FW: Current news bulletin!

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Edgar J Winter

Jun 23, 2024, 3:51:09 AM (9 days ago) Jun 23
to Weekly Stars Google Group


Hello subscribers, I am so glad to say that I am much better and feeling clear of the recent flu over the last 10 days! Here is an update you may find interesting:-


Hopefully there is a sniff of ‘a turning point’ in the world`s political stars.

The conservatives are now up and running with facts against the woeful ideals of the Labour Socialists.

Sky TV news today was wonderful this AM and exciting with the current world news by Rohan Dean and his good colleagues. They praised our opposition leader, Peter Dutton,  for his presentation of nuclear energy and the way he is carefully putting out the undeniable facts for its introduction into Australia. This is in line with Pluto returning back to the last degree of Capricorn by Sept and then marching forward again into Aquarius to bring Australia into the Nuclear Power arena.

They brought in Campbell Newman , former leader of Qld Govt. The analysis of where we are today and the strange attitude of the State LNP parties is confusing!



With Mars working with Uranus in Taurus together in July you can expect big explosions!  In other words, under Uranus, you can expect the “Unexpected”!

Taurus is stability, security and financial steadiness! I doubt that there may be any of that! Taurus rules food, currencies and investments ( the ‘Bull’ market in stock exchanges) so big upheavals coming soon!

Taurus is very strong in the Astrology charts of NZ, Australia and Israel. Upheavals can be expected for sure. Huge droughts and floodings can appear all over the planet with Saturn and Neptune in Pisces turning the taps on and off!


Jupiter now has a year to spend in Gemini and so the planet Mercury, ruling Silver, will expand that precious metal, especially so, as many grams are put into ‘Tomahawk’ missiles as they speedily use the ‘wings’ of Mercury to get to the targets!

Peace talks will be tried during August as Mercury goes retrograde once more.

By end of Sept, Mars and Saturn are saying under the influence of Cancer and Pisces that everyone is exhausted and the worlds economy had reached calamity!


Neptune continues to wobble on the Anaretic point of Pisces and under the influence of the fixed star ‘Scheat’!

This ‘fixed Star’ known for its ‘Mortal Wounds’! How well do I personally know of it in my lifetime. However once thru it , lessons are learned and goodness flows.

From April until May 2025 there is total political change, possibly the end of the United Nations various bodies, and the question arises ‘How do we fix this planet’?

Keep on my subs list and when the ‘universal unified field of electricity’, gives me more info I will advise.




The Astro chart of Russia , below, is Strong with Libran and Scorpio present.


In my opinion , the Star patterns of Pluto entering Aquarius has activated the downfall of Russia over the next 2-4 years!

Pluto is in charge of the ‘transformation’ and restructure of Scorpio, Taurus, and Aquarius energies.

Australia, NZ and Israel are very strongly flavoured with Taurean energies so watch the changes coming to these countries.

Russia has a strong Scorpio signature.

For the first time the stories of their murderous conquering ‘Colonization’ of surrounding states are being brought to light.

Not only all that but the President dictator, Vlad Putin, has his Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Neptune in Square and very high stress to his Uranus!  

That may mean a sudden and unexpected ending to his life!

 A fated event for his death , in my opinion, is possible by Mars, (Rules Guns and Knives) , early July coming, which connects on his

Natal Jupiter , by transit, which is square in a harsh angle to the death planet Pluto in Leo on the Mid Heaven.

That often can mean the end of a person’s rulership Well let’s see what happens next! Just a reasonable guess.

Here below is the first known chart of Russia as a country under their birth stars.






depositphotos_33100833-stock-illustration-cartoon-wizard25PCThe Wizard of Woombye.


Hoping you are enjoying your kaleidoscope of Stars and general information this week…from:
“E. D. G. A. R”....
EDGAR, the Electronic Data-Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system, performs automated
collection, validation, indexing, acceptance, and forwarding of submissions by all good souls
and spirits, including astrologers physically incarnated currently on planet earth that are
required by “universal law to relocate earth souls to a higher calling.”


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