New Moon wishes and we all head into a crisis point!

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Edgar J Winter

May 8, 2024, 5:00:36 AMMay 8
to Weekly Stars Google Group

University Campus in Brisbane.
Very intelligent training with high academic qualifications!

Yoni Nazarathy, an Associate Professor at The University of Queensland, at
'Camp Shalom' as Pro-Palestine supporters and Jewish students have
established separate campsites. Picture: Richard Walker
The office of a Jewish academic at Queensland's top university has been
targeted by a urine attack as tensions between Pro-Palestine supporters and
Jewish students rise.
The Jewish academic's office at the University of Queensland was allegedly
broken into and "urinated" in last week, prompting police to be called and
the university to launch an internal investigation.

Hello Subscribers ,
This is your New Moon timings again!
This New Moon today in Taurus is allowing you to appreciate your home and
family life. Your ability to see how you fit into a grander whole is great
for your personal development and Venus the ruler over Taurus, will bless
you with success and prosperity! If you are in business, Mars will make you
feel a sudden surge of energy and may also have many ideas to expand and
reform your business.
This gives you an exceptionally strong emotional foundation and the ability
to create a life that makes you (and others) feel safe. For you, creating a
life of comfort and safety is a priority, as is surrounding yourself with
beautiful things and the Taurus Moon exudes sensuality, helping you attract
whoever you set your eyes on. You love connection and feeling admired, and
therefore you function better when in a partnership. Once committed, you're
in it for the long haul!
You may have you'll have teeth, ear or nose issues and abdomen problems
additionally severe cramps this being caused by Taurus energies verses Pluto
in Aquarius so you may experience electrical spasms in your body in
particular your feet and legs. Wow! Get help fast but nice to know its just
2 weeks maximum!
Jupiter rules University education, (see above photos!) hence these campus
protests now ( not really understanding heritage from the past) and heading
towards a Venus plus Jupiter conjunction at the full moon in Sagittarius on
23rd May! I strongly suggest to avoid the madness of mob violence by many
teenage brain cells being in very difficult , non-grounded, astrological
energy fields. These fields are known as 'Anaretic' which are the last
degrees of a sign until it swings over the fence into the next sign so
Taurus will move to Gemini on Monday 27th May! Its Mars in Aries now that
is a major cause of violence , warfare and knife stabbings! For your
interest there is violent, unhinged, stupid protests around the world in
nearly every Western Country. Mass stubborn energies of Taurus are up
against the fixed nature of Aquarius , Leo and Scorpio. All these energies
are producing death by violence (Mars is the 'God' of War!) usually by,
guns, missiles, knives and associated with religion or culture in tribal
groups! This is because Saturn and Neptune are still in transit thru Pisces
and that sign overlords the worship of certain Gods or 'spiritual'
affiliations. Just get ready for the worst of it all coming to a crisis in
Mid-August when Jupiter in Gemini moves into combat with Saturn Retrograde
in Pisces. That may see the whole world locked in a "spasm" for survival.
That my friends is 'new revelation' that the worship of old beliefs is a
recipe for genocide!
Our sovereign democratic country in its battle for survival. is Israel and
affectionately called the "Canary in the Mine" as they are testing how far
the madness of genocide will go this time around as the Stars say we repeat
the 1939/ 1941 Uranus cycle again and the voices rise up to say "Never
again"! Well, this month the universe has an unexpected good turn of events
that await them. Australia too has been hit with a bolt out of the blue with
their emotional political, economic and cultural problems! A change in
leadership is coming to both countries as they are interlinked in common
Star Patterns!.
The major positive move that will make 2024 a super year for you will come
with Jupiter's move into Gemini in May 2024, driving growth and rejuvenating
your career, brain cells and finances. Many revelations of the world's
corruption will be revealed, like the world being controlled by a one world
power! Many things slowly become better with the Laws and Judgements of the
past corrected and changed for the betterment of humanity. Pluto commences a
new 20-year cycle of sovereignty for all countries and their independent
right to choose their own society! This will be a new cycle of growth and
change that will change your way of working till 2035! Mars will get you
working well in June again. Pluto is wanting to go over your old beliefs
and move towards your self-reliance and not on others false ones! Change
and uncertainty are often a Taurus moon's biggest fears, especially when it
relates to our personal lives!
Saturn and Neptune are giving us all the Karmic test to see whether we
choose to go under the yoke of bullies and hatefulness or to choose faith in
a greater and more beneficial power! In fact, the more we go "Nuclear" the
more we will see the power of a new benevolent force that relates to a new
beginning and just perhaps the new Messiah energies!
Be Blessed under this new Moon Taurus energy field! Guard your safety for
the next 2 weeks!
Do not resist any change necessary, just do what you have to do to survive
the best you can.
Rember to put in your New Moon wishes that you want the Universe to
personally guide and assist you personally then and only then, can you help

The Wizard of Woombye. <>
Hoping you are enjoying your kaleidoscope of Stars and general information
this week...from: - "E. D. G. A. R"....
EDGAR, the Electronic Data-Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system,
performs automated collection, validation, indexing, acceptance,
and forwarding of submissions by all good souls and spirits, including
astrologers physically incarnated currently on planet earth that are
required by "universal law to relocate earth souls to a higher calling."

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