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Johnny Miller

Mar 29, 2012, 4:18:05 PM3/29/12
to WebObjects Development

I'm trying to make a commit to my Wonder fork and I'm not clear as to where my commit is going. I think the problem started when I tried to switch my upstream to Wonder's integration branch.

Here is my repositories configuration. Does anybody see what could be wrong with it?

repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
ignorecase = true
[remote "origin"]
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
url =
[remote "upstream"]
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
url =
[branch "master"]
remote = upstream
merge = refs/heads/integration
upstream = upstream

Thanks in advance,

Johnny Miller
Kahalawai Media Corp.

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Kieran Kelleher

Mar 29, 2012, 4:57:31 PM3/29/12
to Johnny Miller, WebObjects Development
What is the output of the following two commands

$ git branch -avv

$ git remote -v

And which local branch are you trying to push to which branch in your own fork?

> This email sent to

Johnny Miller

Mar 29, 2012, 5:05:52 PM3/29/12
to Kieran Kelleher, WebObjects Development
Hi Kieran,

See output from commands below.

Question: And which local branch are you trying to push to which branch in your own fork?

My fork is

I would like to be able to make commits to my fork and then make the pull requests to Wonder's integration branch.

Thank you,


mala:wonder johnnymiller$ git branch -avv
* master 7ad6e3e [origin/integration] Added a default CSS style for MTAjaxModalContainer. And I updated the bindings in the example application to reflect that.
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
remotes/origin/Wonder_5_0_0_Legacy 12f0d82 Added instructions to the README in ERJasperReports that explains how to deploy your report fonts inside your project.
remotes/origin/Wonder_5_0_0_WebObjects_5_3_Branch d4a5828 svn merge -c 11990 .
remotes/origin/Wonder_5_0_0_WebObjects_5_4_3_1_Branch 895d1b4 -- roll back eoattribute patch
remotes/origin/Wonder_5_0_0_WebObjects_5_4_Branch 3bd1499 Property name components should not use the same RHSKey to escapeHTML as property value components. Changing the value to false as I can't think of any reason why escaping html on the property name would be required.
remotes/origin/Wonder_5_0_0_WebObjects_5_5_Branch 7294379 trunk=>5.5 merge
remotes/origin/Wonder_5_0_0_WebObjects_5_6_Branch d8e363b 5.6 compatibility
remotes/origin/gh-pages 77be675 First commit to gh-pages
remotes/origin/master 7ad6e3e Added a default CSS style for MTAjaxModalContainer. And I updated the bindings in the example application to reflect that.
remotes/upstream/Wonder_5_0_0_Legacy 12f0d82 Added instructions to the README in ERJasperReports that explains how to deploy your report fonts inside your project.
remotes/upstream/Wonder_5_0_0_WebObjects_5_3_Branch d4a5828 svn merge -c 11990 .
remotes/upstream/Wonder_5_0_0_WebObjects_5_4_3_1_Branch 895d1b4 -- roll back eoattribute patch
remotes/upstream/Wonder_5_0_0_WebObjects_5_4_Branch 3bd1499 Property name components should not use the same RHSKey to escapeHTML as property value components. Changing the value to false as I can't think of any reason why escaping html on the property name would be required.
remotes/upstream/Wonder_5_0_0_WebObjects_5_5_Branch 7294379 trunk=>5.5 merge
remotes/upstream/Wonder_5_0_0_WebObjects_5_6_Branch d8e363b 5.6 compatibility
remotes/upstream/gh-pages 77be675 First commit to gh-pages
remotes/upstream/integration ad60ddb those files slipped through, remove them for now
remotes/upstream/master 395ef59 resurrect root directory Eclipse files for those who want to import the whole Wonder dir into Eclipse

origin (fetch)
origin (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)

Johnny Miller
Kahalawai Media Corp.

On Mar 29, 2012, at 10:57 AM, Kieran Kelleher wrote:

> git branch -avv

Kieran Kelleher

Mar 29, 2012, 5:27:47 PM3/29/12
to Johnny Miller, WebObjects Development
And what is the output of this:

$ git status

...... and the first 20 lines or so of this:

$ log --graph --oneline --all --color --decorate

Kieran Kelleher

Mar 29, 2012, 5:30:03 PM3/29/12
to Johnny Miller, WebObjects Development
Last one should be this, sorry:

$ git log --graph --oneline --all

Johnny Miller

Mar 29, 2012, 5:32:58 PM3/29/12
to Kieran Kelleher, WebObjects Development
Here you are:

mala:wonder johnnymiller$ git status
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
# (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
# new file: Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/Components/MTMediaBoxTestPage.wo/MTMediaBoxTestPage.html
# new file: Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/Components/MTMediaBoxTestPage.wo/MTMediaBoxTestPage.wod
# new file: Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/Components/MTMediaBoxTestPage.wo/MTMediaBoxTestPage.woo
# new file: Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/Sources/er/ajax/mootools/example/components/
# new file: Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/WebServerResources/mediabox/Beach-Large.jpg
# new file: Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/WebServerResources/mediabox/Beach-Thumb.jpg
# new file: Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/WebServerResources/mediabox/Rainbow-Large.jpg
# new file: Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/WebServerResources/mediabox/Rainbow-Thumb.jpg
# new file: Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/WebServerResources/mediabox/Sunset-Large.jpg
# new file: Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/WebServerResources/mediabox/Sunset-Thumb.jpg
# modified: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/.classpath
# new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/Components/MTAjaxGrid.wo/MTAjaxGrid.html
# new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/Components/MTAjaxGrid.wo/MTAjaxGrid.wod
# new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/Components/MTAjaxGrid.wo/MTAjaxGrid.woo
# new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/Components/MTMediaBox.api
# new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/Sources/er/ajax/mootools/
# new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/50.gif
# new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/80.png
# new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/BlackClose.gif
# new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/BlackLoading.gif
# new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/BlackNext.gif
# new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/BlackPrevious.gif
# new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/MinimalClose.png
# new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/MinimalLoading.gif
# new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/MinimalNext.png
# new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/MinimalPrevious.png
# new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/WhiteClose.gif
# new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/WhiteLoading.gif
# new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/WhiteNext.gif
# new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/images/WhitePrevious.gif
# new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/mediaboxAdv-1.2.5.js
# new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/mediaboxAdvBlack.css
# new file: Frameworks/Ajax/MooTools/WebServerResources/scripts/plugins/mediabox/mediaboxAdvWhite.css
# Changes not staged for commit:
# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
# modified: .gitignore
# modified: Examples/Ajax/AjaxExample/.settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/Components/MTAjaxGridExampleCellComponent.wo/
# Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/Components/MTAjaxGridExampleFormInputCellComponent.wo/
# Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/Components/MTAjaxGridTestNavBar.wo/
# Examples/Ajax/MooToolsExample/Components/MTAjaxGridTestPage.wo/

And ...

mala:wonder johnnymiller$ git log --graph --oneline --all
* ad60ddb those files slipped through, remove them for now
* d0ba3c5 remove unused imports II
* 9104f6d fix deprecated method calls II
* 3856da4 add missing gitignore
* 2142d6d catch two cases that slipped through
* f57a2fd - encode all projects UTF-8 - inherit resource encoding from project container - UNIX style line delimiter for all projects - set project specific import organization to 99 for consistency as in most important frameworks already set
* 506cae8 fix property name
* ae24924 abstract class to scan a file or a stream for viruses and an implementation for ClamAV
* 6fca8bc adapt ERXWOContext more to WOContext
* dc6529b add missing javadoc for bounded type parameters
* 74c4683 override non-deprecated counterparts of generateXXXUrls to set the appropriate boolean
* a9a846e replace deprecated method calls
* 5fa8fb0 remove unused imports
* f77fa74 remove unnecessary casts
* f03941b Add static block to warn if the wrong EOAttribute class is loaded before this framework is loaded.
* f35e465 Merge branch 'integration' of into integration
| * 8ef2214 Merge pull request #137 from paulhoadley/AjaxFlickrBatchNavigation_patch
| |\
| | * 9a91c51 Adds 'batchSizes' and 'showBatchSizes' bindings from parent component.
| |/
| * 5ec5826 make AjaxDefaultSubmitButton work for IE
| * 2c6eec2 add property to ERXJavaScript to toggle hideInComment globally
| * 5bd5669 Merge pull request #133 from darkv/FrontBase_default_unique_patch
| |\
| | * 60adbcb skip unique counter setting when entity has more than one key or key is not numeric
| * | 1aababe replace deprecated method calls
| * | f182639 use context.directActionURLForActionNamed() for URL generation of direct actions and add a flag to include sessionID
| |/
* | 8f79a17 Added Japanese JavaDoc

Johnny Miller
Kahalawai Media Corp.

Kieran Kelleher

Mar 29, 2012, 11:12:20 PM3/29/12
to Johnny Miller, WebObjects Development
Hi Johnny,

(1) This config file does not look right to me - and might be the reason that it "looks like" your master tracks the origin/integration branch (which, according to your branch -avv output, does not exist)

repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
ignorecase = true
[remote "origin"]
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
url =
[remote "upstream"]
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
url =
[branch "master"]
remote = upstream
merge = refs/heads/integration
upstream = upstream

So, backup that file before changing it, but IMHO, it should look like this
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
ignorecase = true
[remote "origin"]
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
url =
[remote "upstream"]
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/upstream/*

url =
[branch "master"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/integration

(2) After chaning above, check git status, git branch -avv again and see if things look right.

You have staged items that are not committed, so if you just do commit, those will go to your local master.

Then to push the current local master to your origin/integration remote branch (which according to your gir branch -avv does not exist), you can push, and create origin/integration at the same time, by doing:

$ git push origin master:integration

(3) If you get all that sorted out, you can clean up your local upstream branch refs by doing

$ git fetch --prune upstream

(4) You can delete the old branches in your fork by doing something like this for each one (note the colon) using appropriate branch you want to delete

$ git push origin :Wonder_5_0_0_WebObjects_5_6_Branch

HTH, Kieran

Johnny Miller

Mar 30, 2012, 4:24:30 PM3/30/12
to Kieran Kelleher, WebObjects Development
Hi Kieran,

I'm hoping that I've made progress.  I believe I'm at the stage now where I'm ready to make the Pull Request.  Please see attached snapshot.  Does that look right to you?  Or should I be trying to make a pull request to Wonder's integration branch?  And should my branch be integration or master?  Does it matter?

Thank you,

Johnny Miller
Kahalawai Media Corp.

Pascal Robert

Mar 30, 2012, 4:30:00 PM3/30/12
to Johnny Miller, WebObjects Development

Le 2012-03-30 à 16:24, Johnny Miller a écrit :

> Hi Kieran,
> I'm hoping that I've made progress. I believe I'm at the stage now where I'm ready to make the Pull Request. Please see attached snapshot. Does that look right to you? Or should I be trying to make a pull request to Wonder's integration branch? And should my branch be integration or master? Does it matter?

Your branch should be integration, same thing for the Wonder branch.

> Thank you,
> Johnny Miller
> Kahalawai Media Corp.

> <Screen Shot 2012-03-30 at 10.22.14 AM.png>

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> Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored.
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> This email sent to

Johnny Miller

Mar 30, 2012, 4:39:58 PM3/30/12
to Pascal Robert, WebObjects Development
OK, so I initiated the pull request.  Am I now in business?

Will future pull requests now go to integration or is that a setting I need to correct?

Johnny Miller
Kahalawai Media Corp.

Pascal Robert

Mar 30, 2012, 4:42:10 PM3/30/12
to Johnny Miller, WebObjects Development
I think we need to make integration as the default branch (in the project wonder org) in GitHub interface so that pull requests defaults to integration.

Pascal Robert

Mar 30, 2012, 4:45:29 PM3/30/12
to Johnny Miller, WebObjects Development
Hum, something went wrong, 8 of the 9 commits are commits that was already in wonder. I will only commit "MTMediaBox".

Johnny Miller

Mar 30, 2012, 4:55:39 PM3/30/12
to Pascal Robert, WebObjects Development
Maybe something got zapped between all the changes we made and it reset it to the beginning.  Because that sounds like the total number of commits I've made.

Thanks for all the help guys,

Johnny Miller
Kahalawai Media Corp.

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