Thought on graphing

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Sep 27, 2010, 10:49:29 AM9/27/10
to webos_rbtwhiz
Hi Rob
As so many others have said, I appreciate your work on Fuel and really
like how it works.

I have one small suggestion (whether the coding itself is small though
I don't know): When the graphing is done I would suggest that partial
fillups should not be noted in the screen. or if they are they should
not show up as a zero. This would be on graphs using derived values.
Though calculations is probably a better description.
As an example, when looking at the Miles per US Gallon any partial
fill shows as a zero. While you have updated the mean values so that
it doesn't change that value during a partial fill (which I appreciate
and thank you for doing), the graph still shows this zero value for
the partial. Which makes the graph a lot "taller" than necessary.
Squishing the "real" values closer together so it's harder to see the

On the other hand, I believe these partial fills should show up on
graphs such as Gallons/Litres per event. They are non-zero values
here and graphically it shows very well the partial fills.

Please take this only as a small suggestion.

Thanks again for such a great product and looking forward to Fuel Plus
hitting the catalog!


Rob (rbtwhiz)

Sep 27, 2010, 11:59:14 PM9/27/10
to webos_rbtwhiz
Hi, Wil. I appreciate the feedback, and the kind words.

Its actually very interesting that this would come up right now...
because its something I've been looking at the last couple of days;
prompted by a recent report (and another a month or so prior) that
there were problems with a few Summary values. The two are actually
very closely related and looking into one ultimately means I will also
be looking to the other; the routines that calculate the Summary
values also build the data used by the Graphs - an optimization I
implemented to reduce the amount of time it takes to display data,
along with the number of cycles consumed by the process [and therefore
battery life]. I'm still working through some of the finer details,
but right now it looks like the values that cannot be calculated until
a full tank event occurs will be retroactively filled in once the
calculated values are available; at the next full event. I'm also
looking at implementing some sort of visual feedback in the Graph
scene (similar to Odometer value colors the Main scene) to indicate
which records are partials; since the values will no longer be zero,
but knowing which ones are partials is still useful. The only zero
plots left at that point would be those caused by using the "Missed
(New Start)" option, i.e. starting again after missing events but not
start over completely.

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