Its a special New Moon fo all Signs.

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Edgar J Winter

Jun 26, 2022, 4:59:29 AM6/26/22
to Weekly Stars Google Group


Your weekly Stars.

This week is about taking a practical, step-by-step approach toward securing our future, especially in terms of self-determination and personal freedom. Tuesday's New Moon will boost this process because it is a great chance to make resolutions

 The Cancer New Moon peaks at 7 Degrees Cancer on June 29, 2022.  The Moon loves to be in the sign of Cancer, it is where it feels most at home, so there is a harmony, a belonging to this New Moon that we will all get to feel. It’s a big Hug Week!  Say ‘I love you’ ,  to someone!


New Moons represent the start of a new cycle and bring a burst of fresh new energy to work with. New Moons are actually most potent right after they peak, as in the days following we are really able to understand, unlock, and appreciate the new that has emerged.

New Moons draw energy toward us, which is why they are typically a good time for setting intentions and thinking about what we wish to attract into our lives.


Under this June 2022 Cancer New Moon, we may feel extra sensitive, but this sensitivity can be used to make us more intuitive, more compassionate, and more responsive to our environment. Black Moon Lilith is also close to the energy of the June 2022 New Moon.

Black Moon Lilith represents the feminine, particularly the darker, raw, feminine instincts that are suppressed or shunned in our current society. Black Moon Lilith also represents feeling desirable, and knowing our worth are all domains that Black Moon Lilith can touch upon. If you have been hiding in the shadows, feeling small, shrinking back for the sake of others, or dimming your beauty, this Cancer New Moon with its heightened sensitivity, will help us to determine where these beliefs stem from and how we push past them. Set some intentions and trust the New Moon will carry your requests through the Universe.


Neptune, the planet of spirituality, illusion, and higher truth, is also highly active under this New Moon, stationing retrograde hours before the New Moon peaks.  Watch in the days following this Cancer New Moon for deeper insights, higher truths, and greater clarity.


The June 2022 Cancer New Moon will heighten our sensitivity and magnify our emotions, but it also brings the promise of greater clarity and seeing a higher truth. If you are already feeling sensitive and raw, definitely take extra steps in the days surrounding this New Moon to protect your energy, set your boundaries, and practice self-care.


Aries (March 21-April 19)

You begin this week with determined energy because your ruler Mars is in your sign, dancing with stern Saturn. This makes you methodical, careful and diligent. Whatever you do, you will do with care and precision. This is a good time to make plans., Tuesday's New Moon is the perfect time to make resolutions about how you want to improve your home, as well as how you want to improve relations with your family.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

As this week begins, you're prepared to work alone or behind the scenes to attain your goals. In fact, you will undergo self-denial and discomfort because your own self-gratification will be secondary to practical issues that are important to you.  Remember to apply this self-discipline and sense of reserve when dealing with others on Friday, when some power struggles might take place. Meanwhile, Tuesday's New Moon is a wonderful opportunity for you to think about moneymaking ideas, as well as your style of communicating to others in general.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

If you plan to execute a particular routine or strategy, you can get others in line to help you, or follow your example. It's an excellent time to accomplish what you want with the help of a group or a friend. Meanwhile, Tuesday's New Moon takes place in your Money House. This means it's the perfect time to make resolutions about how to handle your money, how to handle what you own, and how to boost your earnings.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You're very determined this week! You have strong ambitions about what you want to achieve. You will work with diligence -- making careful plans. Most likely, bosses and parents will be impressed. Having said that, you might find yourself at odds with authority figures on Friday. Definitely - tread carefully. However, on Tuesday, the New Moon will interest you because of course, the Moon is your ruler. This is the perfect time for you to think about the impression that you create on your world. How can you improve your image?

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

As this week begins, you're keen to make precise, travel plans or explore opportunities in publishing, the media or perhaps, medicine and the law? You might also strategize how to deal with someone from another culture or negotiate with someone in another country. Meanwhile, the New Moon on Tuesday is taking place in a hidden part of your chart, which means you are giving thought to your spiritual values and what makes your life tick at a subconscious level. Remind yourself again about the power of your thoughts! Remember you are your thoughts. 

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You will get a lot of work done at the beginning of the week, especially with taxes, debt, insurance issues and matters related to shared property. This also includes banking. Sometimes it's easy to ignore and postpone these details, but right now, you feel the need to get on top of this, and get the complete picture. Fortunately, fair Venus is at the top of your chart, which bodes well for your influence with important people. Tuesday's New Moon is all about friendship and the role that friends play in your life.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

On Monday, partners and friends will cooperate with you. Partnerships will be productive. You might make careful plans together, or figure out how to do something. Everyone will be on the same page. Nevertheless, be careful because something related to this same energy could get out of hand by Friday, when you might be at loggerheads with someone. Meanwhile, Tuesday's New Moon is the only New Moon to take place at the top of your chart all year. This offers you the perfect opportunity to think about your life direction in general.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You'll be productive on Monday because you want to work, and you want to get things done. It's that simple. You're prepared to make the necessary sacrifices, and you have the perseverance and drive to make it happen. Meanwhile, financial advantages, gifts and goodies can come your way at the beginning of the week. This is an excellent time to resolve differences about inheritances and shared property. Tuesday's New Moon might trigger exciting travel plans in your mind. You definitely want to do something to expand your world. What might that be?

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

On Monday, you might make serious vacation plans or plans for social outings, sports events or something to do with your kids. Or you might buckle down in a serious way on an artistic project. Whatever your choice, you have specific goals, and you intend to work hard to achieve them. Don't push too hard because on Friday, someone might rebel. Meanwhile, the New Moon on Tuesday is in an interesting part of your chart. For starters, this is the best time all year for you to ask yourself what you can do to become a better person.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

At the beginning of this week, you will accomplish much at home because you're determined to work hard. No question. Recently, increased activity or chaos on the home front has been challenging. On Monday, you want to tackle this and make some headway. And you will! You will be purposeful and efficient. Tuesday's New Moon is the only New Moon all year opposite your sign, which means it's your chance to make resolutions about how to improve your closest relationships.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Monday is a great day to study or make long-range plans because you're in a careful, practical frame of mind. You will also be very convincing talking to others about what you intend to achieve, or what you hope they will achieve - either way. This is because you expect results! You're willing to work and put duty before pleasure. Tuesday's New Moon is a wonderful opportunity for you to think about how to improve your health, as well as improve your job.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

On Monday, you can use what you own to get work done; plus, you will work hard to boost your earnings. Obviously, others will notice your efforts! Perhaps because of jealousy or resentment, or for some other reason, by Friday, you could be at odds with someone for financial reasons, or because they don't agree with your decisions. Meanwhile, Tuesday's New Moon urges you to think about the balance you have between work and play. Play and creative expression are so important. Value your creative talents. Make plans to socialize with others.

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Hoping you are enjoying your kaleidoscope of Stars and general information this week…from:
“E. D. G. A. R”....
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collection, validation, indexing, acceptance, and forwarding of submissions by all good souls
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