Our "Never Again: times have arrived again.

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Edgar J Winter

May 31, 2024, 4:04:21 AMMay 31
to Weekly Stars Google Group

To: astrocla...@gmail.com
Subject: Our "Never Again: times have arrived again!
Importance: High

Hello subscribers, As I will be away this weekend, I am giving you all a
big newsletter. I would suggest that if you are not too busy then tap into
my website below for your June Stars and hopefully, we all will survive this
incredible month ahead! 😊
Are you aware that in 1941-42 the Nazi German U boats were gathered in a
“Wolf pack” and destroying the convoys of ships that were trying to bring
much needed supplies to UK in WW2!

This similar energy is in the Star patterns now but it repeats in another
location. Yes, its Israel and the “Wolf Pack” is now the nations surrounding
Israel and hounding them if possible, into annihilation! Just like those
isolated Convoys in WW2! However, the enemy was outsmarted and Great Briton
survived and now it’s the turn of Israel! Destiny says they too will
survive as it is written in the Stars!

The Planet involved in this time cycle, is Uranus which has an 84-year
return cycle around the Zodiac Clock. So, we are back seeing the energies of
1940`s so add 84 years and bingo we are at 2024! The early 1940`s saw the
horror of Hitler as he began his destruction of over 6 million humans. Yes,
they were human beings! The stars point to a revival of that and we see the
madness of University Protesters taking up where the German Brown Shirts
were in the 40`s!

Also, there is a Jupiter /Uranus cycle where these 2 got together this year
and again this energy field has not been seen since 1941 which was the sneak
attack on Pearl Harbour! This time around it was the sneak attack on a
peaceful festival in Israel territory where 1200 Israelites were massacred
as were the USA men and women of Hawaii!

Now the Stars are also in a repeat cycle of the USA, 1776, War of
Independence with Pluto in its 248-year repeating cycle. Now the Citizens of
the USA are again in the midst of fighting to save their Constitution in the
years from 1776 to gain back their rights of freedom against the total
dictatorship of their own bad government rules and regulations! The fight
then was against the Royal throne of the British Empire! Now its against the
‘Elites’ power in their own country!

Perhaps you should know that in the personal chart of the x President USA
chart of Donald Trump we see that the current Mars in Aries transit, has
lined up to his ‘Fated Destiny’ point at 23 degrees of Capricorn. Mars in
the 9th sector of his chart indicated the arrival of legal difficulties and
that the Judiciary would be at war (Mars) with him! Also, because Mars was
during May, opposite his Natal Position of Jupiter and that planet was in
the sign of Libra, which is “the scales of Justice! Again, that Jupiter
rules all the judges and lawyers. Mars then during May, slammed up against
his Saturn and Venus in the sign of Cancer which rules the Moon so the
emotions of the USA public have been deeply affected! This has formed a
Grand Cross of extreme crisis! In fact, there seems to be a connection
between the assassination of President Kennedy and the about to be attempted
political assassination’ of x President Trump. First there is the lawyers
and Judges doing the assassination but it is quite likely that Mr Trump will
have to protect himself against a bullet since Mars is involved. Mars may
in fact see a ‘foreign’ agent between now and August this year attempt to
“take him out of the presidential race” ! Fortunately, his stars are as good
as Ronald Regan and he survives his assassination attempt! His Astro Carto
Graphy shows a possible malefic agent with a connection to Warsaw, Poland.

Now we have the next and current battle lines of France emerging from the
past and the “French Revolution” was born under this Pluto transformation
back in the late 1770`s! This next 12 months is just such a test again for
France. There are great difficulties in July with the Olympic Games! Mercury
will be opposite Pluto so difficulties with transport, communications, TV
broadcasting and Bomb threat dramas!

Now that Pluto is in its retrograde motion once again in Aquarius the cry
goes out around this Planet Earth again for “Liberty, Fraternity and
Equality! Read on about the mini French Revolution in the Islands of the

This below was the latest news from the Spectator Magazine.

New Caledonia must not become the ‘Wild West’ declared Emmanuel Macron last
week during his flying visit to the Pacific Island. For two weeks the
indigenous people, the Kanaks, have been in revolt against a voting reform
they believe will marginalise them.
The French President’s visit achieved little. Not long after Macron’s
departure an insurgent was shot dead by police. Seven people have been
killed in the unrest and the material damage is estimated at more than one
billion euros.

It is not only the Overseas French Territory that is in danger of
resembling the Wild West. Mayhem has become a characteristic of Macron’s
France, and rarely does a week pass without an act of barbarity. On Sunday
afternoon in Lyon a man with a knife wounded four passengers in the metro.
But nowhere feels more like Dodge City than Paris. The weekend before last
a jeweller in the upmarket 8th arrondissement was robbed. It was a brazen
heist in the middle of the morning, and as the bandits fled, they fired
shots in the air like a scene from a Hollywood western. The crime took place
less than a mile from where, twelve months ago, an estate agent was shot
dead by a contract killer. It was a case of mistaken identity; the victim
had no link to a drugs cartel, as the intended target allegedly had.

If violent crime is creeping ever closer to the centre of Paris, the worst
of it remains in the ‘wild north’ of the city. Last week in Aubervilliers
two people were wounded by a grenade hurled from a car onto a pavement in
the early evening.
An eye-witness said the aftermath of the explosion was ‘the kind of scene
you see in war footage’. A woman suffered severe injuries to her hand, and a
man lost an arm and had ‘half his face ripped off’. Police are investigating
the motive.

The incident occurred a few miles west of Sovran where earlier this month
two men were executed in an alleyway. Both were known to police as drug
My wife teaches in a school a mile from the alleyway. A few days after the
double murder, she and her class went into Paris on a school outing in the
evening. It took them over three hours to get home; the metro and suburban
train network have been severely disrupted for months because of work to the
lines ahead of the Olympics. Replacement bus services have been provided but
following the shooting the route was shortened to avoid the area. It was
considered too risky for buses. So, at midnight, my wife and 25 teenagers
found themselves standing in one of the most dangerous districts of western
Europe. Fortunately, the parents came to the rescue, arriving in cars and
vans to collect their frightened offspring.

Also, in the north of Paris – a mile and a half from the grenade attack –
is the Stade de France, the main venue for the Olympic Games.
Last week the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, was taken to task by an
opposition city councillor, who accused her of turning Paris into two
cities: ‘The Paris of the Olympic Games: well-organised, festive, and which
will feel the benefit of the Games. And the Paris that suffers, which no one
looks at. That is everyday Paris, where the people will see no benefit.’

An angry Hidalgo rejected the accusation. ‘I’m sick and tired of the Games
bashing!’ she declared, adding that the Olympics was an exceptional
opportunity for Parisians ‘to celebrate something together’.

Is that true? The best way to celebrate the Olympics is as a spectator but
ticket prices are exorbitant. ‘These are going to be the most expensive
ticket prices in an athletics arena that we have witnessed at an Olympic
Games,’ complained Sebastian Coe, the president of World Athletics. ‘We
asked for a balance… you want fans within affordable prices.’ Coe was the
chairman of the organising committee of the 2012 London Olympics, a where
90% of tickets were under £100. This is not the case for the Paris Games.
For example, in London the cheapest ticket for the final of the men’s 100m
was £54 (64€); in Paris it is 125€.
Ticket prices are beyond the range of many Parisians, who are struggling
with a cost of living crisis that has included sharp rises in prices for
food and energy bills. Parisians are also confronted with other increases:
violent crime and drug trafficking are both up; in 2023 there was a 20%
increase in murders on the previous year in the greater Paris region.

It’s not much fun being a Parisian these days unless, of course, you’re a
person of importance who has private transport and a security detail. Life,
in other words, for the politicians in the ‘Paris Bubble’ is rosy. Many will
probably be seen at the Olympics, enjoying the lavish corporate hospitality
on offer.

Outside the bubble it’s business as usual. Murder, mayhem and misery. If
Hidalgo has turned Paris into two cities, Macron has turned France into two
nations. One is the well-off and the other is the Wild West.

The Wizard of Woombye.

www.astroclairvoyant.com <http://www.astroclairvoyant.com>
Hoping you are enjoying your kaleidoscope of Stars and general information
this week…from: - “E. D. G. A. R”....
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performs automated collection, validation, indexing, acceptance,
and forwarding of submissions by all good souls and spirits, including
astrologers physically incarnated currently on planet earth that are
required by “universal law to relocate earth souls to a higher calling.”

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