The world as we know it now. The Western civilization..

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Edgar J Winter

May 27, 2024, 1:02:34 AMMay 27
to Weekly Stars Google Group

Hello subscribers, Below, press on this highlighted area for the best
lecture you will listen to about where the Western Civilization is now, with
Victor Davis Hanson!
In some respects, the West is exhibiting similar symptoms to past
civilizations that decayed, declined, or were completely wiped off the map.
At the same time, there are green shoots that may point to a rebirth of the
United States, and Western civilization more broadly. He covers the
historical content of previous civilizations, the Judaeo Christianity
beliefs vs the Muslim and the broad aspects of where countries like
Australia, the UK and USA fit in the current decline of their major cities.
Its brilliant!

The current stars align with this lecture above. Pluto has returned to its
248-year point that was in the 1770`s with the war of independence and the
violent birth of the Republic of France with the French revolution. So, we
have that energy field again circulating around this planet. Hence the
current news of revolts and protests world-wide.
The Planets Venus and Jupiter have both entered the sign of Gemini!
Jupiter has energies towards the Law, Justice and Judges. This Jupiter cycle
runs for 12 months so starting this week there will be a focus on the bad
laws that need to change and to return to our original constitutional
rights. In fact for the next 20 years both Jupiter and Pluto will see the
universe wanting to bring back the proper ‘law’ to control each country and
return it to an independent democracy and separate sovereignty. Mercury,
Venus and Jupiter at the new Moon on Thursday 6th June is “D” day for the
landing on the beaches for freedom, liberty and equality! 😊

However Monday 10th June be very aware and careful with your monies and
investments as Pluto returns to smash and destroy old corrupt Govts and
monetary policies. There may even be the start of a world-wide monetary
revaluation! Just keep some cash handy as electrical power grids may fail
and major difficulties can occur with inter net services. Foer certain there
will be a re-evaluation of the monetary security of major countries and
corporations. You have already had news of thousands of businesses` s going
under these last 6 months.

The Stars also point to the Nation of Israel reaching its final phrase in
clearing out the terrorist group Hamas. (I find it strange that the name has
the phonetic sound of “harm-us’ all!) Pluto is retuning in reverse thru
the sign of nuclear Aquarius, and so mid-June can be for the good of
Australia opening up the authority to go ahead with nuclear approval for its
major future power source. The worst of this star pattern would see a low
nuclear yield explosion (test run?) in Europe or the Middle East.

With all 3 of the above planets in Gemini in a good harmonious aspect to
Pluto the world will see a change in the news and education of the true
facts surrounding the United Nations policies of world domination and
control thru their organizations.

The State of Western Australia was born under the sign of Gemini and there
are signs of a “French Revolution” stirring there against the current
austere dictatorship of the current Labour Policies. Expect major upheavals
as the ‘good guys’ want to turn the clock back to the real laws of our
original constitution. We may yet see 50,000 old law’s thrown out into a
govt garbage bin. Remember that OZ was born in 1776 with the same energies
as the war of Independence so we can surely see huge emotional change coming
to our country. This week under Mars in Aries the UK saw the rain wash out
the PM and the stars were Saturn and Neptune in Pisces which is for a very
watery flush out of their politicians. However, by next year there is a
rush on ‘new blood’ and the UK will ,with luck, resurrect itself when
Saturn and Neptune enter Aries next year.

All in all, my subscribers, June 2024 is going to be a real turning point
away from the madness of world control, climate destruction fears, wars and
financial insecurities. The universe has its powers lined up against the
feeble humans who think they are the Gods in control of this world but there
is a far great power in these heavens above! Wait till I tell you next time,
about the change in religious beliefs next year, when Saturn and Neptune say
goodbye to the old Christian and Muslim beliefs of worshipping an outer God
person and the change to an independent God force within! Do the Stars
point to the possibility of a second coming perhaps a new messiah
revelation.? How exciting can that be!


The Wizard of Woombye. <>
Hoping you are enjoying your kaleidoscope of Stars and general information
this week…from: - “E. D. G. A. R”....
EDGAR, the Electronic Data-Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system,
performs automated collection, validation, indexing, acceptance,
and forwarding of submissions by all good souls and spirits, including
astrologers physically incarnated currently on planet earth that are
required by “universal law to relocate earth souls to a higher calling.”

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