew's driver for the WH57 and WN34L, but just don't understand why the existing WH31 temps don't transfer to the database even though Weewx seems to accept them.


Nick Norman

Dec 27, 2021, 11:07:15 AM12/27/21
Afternoon to all the collective wisdom here,

The current WxStn (a WH3080 - by froggit, but seems ot be a fine offset)
is playing silly beggars!

The console is not displaying temp/humidity not wind, but is showing luc
& UV and Weewx reckons it is either not there or disconnected

ERROR weewx.drivers.fousb: get_observations failed: [Errno 19] No such
device (it may have been disconnected)


INFO weewx.drivers.fousb: station status {'unknown': 0,
'lost_connection': 64, 'rain_overflow': 0} (64)

The usual dance of power cycling the console results in no change.

A couple of week ago it did it and I went on the roof and changed the
batteries, pressed reset and it sill did not work, so back up - take it
all down, dry (it was not really wet) clean with alcohol and put back -
still nothing.

I then gave up, powered down the console & stopped Weewx, about 24hrs
later restarted everything and it worked ...

I've just repeated the dance and nothing ...

Thus the qeustions

a) any ideas?

b) replace but with what? Thought about a GW1000 based like



Thoughts, ideas, suggestions ...

Many thanks

Happy seasonal things etc. & stay safe




Dec 27, 2021, 12:15:28 PM12/27/21
to weewx-user
Gary's gw1000 driver tends to catch up to new sensors very quickly and is much easier to set up than interceptor.  Give that a try.

FWIW - I have the following:
  • gw1000 for inside T+H
  • WH32 for outside T+H
  • four extra inside WH31 T+H sensors
  • one WH51 soil sensor


Dec 27, 2021, 12:22:32 PM12/27/21
to weewx-user
(quick followup re: using Gary's data and what normal looks like...)

here's the test info for my setup here...

root@bullseye:/etc/weewx# PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/weewx python3 -m user.gw1000 --test-driver
Using configuration file /etc/weewx/weewx.conf

Interrogating GW1000 at

2021-12-27 09:18:27 PST (1640625507): dateTime: 1640625507, extraHumid1: 34, extraHumid2: 32, extraHumid3: 35, extraHumid4: 32, extraTemp1: 19.8, extraTemp2: 20.5, extraTemp3: 20.3, extraTemp4: 21.8, inHumidity: 31, inTemp: 22.4, outHumidity: 85, outTemp: -7.6, pressure: 998.5, relbarometer: 1010.0, soilMoist1: 42, usUnits: 17, wh26_batt: 0, wh26_sig: 4, wh31_ch1_batt: 0, wh31_ch1_sig: 4, wh31_ch2_batt: 0, wh31_ch2_sig: 4, wh31_ch3_batt: 0, wh31_ch3_sig: 4, wh31_ch4_batt: 0, wh31_ch4_sig: 4, wh51_ch1_batt: 0, wh51_ch1_sig: 4, wh65_batt: None, wh65_sig: 0

My weewx.conf stanza is:

# Options for 'GW1000'
    # This section is for the GW1000 API driver.

    # How often to poll the GW1000 API, default is every 20 seconds:
    poll_interval = 20

    # The driver to use:
    driver = user.gw1000

    # set the ip address manually since it's on a different
    # subnet from the weewx computer
    ip_address =

Jonathan Zitelman

Dec 27, 2021, 9:21:54 PM12/27/21
Thanks Tom, I had previously tried Gary's driver with no luck.  Werner's Interceptor driver as noted above by Ranier seems to have fixed things all around.  It's Ecowitt specific, but accounts for all of their available sensors.

Might be worth updating the extensions page on the wiki with one of the more up-to-date drivers since Matthew doesn't seem to be updating his anymore.


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Dec 27, 2021, 9:52:17 PM12/27/21
to weewx-user

I suggest you might get the answers you are seeking if you use your post to start another appropriately titled thread rather than posting in the middle of a largely unrelated thread.


Rainer Lang

Dec 28, 2021, 1:27:51 AM12/28/21
to Jonathan Zitelman, ,weewx-user
Werner's interceptor driver is mainly meant for FOSHK clone consoles like the HP350x or HP2551 which do not have an API which can be actively queried by weewx. It interpretes the http posts of these consoles using the custom server functionality

As for the GW1x00, WH2650, WN19x0 and the GW2000 consoles who possess an (the same) API, Gary's GW1000 API driver is the better choice.

You need the respective [GW1000] entries in weewx.conf and the entry station_type = GW1000 in the [Station] section. see below

As the GW1000 can only receive a dynamic IP address, it is recommended to make an IP address binding in your router, i.e. associate the IP address with the MAC address (--> WS View Device List) of the GW1000.
This makes sure that after a reboot of the GW1000 (e.g. firmware updated, power loss) or of the router,
the IP address doesn't change and weewx won't find it anymore.

    driver = user.gw1000
    ip_address = your-GW1000-ip-address
    poll_interval = 10
        # WeeWX field name = GW1000 field name
        rainEvent = rainevent
        #WH45 5-in-1 sensor data
        pm10 = pm10
        co2 = co2
        pm2_55 = pm255
        pm2_55_24hav = pm255_24hav
        pm10_24hav = pm10_24_hav
        co2_24hav = co2_24hav
        wh45_batt = wh45_batt
        wh45_sig = wh45_sig

in [StdCalibrate] [[Corrections]] you need an extra entry for solar radiation due to the way the GW1000 reads radiation observations from the sensors

        # For each type, an arbitrary calibration expression can be given.
        # It should be in the units defined in the StdConvert section.
        # Example:
        foo = foo + 0.2
        radiation = luminosity/126.7 if luminosity is not None else None

Your [Accumulator] section should look like below
# Options for extension 'GW1000'
        extractor = max
        extractor = max
        extractor = last
        extractor = last
        extractor = last
        extractor = last
        extractor = last
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    # *************************
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    # *************************
        extractor = last
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Invisible Man

Oct 5, 2023, 2:49:45 PM10/5/23
to weewx-user

I have an EcoWitt HP2551AE and have recently acquired a WN34L sensor. Can you help me get the data to WeeWx?
I am using the Interceptor (, but I think it does not recognize the sensor out of the box:

Oct  5 20:43:25 vegan weewx[22719] INFO user.interceptor: unrecognized parameter tf_ch1=74.1
Oct  5 20:43:25 vegan weewx[22719] INFO user.interceptor: unrecognized parameter tf_batt1=1.54

That's the data. It's 74.1 °F (23.4 °C)


Invisible Man

Oct 5, 2023, 4:01:10 PM10/5/23
to weewx-user
I added support for WN34L sensor. It proved out not too difficult. I am mapping it to extraTemp2 (beware, you might want to map it to another temperature if that one is already used).
I also get the battery value for the sensor, in tf_battery1, but I am unsure where to map this to. There doesn't seem to be any adequate field. 

This is the patch - hope it helps someone out.

diff --git a/bin/user/ b/bin/user/
index dd721f0..1c0f930 100644
--- a/bin/user/
+++ b/bin/user/
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ class Consumer(object):
         'UV': 'uv',
         'txBatteryStatus': 'battery',
         'extraTemp1': 'temperature_1',
-        'extraTemp2': 'temperature_2',
+        'extraTemp2': 'wn34_temperature_1',
         'extraTemp3': 'temperature_3',
         'extraHumid1': 'humidity_1',
         'extraHumid2': 'humidity_2',
@@ -2365,6 +2365,8 @@ class EcowittClient(Consumer):
             'wh65batt': 'wh65_battery',
             'pm25_ch1': 'pm2_5',
             'pm25batt1': 'pm25_battery',
+            'tf_ch1' : 'wn34_temperature_1',
+            'tf_battery1' : 'wn34_battery_1'
         IGNORED_LABELS = [

-- Axelle.

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