How to do a server side send without an inbound message

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Brad Taylor

Jan 19, 2024, 1:15:25 PM1/19/24
to WebSocket++
I think what I want to do is allowed, but not sure how to do it.  After my server creates an endpoint and a web client connects,  When non web socket events occur in my server, I want to construct a message and send it to a the connected client, without the connect client first sending me a message.  
I used the echo server example as the basis for building my prototype code.  I already have a fairly complex server and want to be able to send notifications to connected clients.  Example would be most appreciated. 
Thank you

Peter Thorson

Jan 20, 2024, 10:34:50 AM1/20/24
to Brad Taylor, WebSocket++
Hi Brad,

This is definitely allowed. The primary method is using endpoint.send with the connection_hdl for the connection you want to write to. The telemetry_server example demonstrates this.



On Jan 19, 2024, at 8:15 AM, Brad Taylor <> wrote:

I think what I want to do is allowed, but not sure how to do it.  After my server creates an endpoint and a web client connects,  When non web socket events occur in my server, I want to construct a message and send it to a the connected client, without the connect client first sending me a message.  
I used the echo server example as the basis for building my prototype code.  I already have a fairly complex server and want to be able to send notifications to connected clients.  Example would be most appreciated. 
Thank you

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