upload to a private website

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Frits Niessen

Jul 27, 2013, 10:35:54 AM7/27/13
to weewx...@googlegroups.com

I made a very simple start with a private website, to publish the results of my WS2080 weather station. I added an empty /meteo/ map to it and I tried  in the weewx.conf:

        skin = Ftp

        # FTP'ing the results to a webserver is treated as just another report,
        # albeit one with an unusual report generator!
         If you wish to use FTP, uncomment and fill out the next four lines:
            user = compnet_frits
            password = XXXXXXXX ("X" in place of the real password!)
            server = frits-en-mieke.hu (No "www" needed)
            path = /meteo

        # Set to 1 to use passive mode, zero for active mode:
        passive = 1

        # How many times to try to transfer a file before giving up:
        max_tries = 3

        # If you wish to upload files from something other than what HTML_ROOT
        # is set to above, then reset it here:
        # HTML_ROOT = /var/www/weewx

What results in an error 403.
Later I found that with Rsync it should be possible to opload too, but there is no password needed (?) what my provider is asking for.

Could someone help me out of this problem? 
I'm using an Asus K70AB laptop with Linux Mint 14 (Nadia) 32 bit. I made my website with Komposer and uploaded the website with Filezilla.


Thomas Keffer

Jul 27, 2013, 7:58:04 PM7/27/13
to weewx-user
Most likely this is a permissions problem. Did you put in the right password? Does it have a space in it? 

If you're still stuck, please set DEBUG=1, restart weewx, then send the log.


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Tom Keffer
+1 541-386-8891 (h)
+1 541-490-9507 (c)
Skype: tkeffer

Frits Niessen

Jul 28, 2013, 8:40:19 AM7/28/13
to weewx...@googlegroups.com
Dear Tom,

When I wrote you yesterday afternoon, Weewx was still working. When I switched my computer on today, Weewx did not start up. I checked the password in Weewx. It is the password as duplicated it from my providers letter, without spaces. I made my first log file as in the attachment and tried to start up Weewx with "/etc/init.d/weewx start". He did not allow me and the similar stop command was also not good.
Because you asked me about my password, I changed my providers password for the password I use in to get "root", what also not function. At least I made a second syslog to the attachment I mentioned before.

I feel myself a little stupid because I do not know very much about "Weather" and I do not know very much about computers too. It brings me to the following questions:

Perhaps that a little more basic knowledge about the working of your "simple to use" - but for people like me - "hard to understand" high developed systems could help many people to understand and to manage their systems, and to be more popular at least. When you know some people to guide me, or when some people reed this and want to guide me (I prefer a Dutch speaking specialist, but unnecessary) I will help to write something down.

I know that, when I have my station on the Internet, my weather is only "on air" when my computer is on. I already feel and fear, that my next step is a small permanent working credit card computer.
Question: what are the possibilities to get a "credit card computer" with Weewx installed?

Thank you again,

Op zaterdag 27 juli 2013 16:35:54 UTC+2 schreef Frits Niessen het volgende:

Thomas Keffer

Jul 28, 2013, 9:44:45 AM7/28/13
to weewx-user
From the systems log it looks like you have a simple permissions problem. Try running as root

$ sudo /etc/init.d/weewx start


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Jul 28, 2013, 1:48:52 PM7/28/13
to weewx...@googlegroups.com
Dag Frits,
Ik heb weewx draaien op een Synology NAS. Heb een Rasberry PI aangeschaft (40 euro) om te testen hoe het installeren en draaien van weewx hierop gaat. Wanneer alles naar behoren werkt wil ik een Nederlandse handleiding maken.
Groet, Luc
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted


Jul 28, 2013, 2:05:58 PM7/28/13
to weewx...@googlegroups.com
The problem is with your website, not with weewx. The link to your server brought me to your personal website in Hungary. The link on your page to the weather page resulted in a 404 - not found message. Try to find out what the problem is.
Cheers, Luc

Frits Niessen

Jul 28, 2013, 4:26:00 PM7/28/13
to weewx...@googlegroups.com
OK Tom, I followed your suggestion. First with my Internet providers password and later with my computers password and the results are very different:
frits@frits-K70AB ~ $ sudo /etc/init.d/weewx start
[sudo] password for frits: 
frits@frits-K70AB ~ $ tail /var/log/syslog
Jul 28 17:01:08 frits-K70AB kernel: [37721.872367] type=1701 audit(1375023668.640:787): auid=4294967295 uid=1000 gid=1000 ses=4294967295 pid=6941 comm="chrome" reason="seccomp" sig=0 syscall=195 compat=0 ip=0xb2c7c424 code=0x50000
Jul 28 17:01:08 frits-K70AB kernel: [37721.872380] type=1701 audit(1375023668.640:788): auid=4294967295 uid=1000 gid=1000 ses=4294967295 pid=6941 comm="chrome" reason="seccomp" sig=0 syscall=195 compat=0 ip=0xb2c7c424 code=0x50000
Jul 28 17:01:08 frits-K70AB kernel: [37721.872387] type=1701 audit(1375023668.640:789): auid=4294967295 uid=1000 gid=1000 ses=4294967295 pid=6941 comm="chrome" reason="seccomp" sig=0 syscall=195 compat=0 ip=0xb2c7c424 code=0x50000
Jul 28 17:01:08 frits-K70AB kernel: [37721.872394] type=1701 audit(1375023668.640:790): auid=4294967295 uid=1000 gid=1000 ses=4294967295 pid=6941 comm="chrome" reason="seccomp" sig=0 syscall=195 compat=0 ip=0xb2c7c424 code=0x50000
Jul 28 17:01:08 frits-K70AB kernel: [37721.872400] type=1701 audit(1375023668.640:791): auid=4294967295 uid=1000 gid=1000 ses=4294967295 pid=6941 comm="chrome" reason="seccomp" sig=0 syscall=195 compat=0 ip=0xb2c7c424 code=0x50000
Jul 28 17:01:08 frits-K70AB kernel: [37721.873745] type=1701 audit(1375023668.640:792): auid=4294967295 uid=1000 gid=1000 ses=4294967295 pid=6941 comm="chrome" reason="seccomp" sig=0 syscall=33 compat=0 ip=0xb2c7c424 code=0x50000
Jul 28 17:01:08 frits-K70AB kernel: [37721.945199] type=1701 audit(1375023668.712:793): auid=4294967295 uid=1000 gid=1000 ses=4294967295 pid=6941 comm="chrome" reason="seccomp" sig=0 syscall=5 compat=0 ip=0xb2c7c424 code=0x50000
Jul 28 17:01:08 frits-K70AB kernel: [37721.945215] type=1701 audit(1375023668.712:794): auid=4294967295 uid=1000 gid=1000 ses=4294967295 pid=6941 comm="chrome" reason="seccomp" sig=0 syscall=5 compat=0 ip=0xb2c7c424 code=0x50000
Jul 28 17:01:08 frits-K70AB kernel: [37721.945222] type=1701 audit(1375023668.712:795): auid=4294967295 uid=1000 gid=1000 ses=4294967295 pid=6941 comm="chrome" reason="seccomp" sig=0 syscall=5 compat=0 ip=0xb2c7c424 code=0x50000
Jul 28 17:01:08 frits-K70AB kernel: [37721.980434] type=1701 audit(1375023668.748:796): auid=4294967295 uid=1000 gid=1000 ses=4294967295 pid=6941 comm="chrome" reason="seccomp" sig=0 syscall=5 compat=0 ip=0xb2c7c424 code=0x50000
frits@frits-K70AB ~ $ sudo /etc/init.d/weewx start
[sudo] password for frits: 
frits@frits-K70AB ~ $ tail /var/log/syslog
Jul 28 17:04:33 frits-K70AB weewx[6979]:     ****    File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/wxengine.py", line 854, in main
Jul 28 17:04:33 frits-K70AB weewx[6979]:     ****      config_dict = getConfiguration(config_path)
Jul 28 17:04:33 frits-K70AB weewx[6979]:     ****    File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/wxengine.py", line 926, in getConfiguration
Jul 28 17:04:33 frits-K70AB weewx[6979]:     ****      config_dict = configobj.ConfigObj(config_path, file_error=True)
Jul 28 17:04:33 frits-K70AB weewx[6979]:     ****    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/configobj.py", line 1230, in __init__
Jul 28 17:04:33 frits-K70AB weewx[6979]:     ****      self._load(infile, configspec)
Jul 28 17:04:33 frits-K70AB weewx[6979]:     ****    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/configobj.py", line 1320, in _load
Jul 28 17:04:33 frits-K70AB weewx[6979]:     ****      raise error
Jul 28 17:04:33 frits-K70AB weewx[6979]:     ****  ParseError: Invalid line at line "347".
Jul 28 17:04:33 frits-K70AB weewx[6979]:     ****  Exiting.
frits@frits-K70AB ~ $

The "/var/" html file from yesterday is still there, without refreshment and on the website I get only the "403" notification.

What solution do you suggest?
Thanks, Frits 

Op zaterdag 27 juli 2013 16:35:54 UTC+2 schreef Frits Niessen het volgende:

Frits Niessen

Jul 28, 2013, 4:35:04 PM7/28/13
to weewx...@googlegroups.com
Dear Luc,

Thank you for answering and I will be happy to explane the Weewx working and procedures for "amateurs" or - as called in some books - for dummies.
For now I have to make my Weewx working before I can ask for help from my Internet provider. Thanks for your Dutch words on this forum but when you or we go further on with a simple explanation we could speak about it over Skype or normal email. Thank you for your offer anyway, Dank je wel!

Op zaterdag 27 juli 2013 16:35:54 UTC+2 schreef Frits Niessen het volgende:

Frits Niessen

Jul 28, 2013, 5:06:17 PM7/28/13
to weewx...@googlegroups.com
Dag Luc!

Dank je wel voor je antwoorden op mijn vraag op het Weewx forum.
Ik ben geen computer expert en het was al moeilijk genoeg om die eerste pagina te maken voor mijn website. Ik ben nog maar net gepensioneerd en ik heb nu tijd voor andere dingen. Mijn vrouw wilde een binnen-buiten thermometer en bij Conrad in Boedapest vond ik zo'n "geval" met een USB aansluiting. Uiteindelijk is daarmee mijn aandacht gewekt voor het weer. 
Domme gedachten en het niet begrijpen van alle mogelijke beschikbare technische uitleg is dan standaard. Waarschijnlijk ben ik niet de enigste, vandaar mijn wens en oproep.

Jouw suggestie dat er iets aan mijn website zou kunnen mankeren is geen foutmelding 404, maar 403 en ook daarvan heb ik nog niet uitgezocht wat het verschil is of wat het betekent.
Zolang Weewx geen HTML file produceert, kan er ook niets naar de website gestuurd worden... Pas wanneer de website niks doet met een doorgestuurde HTML file kan ik pas naar de provider gaan en daar hulp vragen.

Ik hoop dat we in contact blijven,

turisztikai tanácsadó, kemping szakértő

      Az év magyar kemping menedzsere 2005-ben;
      "Kempingüzemeltetési kézikönyv" tankönyv író;
      tudósító:http://www.hongarije.inzaken.eu/nl-NL/correspondents/81/frits-niessen (csak Hollandúl)
5435 Martfű, Landler Jenő út 17.
Mob.: 0620/9236-567
Skype: fritsmartfu

toerisme adviseur, campingbranche specialist
      Hongaars "campingmanager van het jaar" 2005;
      "Kempingüzemeltetési kézikönyv" schoolboek auteur;
      correspondent: http://www.hongarije.inzaken.eu/nl-NL/correspondents/81/frits-niessen

H-5435 Martfu, (Hongarije) Landler Jeno ut 17.
Mob.: (+36)(06)20/9236567
Skype: fritsmartfu

2013/7/28 Luc <ljm.h...@gmail.com>
The problem is with your website, not with weewx. The link to your server brought me to your personal website in Hungary. The link on your page to the weather page resulted in a 404 - not found message. Try to find out what the problem is.
Cheers, Luc

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Jul 29, 2013, 3:14:00 AM7/29/13
to weewx...@googlegroups.com

I have contact with Frits in Dutch via private mail. The red marked line is uncommented which gives the ParseError.
I understand the mistake. When  you are not a programmer and English is not your native language you could read this as: # If you wish to use FTP, uncomment (this line) and fill out the next four lines:

         If you wish to use FTP, uncomment and fill out the next four lines:
            user = compnet_frits
            password = XXXXXXXX ("X" in place of the real password!)
            server = frits-en-mieke.hu (No "www" needed)
            path = /meteo

Cheers, Luc

Andrew Milner

Jul 29, 2013, 3:50:04 AM7/29/13
to weewx...@googlegroups.com
As a follow on from this 'problem' I've thought for a while that weewx.conf should be buildable and editable via a utility of some kind, rather than just going in and nano'ing the conf file directly.  I sometimes find myself going backwards and forwards trying to find what I need to change!!  The same goes for skin.conf - but I guess this is a problem with using Linux rather than user-friendly windows.  ILuckily I was once exposed to Unix many many moons ago and am also a programmer at heart - but I do think the user guide and setup procedures are quite daunting for non programmers or newbies.
I still cannot get my head around Python at all - I was brought up on inline efficient assembler code rather than the present trend in grossly inefficient but cover all possibilities OOP approach to making these machines do their stuff.  I just find the whole concept of classes and subclasses so alien and so removed from the actual code being executed by the hardware - which after all is only a fast moron and not an intelligent beast at all.


Jul 29, 2013, 4:35:01 AM7/29/13
to weewx...@googlegroups.com
I started programming about 40 years ago with PDP8-assembler where sometimes (to save space) instructions also were used as constants. These computers with 8 kB of core-memory costed about 150.000 USD. Programs were read via punched paper tape.
Since then there is a lot changed. I also have sometimes problems with the OOP concept, linux and python, but it's rather efficient. I think that -if you could config weewx via a utility- newbies always find a way to mess things up.
Cheers, Luc

Andrew Milner

Jul 29, 2013, 7:28:53 AM7/29/13
to weewx...@googlegroups.com

Just what I used to use - PDP8 and our own operating system (Dataplex)  ...  oh yes and I can even remember the opcodes, autoindex registers etc etc/  We even had a 32K machine to play with .... rim loader on the switches, bin loader ... brings back many good memories ... we used to control a flying spot scanner, up to 5 graphics VDUs, had handprint recognition - all within the 32K .... today's guys just don't know how to program!!!!!  and I think it may even have been an 8 meg(?) diskdrive - one of those 12" platter thingies  ... oh and key-to-disc and people who UNDERSTOOD computers not just how to USE a keyboard (and even that skill has died) .....

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Jul 29, 2013, 7:36:28 AM7/29/13
to weewx...@googlegroups.com
Hi Andrew,
I noticed you got excited. Let's talk in private about 'the good old days'.
Cheers, Luc
Message has been deleted

Thomas Keffer

Jul 29, 2013, 12:15:46 PM7/29/13
to weewx-user
LOL! Great sleuthing! Thanks, Luc.


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Thomas Keffer

Jul 29, 2013, 12:21:27 PM7/29/13
to weewx-user
I've thought about such a utility, but decided that it just wasn't worth it. First, my objective is not to build a user-friendly "consumer" utility, but rather an experimental platform that allows enthusiasts to try new things easily. Hence, the extensible architecture, built on OOP principles. Second, the hierarchical configuration model used in  the configuration files would be extremely hard to capture with a user interface. Finally, with a limited amount of time, I'd rather put my efforts in exploring new ideas, rather than grinding through designing a UI.

But, if someone else wants to take the project on .... :-)

As for programming creds, I started with an IBM 1130 in 1968, but have no desire to go back to that. I LIKE modern interpreted OOP languages. In fact, I've started getting interested in Go and Scala. Very cool languages!


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Frits Niessen

Jul 29, 2013, 5:20:16 PM7/29/13
to weewx...@googlegroups.com
What have I done, What did I start with my "simple" questions and suggestion!

In my innocence I misunderstood the short introduction on the (local) web-page: 
"...controlled by 'weewx', an experimental weather software system written in Python. Weewx was designed to be simple, fast, and easy to understand by leveraging modern software concepts." what to the words of Tom Keffer need to be completed with "for computer specialists"! But weather-specialists and amateur-people like me do not belong to that group. I felt that difference and that brought me to my suggestion. I still think, that cooperation between specialist(s) and dummies like me could initiate written basic understandings on how the Weewx put data in databases, how and why data will be processed, how processed data will be formed into tables and graphics and finally find there place on websites based on predefined websites. Simple knowledge about the basics does protect absolute specialists for "stupid" questions because of the number of questions will reduce.

In my actual case, when asking for a password in the [[FTP]] section, which password? The computer "root" password, or the password for the website?

Speaking about my actual problem, I understand Luc's suggestion to uncomment the first line, but it did not help. Changing providers password for the root password did not help too, but the /var/log/syslog's look different. I do not understand the differences, because I do not understand the terminologies.

Weewx.conf for FTP publication with root password: not working.

        skin = Ftp

        # FTP'ing the results to a webserver is treated as just another report,
        # albeit one with an unusual report generator!
        # If you wish to use FTP, uncomment and fill out the next four lines:
            user = compnet_frits
            password = bbb (root password)
            server = HTTP://frits-en-mieke.hu
            path = /meteo

frits@frits-K70AB ~ $ tail /var/log/syslog
Jul 29 21:32:55 frits-K70AB weewx[4610]: genimages: Generated 11 images in 0.26 seconds
Jul 29 21:32:55 frits-K70AB weewx[4610]: reportengine: copied 0 files to /var/www/weewx
Jul 29 21:32:55 frits-K70AB weewx[4610]: reportengine: Running report FTP
Jul 29 21:32:55 frits-K70AB weewx[4610]: reportengine: Found configuration file /etc/weewx/skins/Ftp/skin.conf for report FTP
Jul 29 21:33:00 frits-K70AB weewx[4610]: reportengine: Caught exception <class 'ftplib.error_perm'> in FtpGenerator; 530 Login authentication failed.
Jul 29 21:33:00 frits-K70AB weewx[4610]: reportengine: Running report RSYNC
Jul 29 21:33:00 frits-K70AB weewx[4610]: reportengine: Found configuration file /etc/weewx/skins/Rsync/skin.conf for report RSYNC
Jul 29 21:33:00 frits-K70AB weewx[4610]: reportengine: rsync upload not requested. Skipped.
Jul 29 21:39:02 frits-K70AB CRON[8952]: (root) CMD (  [ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ] && [ -d /var/lib/php5 ] && find /var/lib/php5/ -depth -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -ignore_readdir_race -cmin +$(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime) ! -execdir fuser -s {} 2>/dev/null \; -delete)
Jul 29 21:41:03 frits-K70AB wpa_supplicant[809]: wlan0: WPA: Group rekeying completed with f8:df:a8:db:28:03 [GTK=TKIP]


Weewx.conf for FTP publication with providers password: not working.

        skin = Ftp

        # FTP'ing the results to a webserver is treated as just another report,
        # albeit one with an unusual report generator!
        # If you wish to use FTP, uncomment and fill out the next four lines:
            user = compnet_frits
            password = aaa (providers password)
            server = HTTP://frits-en-mieke.hu
            path = /meteo

frits@frits-K70AB ~ $ tail /var/log/syslog
Jul 29 21:32:54 frits-K70AB weewx[4610]: filegenerator: generated 1 'SummaryByYear' files in 0.16 seconds
Jul 29 21:32:54 frits-K70AB weewx[4610]: filegenerator: generated 12 'toDate' files in 0.20 seconds
Jul 29 21:32:55 frits-K70AB weewx[4610]: genimages: Generated 11 images in 0.26 seconds
Jul 29 21:32:55 frits-K70AB weewx[4610]: reportengine: copied 0 files to /var/www/weewx
Jul 29 21:32:55 frits-K70AB weewx[4610]: reportengine: Running report FTP
Jul 29 21:32:55 frits-K70AB weewx[4610]: reportengine: Found configuration file /etc/weewx/skins/Ftp/skin.conf for report FTP
Jul 29 21:33:00 frits-K70AB weewx[4610]: reportengine: Caught exception <class 'ftplib.error_perm'> in FtpGenerator; 530 Login authentication failed.
Jul 29 21:33:00 frits-K70AB weewx[4610]: reportengine: Running report RSYNC
Jul 29 21:33:00 frits-K70AB weewx[4610]: reportengine: Found configuration file /etc/weewx/skins/Rsync/skin.conf for report RSYNC
Jul 29 21:33:00 frits-K70AB weewx[4610]: reportengine: rsync upload not requested. Skipped.


Weewx.conf with FTP publication with providers password, but quoted: working.

        skin = Ftp

        # FTP'ing the results to a webserver is treated as just another report,
        # albeit one with an unusual report generator!
        # If you wish to use FTP, uncomment and fill out the next four lines:
        #    user = compnet_frits
        #    password = aaa (providers password)
        #    server = HTTP://frits-en-mieke.hu
        #    path = /meteo

frits@frits-K70AB ~ $ tail /var/log/syslog
Jul 29 18:32:55 frits-K70AB weewx[4610]: reportengine: copied 0 files to /var/www/weewx
Jul 29 18:32:55 frits-K70AB weewx[4610]: reportengine: Running report FTP
Jul 29 18:32:55 frits-K70AB weewx[4610]: reportengine: Found configuration file /etc/weewx/skins/Ftp/skin.conf for report FTP
Jul 29 18:33:01 frits-K70AB weewx[4610]: reportengine: Caught exception <class 'ftplib.error_perm'> in FtpGenerator; 530 Login authentication failed.
Jul 29 18:33:01 frits-K70AB weewx[4610]: reportengine: Running report RSYNC
Jul 29 18:33:01 frits-K70AB weewx[4610]: reportengine: Found configuration file /etc/weewx/skins/Rsync/skin.conf for report RSYNC
Jul 29 18:33:01 frits-K70AB weewx[4610]: reportengine: rsync upload not requested. Skipped.
Jul 29 18:39:01 frits-K70AB CRON[8534]: (root) CMD (  [ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ] && [ -d /var/lib/php5 ] && find /var/lib/php5/ -depth -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -ignore_readdir_race -cmin +$(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime) ! -execdir fuser -s {} 2>/dev/null \; -delete)
Jul 29 18:41:03 frits-K70AB wpa_supplicant[809]: wlan0: WPA: Group rekeying completed with f8:df:a8:db:28:03 [GTK=TKIP]
Jul 29 18:51:03 frits-K70AB wpa_supplicant[809]: wlan0: WPA: Group rekeying completed with f8:df:a8:db:28:03 [GTK=TKIP]

Thanks to all people who reacted and helped for your attention again,

Op zaterdag 27 juli 2013 16:35:54 UTC+2 schreef Frits Niessen het volgende:

Thomas Keffer

Jul 29, 2013, 8:15:45 PM7/29/13
to weewx-user
Assuming that "aaa" is the password of your account on frits-en-mieke.hu, then try (note the URL does not include "http:"):

        skin = Ftp

        # FTP'ing the results to a webserver is treated as just another report,
        # albeit one with an unusual report generator!
        # If you wish to use FTP, uncomment and fill out the next four lines:
            user = compnet_frits
            password = aaa (providers password)
            server = frits-en-mieke.hu
            path = /meteo


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Jul 31, 2013, 10:08:50 AM7/31/13
to weewx...@googlegroups.com

The upload to the private website is working now!
Frits asked me to write a message to the forum to explain what was needed to solve it.

The FTP section of weewx.conf reads now:
        # If you wish to use FTP, uncomment and fill out the next four lines:
            user = compnet_frits
            password = (the password used in Filezilla to upload Frits web pages to private website frits-en-mieke.hu)
            server = frits-en-mieke.hu
            path = /web/meteo

The problems were:
a. Uncommented comment line gave "ParseError"
b. Wrong password for FTP to website gave authentication error
c. Wrong server address (http:// in front of frits-en-mieke.hu) gave error "Name or service not known"
d. Wrong path (/meteo). All files were copied to web folder /meteo; the files were expected in folder: /web/meteo
Note: the "web" folder name is not part of the link name to the weather page of Frits and Mieke.

Thanks to all. 
Cheers, Luc

Thomas Keffer

Jul 31, 2013, 10:12:30 AM7/31/13
to weewx-user
Glad to hear it turned out well!


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