This is Full Moon week coming on 24th April. (ANZAC day is 25th!)

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Edgar J Winter

Apr 20, 2024, 4:35:57 AMApr 20
to Weekly Stars Google Group

Hello Subscribers ,
Here comes another full moon and it is in Scorpio with the Sun opposite in
Taurus. Its very sexy so be careful! 😊 Decan 1 just means its in the first
strong degree cycle of Scorpio. You may find this post below interesting.
This full moon week will bring high emotions to the sacrifice of departed
soldiers. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto which brings death and rebirth!
The question many will think about will be did the men and women of WW1 and
WW2 die of no value to us in the here and now? Do we stand on another brink
of WW3?
For all of us in general it is asking us to be careful with our security of
home and family, making sure all is locked up safe and sound. It is a week
of sensory delights though so watch out for too much alcohol and chocolate!
Take scented mint lollies for sweet kisses without bad breath, 😊 This is a
week for passionate relationships and tempestuous social life. However love
and destruction are intertwined themes. Your wild appetites will fade back
to normal after a week.
The Moon has the precise degree of its fall in this decan (4 Degrees
Scorpio), which is supposed to make it extremely unfortunate. We are only
one degree away from it! This position is the devouring Moon, the goddess
Kali! The Moon is desperately famished here and can also be sexually
insatiable. Therefore, the collective either becomes ruthless and Plutonic
with their hunger or they fear starvation. Those who learn to understand
nature’s sometimes cruel cycles of death and rebirth will be less inclined
to act in a ‘kill or be killed’ mode. Evolved folk have faith in the power
of resurrection!
Nature always seeks to correct itself, even if it has to go through a
bloody abortive stage first. In this eclipse of extremes, success can only
be all-or-nothing. It’s a blazing hot summer heatwave or a severe frost.
This Full Moon Scorpio offers stark contrasts that will require us to adapt
quickly. Those who do not sink develop sharp brains and become wise
survivors. The survival of the fittest plays out here, or it can also fail
spectacularly. But generally, despite being branded ‘unfortunate’, a new
moon eclipse here can work to produce unexpected excellence. Interestingly,
the Davison chart of King Charles and Camila has its Moon in this decan!
(They are under very strong health aspects here. It may get serious…depends
on their health professionals.)
The Pink Moon is a name given to the April full moon, originating from the
pink flowers, known as wild ground phlox, that typically bloom during this
time of year in North America. However, despite the name, the Moon itself
doesn’t actually appear pink but instead takes on its usual golden or white
Combining the Pink Moon’s energy with Scorpio’s intensity can create a
powerful time for personal growth, transformation, and letting go of what no
longer serves us. It’s a time to delve into our subconscious, release
emotional baggage, and embrace change and renewal. This period invites us to
embrace our vulnerabilities, confront our shadows, and emerge more robust
and more self-aware on the other side.
The Algonquin community names this lunation the “Breaking Ice moon”, while
the Dakotas call it the “Moon When the Streams Are Again Navigable.” This
lunar phase extends the ice-thawing theme of the previous Full Moon Lunar
<> .
However, with this full Moon, the threat of frost diminishes significantly
as the ice completely melts and the Sun’s rays are potent again.
Full Moon Asteroid ‘Hebe’ is involved now and yes and you can get the ‘hebe
jebes’ this next week 😊 with the worlds turmoils going crazy with war
Hebe is the goddess of eternal youth. She served as the cup-bearer to the
gods before Ganymede took her place. Her name comes from the Greek word
meaning “youth” or “prime of life”. Hebe is associated with being of
service; she can be a servant or even a slave. There are negative
associations with abuse, probably from her elders or elites. She could also
be about healing from childhood trauma, especially in the context of this
Scorpio/Pluto moon energy.
There is an account that Hebe’s demotion as cup-bearer was because she
fell, ripping her dress, shamefully exposing her naked body publicly. Hebe
is also associated with the Fall in terms of the change of seasons. Similar
to Demeter and Persephone, Hebe is the maiden version of Hera, her mother.
So, Hebe is the springtime Virgin goddess. ( The Northern Hemisphere.) Other
positive associations with Hebe are elixirs that rejuvenate, eternal life,
mercy and forgiveness.
Fixed Star ‘Gacrux’
So here we are at Gacrux , which sits at the top of the Southern Cross. In
ancient times, this constellation was once seen in the northern hemisphere
from Egypt, but due to precession, it has “slipped” into the southern. The
constellation’s insignia is used significantly in Australia, New Zealand,
and South America on flags, stamps, and other things. Crux is a minor
constellation in the sky but stands out in the south. Its brilliance and
symbolism reassured the Christian pioneers as they sailed into unfamiliar
Gacrux is not the brightest star in the constellation, but it glows a
powerful red to echo Scorpio decan 1’s Martian flavour. This side of the
Crux <> emphasizes Christ’s bloody
wound and sacrifice on the cross. “No doubt the European explorers saw the
sign of the cross in the sky as a potent symbol of blessing for their
endeavours to bring Christianity to new lands, but their exploits were never
easy, and others have pointed to the constellation as expressing a danger of
wounds or accidents, or of ‘the cross’ being symbolic of heavy
responsibilities and suffering, such as that which Christ endured in the
So the above para does reflect Judea Christianity and the sinking feeling
that the old Western World is declining in its importance. How will the old
Western World die now under the next 2-3 years of the transit of Pluto and
then what and how will it become resurrected?
Is there anyone left in the Western world that wants to fight for this
beloved old girl?

The Wizard of Woombye. <>
Hoping you are enjoying your kaleidoscope of Stars and general information
this week…from: - “E. D. G. A. R”....
EDGAR, the Electronic Data-Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system,
performs automated collection, validation, indexing, acceptance,
and forwarding of submissions by all good souls and spirits, including
astrologers physically incarnated currently on planet earth that are
required by “universal law to relocate earth souls to a higher calling.”

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