Upgrading the development toolset

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May 18, 2011, 9:35:42 AM5/18/11
to webmock-users
This message is intended more for developers and contributors to
WebMock as it won't really affect users of the WebMock gem directly.

I have just gone through pull requests and merged all the changes that
don't obviously break anything. During testing I realised there are a
few tools that aren't setup that I use on pretty much everyone of my
projects on a daily basis.

First one is guard and guard-rspec. These two gems are a great way to
monitor which files you're modifying and run corresponding specs
automatically. It's kind of the successor to ZenTest's autotest, it
supports FSEvents via rb-fsevent on OS X and Inotify on Linux, and has
a great plugin architecture that means you can monitor everything from
cucumber features to your Gemfile to your coffeescripts.

Second is Yard with markdown formatting. Yard beats RDoc hands down in
my opinion. You can see an automatically generated Yard doc site for
WebMock at http://rdoc.info/github/bblimke/webmock/master/frames. At
the moment this documentation page is pretty empty because there isn't
a lot of documentation in WebMock's source but maybe this is something
we can change if people are interested.

Third and finally I would like to add the quality_spec from Bundler to
enforce some code formatting. That is, indentation with two spaces,
rather than a tab and removal of trailing whitespace. Mixing tabs is
obviously a problem and convention within the Ruby community
(thankfully!) is to use soft tabs. Trailing whitespace is annoying
when refactoring and moving text around as not all editors will
automatically remove it when joining lines etc. Plus, it's a waste of
space, and hence electricity and is killing trees and polar bears.

I've created a branch at https://github.com/bblimke/webmock/tree/upgraded_toolset
with three commits that setup the basics of these three ideas. Please
share your thoughts and let me know if you have any questions,
concerns or suggestions regarding any of these points.


P.S. Thanks to Bartosz and all the people who have worked together to
make WebMock the great tool that it is.
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