Listen to this and here is the beginning of the changes to our world.

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Edgar J Winter

Jun 8, 2024, 3:10:06 AMJun 8
to Weekly Stars Google Group
Yes, my Subscribers, another star pattern update for you all and we are at
the time of massive changes to our way of life and living on this planet.
The Stars point over the next 4 weeks to the energy of the Fixed Stars of
"Aldebaran" , "Rigel, Capella" and "Betelgeuse"!
We are at the beginning of WW3 and good verses evil. The good in the hearts
of most normal human beings VS the cold heartlessness of Govts and
Huge changes to our way of life are coming. First we have 'Aldebaran' with
"extremes"! Dangerous times of positive forces fighting against evil. There
is a danger of disasters, violence, defeat and world-wide illness. These 4
weeks may see Catastrophes. There is a sense that nothing can be done to
improve a bad situation. Just be at peace in your own space and know that
the universe understands your sorrow and perhaps your personal inability to
change things. We are now in the new forces coming to this planet to bring
things to a crisis. You and I certainly see this all around us now!
Then the next energy to pass over this planet next is 'Rigel' located near
Orion! Rigel promises success in business thru sense of duty, organizational
skills, and pure luck. There will be success in the military, those with
inventive skills, and mechanical abilities. Weak govts, universities and
Councils bring failure, disappointment and loss of any past success. Use
optimism and enthusiasm of Rigel to lead you into new directions. Your
skills improve and you can teach these and pass them onto others!
'Capella 'indicates that we all will move into the love of learning, an
interest in research and well as a fondness for the unusual and unique. This
next 4 months will see exceptional communication abilities producing above
average writing, teaching, debating and speaking skills. Good fortune comes
through learning the truth and understanding not to be "dumbed down" by the
media but the use of the intellect again gains ground. There is an intense
love of "freedom" this is now arriving against the intellectual appraisal of
being bound and under the control of a "cultish" religion or "tribal
faction" instead of being free to become a true individual not bound by the
"Hive" mentality!
Next is Betelgeuse and this fixed Star will start this Sunday 16th June and
finish its work after 12 months, like a magnificent new Messiah arriving at
just the right time! This star is seen as extremely beneficial by granting
favour , luck, clear success, lasting fame and good health! There is success
in the military and Law enforcement and an interest in the occult subjects
thus solving mysteries and puzzles about the drug and child abuse. Illusions
of the past will be discarded. There will be the need to be cautious with
money because our period of wealth and those with financial security may see
a period within 6 months when money is in short supply!
Please play the music below and put in a prayer for the archangels of
'righteous war' like the crusaders of old, coming to pass over your head
and those that you love to keep all safe and well.
Below is something I had not heard of before but seems relevant now with
regard to the Israel Nation and Jerusalem.

The Wizard of Woombye. <>
Hoping you are enjoying your kaleidoscope of Stars and general information
this week...from: - "E. D. G. A. R"....
EDGAR, the Electronic Data-Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system,
performs automated collection, validation, indexing, acceptance,
and forwarding of submissions by all good souls and spirits, including
astrologers physically incarnated currently on planet earth that are
required by "universal law to relocate earth souls to a higher calling."

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