Fuel Display Glitches on Pre3

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Oct 3, 2011, 7:09:19 AM10/3/11
to webos_rbtwhiz
Hello Rob,

I'm a long time user of Fuel and quite happy with it. Just now I was
able to acquire a Pre3 and try to use Fuel there.
Due to different screensize there seem to be some glitches :
1. In the Main-scene the top-bar is ugly, the title is no longer
centered and the icons are kind of "cramped" on the right side.
2. All Graphs in the Fuel Summary scenes are somehow assuming wrong

It would be nice if You could look into this.

Ralf Keimer


Oct 3, 2011, 10:39:53 AM10/3/11
to webos_rbtwhiz
Good morning Rob
I have seen some oddities specifically with graphing on Pre3 (and only
Pre3). Don't know if Ralf is having the same issue but what was
happening in my graphs involved having the grid and x/y labels in the
correct spot but the tick lines and graph itself seems to ignore the
offset that is created by the label and any left/top padding in the

Again, not sure if it's the same issue with Fuel as with my app but
having tried a couple different graphing libraries (flot.js and
flotr.js) my thought is that webOS 2.2 has some kind of glitch in the
canvas drawing of overlays. Just a guess though.


Rob (rbtwhiz)

Oct 4, 2011, 12:14:31 AM10/4/11
to webos_...@googlegroups.com
Hi, Ralf.

I've done some work to fix some of these issues for the Pre3 (in so much that it doesn't break the app for everyone else), but its a little slow going and I'm not quite there with it yet. Actually, I'm surprised to know that it is available on the Pre3, because I never submitted it for distribution on that device; due to a bunch of interface issues caused by the resolution change and the automatic 1.5x scaling that happens on Mojo based apps that I'm still working through. Not having a Pre3, nor having access to one, combined with a few emulator issues, bugs introduced into webOS and the absolute mess that HP is these days, it makes addressing things quickly quite a bit more difficult than it has been in the past. Its rather unfortunate, and very disappointing to be perfectly honest.

HP really did a number on webOS users and developers (not to mention its [former] employees). Truth is, as much as I have resisted it... as much as I didn't want to do it... my wife and I have both migrated to Android for our everyday phones; at least for the time being. Our webOS devices were simply not cutting it anymore and we needed to replace our failing hardware.

Over the last few months I have received numerous emails indicating much the same from users, most of which wanting to know whether Fuel was available for the platform they were migrating to. I have not decided whether or not I'll develop for Android, or that I'll be staying with Android for any length of time. Rather, what I have decided is that I'll take some time to decompress and let things settle before I basically have to start over. I have not decided whether that will be using Enyo (depending on how things play out), Android, or some cross-platform alternative. I prefer webOS for its simplicity and multi-tasking ability... but there still has to be a horse to attach my wagon to, before I can attach my wagon to it.

The thing is, I've put considerable work into Fuel (Plus - which I never released publicly), and I still use it on my failing launch day Pre. The Pixi- my wife was using is the sans WiFi variety, and is no longer on the account so is limited to on-device testing only (cannot test import/export with it - no data connection). My Pre2 is a GSM developer device, but Sprint is CDMA and I'm not keen on 'Frankenstein-ing' it with my Pre- before it actually dies, or paying more for less on another carrier, so that one is also only for testing. I honestly don't enjoy having to take notes on the Android device, or revert to printed receipts, so that I can later enter the information into Fuel when I get home... but I refuse to lug two devices around and I don't care for the Android alternatives... so it is what it is.

My point in all of this being, it may not be ideal (or even remotely close to it), but I haven't given up on webOS or Fuel. I'm just waiting to see how things shake out. In the meantime, I'll continue to push forward with making Fuel compatible with the Pre3, but please understand that it isn't as much under my control as it once was.


Rob (rbtwhiz)

Oct 4, 2011, 12:47:34 AM10/4/11
to webos_...@googlegroups.com
Hi, Wil.

Appreciate you taking the time. Fuel uses a slightly tweaked version of flotr (from the trunk, not the alpha distro) for graphing. I'd imagine it does have to do with a new bug in webOS' handling of Canvas in 2.2 and I suspect it has something to do with their handling of the 1.5x scaling they are doing to Mojo apps, but I haven't narrowed down how to work around it in this case just yet. Early on I did some testing to see what happened if I removed the scaling completely, but there were a few other issues I needed to resolve first. I'll be doing some more testing of that now that I've worked through a couple of those, although I don't like the idea of making the majority of users pay the price (in resources consumed) for the increased resolution images they will not see in order for the minority users to have the best display. Seems that idea needed a little more time in the oven. That said, I've managed to mostly work out some of the other sizing issues when scaled, but there are still some bugs in webOS that need to be fixed and I'm hesitant to go through the trouble of working around all these problems only to have HP update webOS and break it all again. So much for Android being the "fragmented" one. What a mess.

Again, appreciate you taking the time.

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