Need old version of Fuel

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Ana S.

Nov 13, 2010, 10:15:12 PM11/13/10
I love Fuel. I got it in early March when I got my Palm Pre (Telcel)
and used it more than most apps. The problem I have is that I had to
doctor my Pre and lost all my apps. Most of my other apps downloaded
fine after doctoring, but Fuel didn't as I don't have WebOS 1.4.1:
I am Mexico and here we never had a release of any WebOS past 1.4.0.
That is, we don't have 1.4.1 (much less 1.4.5). And so now I don't
have Fuel, nor all my data! Please, can I get a old version of Fuel
that will work on 1.4.0?

Many thanks.

Rob (rbtwhiz)

Nov 14, 2010, 4:37:27 PM11/14/10
to webos_rbtwhiz
Hi, Ana.

I'll have to look back through my logs to see what OS changes were
made to force the minimum version to increment above 1.4.0; if I
recall correctly, it was something to do with database interaction -
something along the lines of 1.4.0 didn't support a standard function
that allows me to significantly improve the speed of looking up
records in the database, whereas 1.4.1 did. I'll see what I can do to
not impact those who are on a current version of the OS, while
lowering the minimum OS so that folks in a similar situation can use
the latest and greatest version/features. That said, what I don't want
to end up doing is creating a situation where I have more versions of
the OS than I can reasonably support; I'm still very much a one-man

If I can find something reasonable, that works, I'll update the BETA
build so that it can be tested on your device. I will need your
feedback, testing the majority of features, to know that it does in
fact work before I will merge any potential changes into the standard
release; I can only test so much with the emulator.

More after I take a look...

Ana Isabel Sacristan

Nov 15, 2010, 12:55:15 AM11/15/10
Rob: Many thanks. I'll be happy to give you feedback.

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Rob (rbtwhiz)

Nov 15, 2010, 12:08:57 PM11/15/10
to webos_rbtwhiz
I've just submitted the BETA build (0.9.20) to Palm for publishing.
I've made some changes in order to allow devices that are still on
webOS 1.4.0 to download/run, along with a few other feature tweaks.
According to Palm, the build should be available within the next 2
hours (

I've run through a series of tests on the 1.4.0 emulator, and on my
device (Sprint Pre w/ webOS 1.4.5), and everything appears to work as
expected. Please take a it for a spin on your device, and let me know
if it is working for you. The sooner you can do this the better, as I
intend to update the public release version by the end of this testing
cycle (November 22, 2010 - which is when the BETA build will expire),
I'd like to relax the requirement at the same time, and it takes a few
days for Palm to process app updates that go into the standard App


On Nov 14, 10:55 pm, Ana Isabel Sacristan <>

Rob (rbtwhiz)

Nov 23, 2010, 1:38:52 PM11/23/10
to webos_rbtwhiz
Hi, Ana.

Have you had a chance to try the build out? Are you running into any
bugs? I'd like to submit the build to Palm for publishing as soon as
possible, but I wanted to get confirmation that the build is working
on a physical device. I can see that there have been quite a few
unique downloads/installs on webOS 1.4.0, with the Region set to
Mexico. I haven't received any reports of there being any problems, so
I have to assume that what I'm seeing on the emulator coincides with
what is happening on devices. I've run numerous tests on the 1.4.0
emulator and everything seems to behave consistently with newer
versions of webOS.


On Nov 14, 10:55 pm, Ana Isabel Sacristan <>

Ana Isabel Sacristan

Nov 23, 2010, 4:29:37 PM11/23/10
Hi. I meant to write back before Monday but was sooo busy... Sorry!
I've been using the Fuel Beta on my Pre 1.4.0 with almost no issues except one: because I couldn't log anything for a few weeks, and was actually starting aknew and I was trying to input some data without knowing the initial odometer reading, when I later tried to correct it, I got the following message:
Database update Error
An error occurred while attempting to update data in the database
Code: 1
constraint failed
Then, any other data I tried to input, I would get the same message. I "fixed" it by restarting the device and didn't run into any other problems.

Hope this helps,

Rob (rbtwhiz)

Nov 24, 2010, 11:15:38 AM11/24/10
to webos_rbtwhiz
That message shouldn't be specific to running on a device with webOS
1.4.0, but it is good feedback; the fact that it has come up again
tells me I need to improve the experience for cases where this occurs.
That particular message indicates [to me] that you have attempted to
update/edit a record, but in doing so ended up with a value that
conflicts with another record for the same vehicle, for at least one
field. Not all fields of every record type need to be unique, but
there are certain ones for each record type that must be. For Fueling
Events this is true for the Vehicle (which the app handles itself) and
the Odometer. The Odometer value for a Fueling Event must be unique so
that the app knows how to order the events; because the order the
events are entered (and thus exist within the database) isn't a
reliable ordering considering that you can enter events out of
sequence and edit existing events (which doesn't change the actual
order within in the database, just the data in the record). Either
way, as a user, you shouldn't have to be bothered with the technical
reasoning behind why the error occurred... so I'll have to devise a
better experience there. I've got a few ideas on how handling this
scenario can be improved.

What you can do in the future, is use the "Missed (New Start)" option
in the App Menu (top left corner, where the app name is displayed)
while in the Fueling Event scene, in the "Data" sub-menu, to have the
app fill in specific fields with values that shouldn't conflict but
allow you to start over without loosing previously collected data.

I appreciate the feedback. Thank you.


On Nov 23, 2:29 pm, Ana Isabel Sacristan <>
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