does not working on Firefox

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Jun 17, 2009, 7:06:39 AM6/17/09
to webstorageportabilitylayer
This library looks very useful, but is there any reason why it's not
working on a desktop browser?

It seems 2 issues has been posted about this :

This abstraction is not only useful for mobile, but we have also the
same problem I think for
desktop browsers.


Robert Kroeger

Jun 17, 2009, 7:09:17 AM6/17/09
Hi Jeremi,

On Wednesday, June 17, 2009, jeremi <> wrote:
> Hi,
> This library looks very useful, but is there any reason why it's not
> working on a desktop browser?

Because I was bad and checked in defective code. Fix is coming as soon
as I catch up on all the work I missed while talking about wspl at
Google I/O.


> It seems 2 issues has been posted about this :
> This abstraction is not only useful for mobile, but we have also the
> same problem I think for
> desktop browsers.
> Jeremi
> >

Robert Kroeger

jeremi joslin

Jun 17, 2009, 9:37:06 AM6/17/09
Hi Robert,

Great, and thanks for this cool library.



Jul 25, 2009, 9:57:19 PM7/25/09
to webstorageportabilitylayer
Hi Rob -

So I've been playing with your library and I think the issue here
seems to go beyond issue 2 and 3. When you fix those lines as
suggested in the issue notes, it still fails. I then looked at your
index file and thought that the issue might be that you aren't
including the _gears.js like you do with the _html5.js file. Adding
that in didn't fix it either.

I've tested it on the android sdk emulator, palm pre and firefox 3.5
-- All fail (anything that would use gears)

It works perfectly on Safari 4 and iPhone/iPod Touch (html5)

Is there a fix in the works, I'm building an app that does actual work
but I can't hook it up to wspl before I know that I'm not going to
drive myself crazy not knowing if it is my issue or wspls.

On Jun 17, 4:09 am, Robert Kroeger <> wrote:
> Hi Jeremi,


Jul 26, 2009, 4:15:14 PM7/26/09
to webstorageportabilitylayer
Ok, so the issue was not including gears_init.js in simple notes.
Maybe other people who are smarter than me would have figured this out
right away, but I assumed that WSPL was a complete replacement to the
interface to gears. I do think if your app uses something that you
should at least reference it in the index.html file even if you don't
want to include it in the wspl source tree.


Jul 26, 2009, 5:29:12 PM7/26/09
to webstorageportabilitylayer

On Jul 25, 9:57 pm, tazz_ben <> wrote:
> Hi Rob -
> So I've been playing with your library and I think the issue here
> seems to go beyond issue 2 and 3.  When you fix those lines as
> suggested in the issue notes, it still fails.  I then looked at your
> index file and thought that the issue might be that you aren't
> including the _gears.js like you do with the _html5.js file.  Adding
> that in didn't fix it either.
> I've tested it on the android sdk emulator, palm pre and firefox 3.5
> -- All fail (anything that would use gears)
> It works perfectly on Safari 4 and iPhone/iPod Touch (html5)
> Is there a fix in the works, I'm building an app that does actual work
> but I can't hook it up to wspl before I know that I'm not going to
> drive myself crazy not knowing if it is my issue or wspls.

There are some bugs in the WSPL code where we didn't sanitize it for
release correctly. I have been remiss in fixing these. I promise to
submit a patch this week that will make WSPL work identically on Gears
and HTML5.



Jul 26, 2009, 5:30:35 PM7/26/09
to webstorageportabilitylayer

On Jul 26, 4:15 pm, tazz_ben <> wrote:
> Ok, so the issue was not including gears_init.js in simple notes.
> Maybe other people who are smarter than me would have figured this out
> right away, but I assumed that WSPL was a complete replacement to the
> interface to gears.  

Sounds like a worthwhile fix.

> I do think if your app uses something that you
> should at least reference it in the index.html file even if you don't
> want to include it in the wspl source tree.

Indeed, this makes sense.



Aug 22, 2009, 12:11:56 PM8/22/09
to webstorageportabilitylayer
Hi Rob-

Not to put any pressure on you, but do you have an update on how you
are doing with the sanitization process?

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