FW: For now and this weekend Star Subscribers!

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Edgar J Winter

May 29, 2024, 12:51:38 AMMay 29
to Weekly Stars Google Group

Hello Subscribers!
This end of May and this weekend 1st and 2nd of June please note:-
Mercury in Taurus is together with Uranus! So what? Well for the next 3-4
days you will be blessed with the power of "Focus"!!
On May 31, Mercury crosses Uranus at 24 degrees of Taurus. It is already
building to a 'conjunction' with maximum energies from our universe to speed
up our thought process and help us liberate ourselves from mindsets and
thinking habits that keep us stuck and stagnant. This aspect supports our
ability to tap into future trends and be unconventional in bringing our
visions down to earth. Around the time of the Mercury-Uranus conjunction,
we can expect to experience an increase in mental restlessness, intellectual
dynamism, and visionary power. If we don't find outlets to channel this
energy intentionally, we may mistake it for anxiety and scatteredness.
I expect to see TV stations in an uproar as revelations of sexual misconduct
are revealed. Already this placement brings up "primitive" Male and Female
problems as with Domestic Violence, murders and irresponsible highway
accidents. There are also 'Mass' effects like meteorological as we see in
the airlines, also the mass hypnotic effects like we have seen at the
Universities with Protest gatherings. These latter ones are the line up with
the Fixed Stars of ' Zaurak', 'Capulus' and 'Caput Algol', AKA the Gorgon`
head, ( ugh,) and that is the energy of the sackings of many heads of Govt
Ministers and Board members of Media Coys. This will be "D" day for the far
left and seemingly communistic ABC broadcasting network of Australia. They
allegedly have failed to carry out the rules of their charter and will come
under severe scrutiny.
On June 2, Mercury in the late degrees of Taurus forms a sextile ( very
positive energy) with Neptune in the late degrees of Pisces. ( This is an
Anarectic Degree heralding changes of our old religious beliefs!) This
aspect supports poetic and artistic expression and inspires us to use words
creatively and with compassion. The Mercury-Neptune sextile indicates an
increase in our psychic and intuitive capacity and invites an empathetic
outlook on our and others' experiences.
While Mercury is in Taurus, we tend to avoid changing our minds
dramatically, and we are more inclined to preserve existing opinions,
habits, and thinking patterns. Stubbornness and intellectual resistance to
change, novelty, and new ideas can arise or be enhanced during this time, as
Taurus is naturally inclined to hold on to the known and consolidate what
already exists, which could hold back Mercury's natural curiosity and desire
to learn.

Nevertheless, Mercury's ingress into Taurus reminds us of the power of
focusing on one thing at a time, of taking the time we need to reflect and
think before we act, speak, or make a decision. During the upcoming days and
weeks, we will have opportunities to be more structured in our learning
endeavours, improve our time management skills, and be more practical in our
communications. This transit can be an invitation to identify thinking
patterns and ways of seeing our reality that keep us stuck and stagnant and
reflect on how our definition of stability and security needs to be upgraded
during these times of change.

This then is the time to hold a Rose Quartz Crystal in your hands and focus
on your wish for health, wealth and prosperity. Uranus is the telepathic
help to pass on your wishes to the GPO of this CEO of our Galaxy! Why not
take this Crystal to bed with you tonight and focus at AM and PM for the
next 4-5 days at the time when your body is ready for sleep time and for

Rose Quartz Crystal is associated with Taurus as it's incredibly supportive
in helping you develop self-worth and a sense of inner security and
self-love, so you can tap into that Taurean sense of appreciation, comfort,
and beauty from within yourself. As you work on developing your material
resources in life to bring in more earthly stability, rose quartz helps you
develop your inner resources and emotional stability to help guide you in
your actions.
An incredibly soothing and healing crystal, especially for your heart space,
you can use rose quartz during this transit to help you release any
repressed and unexpressed emotions you may be holding onto, so that you can
bloom open into more love and openness, towards yourself and in all your
relationships. It holds encouraging and compassionate energy to gently spur
you into more acceptance, belief, and trust in your own light, worthiness,
and power.

Early June sees Mercury, Venus and Jupiter all three of them together, in
the sign of Gemini and hence we will start to see the wheels of a better
understanding against self-destruction and the thoughts of new inventions
being put to the best use possible.

Be Blessed this weekend,

The Wizard of Woombye.

www.astroclairvoyant.com <http://www.astroclairvoyant.com>
Hoping you are enjoying your kaleidoscope of Stars and general information
this week...from: - "E. D. G. A. R"....
EDGAR, the Electronic Data-Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system,
performs automated collection, validation, indexing, acceptance,
and forwarding of submissions by all good souls and spirits, including
astrologers physically incarnated currently on planet earth that are
required by "universal law to relocate earth souls to a higher calling."

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