Feature Request - ability to remove stub

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Chris Lorenzo

Sep 15, 2014, 2:39:56 PM9/15/14
to webmoc...@googlegroups.com

I have a rails app with Webmock and VCR. I'd like to have Webmock intercept a call to return a 401 and then allow VCR to handle the next call with the real response. I'd like to have the following code work:

stub_request(:any, %r|.*/rest/user.*|).to_return(:body => '{"errorCode": "SESSION_EXPIRED", "errorMessage": "session has expired"}',
                                                   :status => [401, 'Unauthorized'],
                                                   :headers => { 'error' => 'SESSION_EXPIRED'}).then

Webmock is handling the call - and I could do the to_return with the new response, but it would be simpler if I could just remove the stub and then VCR would automatically handle the next request.



Bartosz Blimke

Sep 15, 2014, 3:21:01 PM9/15/14
to webmoc...@googlegroups.com
Why don't you tell VCR to return 401?


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