We are nearly there!

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Edgar J Winter

May 20, 2024, 10:44:21 PMMay 20
to Weekly Stars Google Group
"Are we there yet" was the funny sales video recently. Well subscribers we
are nearly there, yes, by this weekend! By Sunday 26th day of May 2024 we
have the "rescue and information' planet , Jupiter, into the transit of
Gemini for at least the next 12 months! Gemini is the "Information" planet
and will reveal under the truth 'drug' of Sagittarius , grin, (Jupiter rules
the sign of Sagittarius and this Thursday we have just had the full Moon in
Sagittarius firing the starters pistol for the marathon of information)
pouring out the bucket of previously guarded secrets!)
Jupiter rules the sporting arena too so that is why we are now seeing the
corruption of 'games fixing ' in many sports where gambling is involved.
Below is a very good neat summary of where we are at now! Are we there yet?
Not quite ,but from this week onwards the true destination is revealed. The
star patterns over NSW and Victoria are loaded with karma and power
blackouts! Get your firewood ready and your gas bottles! As for
Queenslanders , well you were born under the lucky star of Sagittarius so
you are relatively booming over the next 6 months! You have the political
help of Matt Canavan, Keith Pitt, James McGrath, Ted O'Brien and the
up-and-coming LNP leader, Peter Dutton are very helpful to your prosperity.
The information coming out of the TV Sunday series , the "Outsiders' is
explosive on the misinformation of the ALP budget proposals. The journalists
, like Peta Credlin, Andrew Bolt, Sharri Marsden and Paul Murray supporting
the cause of Israel are clever and acclaimed in facts and figures.
Here below is Jupiter moving into the sign of Gemini and what it teaches:-

Totalitarianism poses a grave threat to human freedom, dignity, and the very
foundations of a just society. To prevent its rise and overcome its grip, we
must understand its roots, mechanisms, and the safeguards needed to uphold
democratic values. Let's consider the historical examples of totalitarian
regimes, analyse modern methods employed by authoritarians, explore the
insidious ways totalitarianism can infiltrate even democratic parliaments
(here a mention of the creep* in Victoria), and propose strategies for
dealing with dictators while maintaining the crucial separation of powers in
Understanding Totalitarianism
Totalitarianism is a political system that seeks to establish complete and
absolute control over all aspects of public and private life, viz digital ID
and digital currency. It is characterised by a single ruling party such as
the Uniparty in Australia (Labour, Liberal and Greens combined) , an
all-embracing ideology such as vaccination and climate change , a monopoly
on mass media and information, a centralised economy, and the use of terror
and violence to suppress dissent and opposition. The use of brute force and
rubber bullets on the citizens of Melbourne during Covid is a good example.
The 20th century witnessed the rise of some of the most notorious
totalitarian regimes, such as Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler, the Soviet
Union under Joseph Stalin, and the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia under Pol Pot.
These regimes were responsible for the deaths of millions, the suppression
of fundamental human rights, and the systematic dehumanisation of entire
populations. Covid bad-science is still dehumanising people, especially
those who didn't want the toxic Covid GMO injections and are either sick or
have loved ones who are sick or dead.
Hannah Arendt, a renowned political philosopher, provided a profound
analysis of the origins and nature of totalitarianism in her seminal work,
"The Origins of Totalitarianism." She argued that totalitarianism is not
merely an extreme form of authoritarianism or tyranny but a novel and
unprecedented phenomenon that emerged in the 20th century.
Arendt identified several key elements that enabled the rise of
totalitarianism, including the breakdown of traditional class structures,
the erosion of moral and legal norms, and the emergence of mass movements
driven by ideological fervour and a desire for collective belonging.
Totalitarian regimes exploited these conditions to consolidate power,
eliminate dissent, and reshape society according to their ideological
Modern Methods and Trends
While the most infamous totalitarian regimes of the 20th century have
collapsed, the threat of totalitarianism persists in various forms and
contexts. Modern authoritarians have adapted their methods to exploit
technological advancements, manipulate information flows, and erode
democratic institutions from within.
One of the most insidious tactics employed by modern authoritarians is the
use of disinformation and propaganda campaigns, facilitated by the
mainstream media, social media and the internet. By flooding the information
landscape with false narratives such as a 'deadly virus', conspiracy
theories, and divisive rhetoric (get vaccinated or you will be a granny
killer), they sow confusion, undermine trust in institutions, and polarise
societies. The latter are all characteristic of most western governments
during and following Covid.
Surveillance technologies are really great fun to play with if you're a
student dictator. These include facial recognition systems, mass data
collection, and online censorship. They have also become powerful tools in
the hands of authoritarian regimes once the student s have graduated as
first class dickheads dictators. These technologies enable unprecedented
levels of monitoring, control, and suppression of dissent, effectively
stifling free speech and individual privacy.
Moreover, the erosion of democratic norms and the weakening of checks and
balances within democratic systems creates fertile ground for the gradual
encroachment of totalitarian tendencies. When the separation of powers is
compromised, the rule of law is undermined, and the independence of
institutions is threatened (most of ours have been infiltrated by would-be
dictate-lovers), the path towards totalitarianism becomes realistic.
Infiltration of Parliaments by Tyrants
Even in established democracies, the threat of totalitarianism can manifest
through the subversion of democratic processes and the gradual consolidation
of power by authoritarian leaders or movements. This can occur through the
exploitation of democratic mechanisms, such as elections, to gain legitimacy
and gradually dismantle democratic safeguards from within.
One notable example is the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in
Germany during the 1930s. Hitler initially gained power through democratic
elections, capitalizing on the economic and political instability of the
Weimar Republic. Once in power, the Nazis systematically dismantled
democratic institutions, suppressed opposition, and established a
totalitarian dictatorship.
Similarly, in the modern era, populist and authoritarian leaders have
exploited democratic processes to gain power, only to subsequently undermine
democratic norms, curtail civil liberties, and concentrate power in their
hands. This can occur through the manipulation of electoral processes, the
erosion of judicial independence, and the suppression of dissenting voices
in the media and civil society.
To combat this insidious threat, it is crucial to uphold the integrity of
democratic institutions, maintain a robust system of checks and balances,
and foster a vibrant and independent civil society that can serve as a
bulwark against the encroachment of totalitarian tendencies.
Dealing with Dictators and Maintaining Separation of Powers
When confronted with totalitarian regimes or authoritarian leaders, the
international community and democratic nations face complex ethical and
practical dilemmas. On one hand, isolating and imposing sanctions on such
regimes can deprive them of resources and legitimacy, but it may also
inadvertently harm innocent civilians and fail to catalyse meaningful
On the other hand, engaging with dictators and authoritarian regimes, even
for pragmatic reasons such as securing access to resources or addressing
humanitarian crises, can be perceived as lending them legitimacy and
undermining the moral high ground.
There are no easy answers, but a principled approach rooted in the
protection of human rights, the promotion of democratic values, and the
preservation of the rule of law is essential. Diplomatic efforts, targeted
sanctions, and support for pro-democracy movements can be effective tools,
but they must be carefully calibrated and consistently applied.
Moreover, maintaining a robust separation of powers within democratic
systems is crucial to preventing the consolidation of power by any single
individual or group. The legislative, executive, and judicial branches must
serve as checks and balances on each other, ensuring that no single entity
can accumulate unchecked power or subvert the democratic process.
This separation of powers must be enshrined in constitutional frameworks,
upheld by independent institutions, and safeguarded by a vigilant civil
society. Regular proper elections, freedom of the just, honest and
incorruptible press, and the protection of the broadest civil liberties are
essential components of this system of checks and balances.
Totalitarianism represents a grave threat to human freedom, dignity, and the
very foundations of a just society. Its rise is often rooted in the
breakdown of traditional social structures, the erosion of moral and legal
norms, and the exploitation of mass movements driven by ideological fervor.
While the most infamous totalitarian regimes of the 20th century have
collapsed, the threat persists in various forms and contexts. Modern
authoritarians have adapted their methods to exploit technological
advancements, manipulate information flows, and erode democratic
institutions from within. The current attempts to create a new world order
and world government by authoritarians the like of Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates
and others within the banking system, the WEF, WHO, FDA, CEPI, GAVI and the
enforcers in the US DOD, CIA and all their supporters is making these times
the worst of human history. For us to remain free and with god-given rights,
we have to face these individuals as all the people of the world who do not
want to be controlled, pseudo-secure and love your promises of 'you von't
own anything but you vill be happy and eat your computer printed glug
freshly delivered by the neighbourly drone'.
To prevent and overcome totalitarianism, it is crucial to uphold the
integrity of democratic institutions, maintain a robust system of checks and
balances, and foster a vibrant and independent civil society. Sacking 80
percent of the politician and bureaucrats in Australia is a good starting
point. Also, the separation of powers between the legislative, executive,
and judicial branches must be enshrined and safeguarded, ensuring that no
single entity can accumulate unchecked power or subvert the democratic
Dealing with dictators and authoritarian regimes requires a principled
approach rooted in the protection of human rights, the promotion of
democratic values, and the preservation of the rule of law. Diplomatic
efforts, targeted sanctions, and support for pro-democracy movements can be
effective tools, but they must be carefully calibrated and consistently
By understanding the roots and mechanisms of totalitarianism, and by
upholding the safeguards of democracy and the rule of law, we can prevent
its rise and overcome its grip, ensuring a future where human rights and
individual liberties are protected and cherished.
Identifying the individuals rooting for totalitarianism is a first order
tactic in the strategic plan for democracy.
Ultimately, the fight against totalitarianism is a continuous struggle that
requires vigilance, courage, and a unwavering commitment to the principles
of freedom, justice, and human dignity.

The Wizard of Woombye.

www.astroclairvoyant.com <http://www.astroclairvoyant.com>
Hoping you are enjoying your kaleidoscope of Stars and general information
this week...from: - "E. D. G. A. R"....
EDGAR, the Electronic Data-Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system,
performs automated collection, validation, indexing, acceptance,
and forwarding of submissions by all good souls and spirits, including
astrologers physically incarnated currently on planet earth that are
required by "universal law to relocate earth souls to a higher calling."

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