2015-10-09 08:11:28 - WebIOPi - DEBUG - Mapping AD5263(slave=0x2E).analogCount to REST GET /devices/dac1/analog/count
2015-10-09 08:11:28 - WebIOPi - DEBUG - Mapping AD5263(slave=0x2E).analogMaximum to REST GET /devices/dac1/analog/max
2015-10-09 08:11:28 - WebIOPi - DEBUG - Mapping AD5263(slave=0x2E).analogRead to REST GET /devices/dac1/analog/%(channel)d/integer
2015-10-09 08:11:28 - WebIOPi - DEBUG - Mapping AD5263(slave=0x2E).analogReadAll to REST GET /devices/dac1/analog/*/integer
2015-10-09 08:11:28 - WebIOPi - DEBUG - Mapping AD5263(slave=0x2E).analogReadAllFloat to REST GET /devices/dac1/analog/*/float
2015-10-09 08:11:28 - WebIOPi - DEBUG - Mapping AD5263(slave=0x2E).analogReadAllVolt to REST GET /devices/dac1/analog/*/volt
2015-10-09 08:11:28 - WebIOPi - DEBUG - Mapping AD5263(slave=0x2E).analogReadFloat to REST GET /devices/dac1/analog/%(channel)d/float
2015-10-09 08:11:28 - WebIOPi - DEBUG - Mapping AD5263(slave=0x2E).analogReadVolt to REST GET /devices/dac1/analog/%(channel)d/volt
2015-10-09 08:11:28 - WebIOPi - DEBUG - Mapping AD5263(slave=0x2E).analogReference to REST GET /devices/dac1/analog/vref
2015-10-09 08:11:28 - WebIOPi - DEBUG - Mapping AD5263(slave=0x2E).analogResolution to REST GET /devices/dac1/analog/resolution
2015-10-09 08:11:28 - WebIOPi - DEBUG - Mapping AD5263(slave=0x2E).analogWrite to REST POST /devices/dac1/analog/%(channel)d/integer/%(value)d
2015-10-09 08:11:28 - WebIOPi - DEBUG - Mapping AD5263(slave=0x2E).analogWriteFloat to REST POST /devices/dac1/analog/%(channel)d/float/%(value)f
2015-10-09 08:11:28 - WebIOPi - DEBUG - Mapping AD5263(slave=0x2E).analogWriteVolt to REST POST /devices/dac1/analog/%(channel)d/volt/%(value)f
This is how the WebInterface looks like:
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dac2 = AD5263S chip:0
My __init__.py in /analog/ contains that:
DRIVERS["ad52XX"] = ["AD5161", "AD5241", "AD5242", "AD5243", "AD5245", "AD5246", "AD5247", "AD5248", "AD5263", "AD5280", "AD5282"]
DRIVERS["mcp3424"] = ["MCP3424"]
DRIVERS["advrspi"] = ["AD5263S"]
The folder /analog/ contains your driver:
But webiopi output log gives me following error, when I start it:
2015-11-17 09:13:20 - WebIOPi - DEBUG - Mapping AD5263(slave=0x2E).analogWriteVolt to REST POST /devices/dac1/analog/%(channel)d/volt/%(value)f2015-11-17 09:13:20 - WebIOPi - INFO - DAC - AD5263(slave=0x2E) mapped to REST API /devices/dac1
2015-11-17 09:13:20 - WebIOPi - ERROR - Device driver not found for AD5263STraceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/WebIOPi-0.7.1-py2.7-linux-armv6l.egg/webiopi/__main__.py", line 75, in <module> main(sys.argv) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/WebIOPi-0.7.1-py2.7-linux-armv6l.egg/webiopi/__main__.py", line 69, in main server = Server(port=port, configfile=configfile, scriptfile=scriptfile) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/WebIOPi-0.7.1-py2.7-linux-armv6l.egg/webiopi/server/__init__.py", line 66, in __init__ manager.addDevice(name, driver, args) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/WebIOPi-0.7.1-py2.7-linux-armv6l.egg/webiopi/devices/manager.py", line 24, in addDevice raise Exception("Device driver not found for %s" % device)Exception: Device driver not found for AD5263S
What do I do wrong??
Thank you!
"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/....). The same applies for the compiled *.pyc files that Python really runs. The WebIOPi setup procedure handles this correct and automatically, but to do so, you MUST call it EVERY time you change any of the source files of WebIOPi.
In a very rare case I also had the problem that my SD card (better, the whole RPi filesystem) went accidentially into read-only mode due to some unknown problem. In this case I also encountered the problem above, because I called setup.sh correct, but after restarting the RPi the changes were lost. It took me some time to figure that out, but I hope you do not have the same problem.
In any case, you can look at the special path stated above and check if the __init__.py in the /analog directory there is the same updated version you need and if the corresponding *.pyc file has a timestamp newer that the *.py file.
Hope this helps,
2015-11-17 11:12:09 - WebIOPi - DEBUG - Mapping AD5263S(chip=0).analogCount to REST GET /devices/dac2/analog/count2015-11-17 11:12:09 - WebIOPi - DEBUG - Mapping AD5263S(chip=0).analogMaximum to REST GET /devices/dac2/analog/max2015-11-17 11:12:09 - WebIOPi - DEBUG - Mapping AD5263S(chip=0).analogRead to REST GET /devices/dac2/analog/%(channel)d/integer2015-11-17 11:12:09 - WebIOPi - DEBUG - Mapping AD5263S(chip=0).analogReadAll to REST GET /devices/dac2/analog/*/integer2015-11-17 11:12:09 - WebIOPi - DEBUG - Mapping AD5263S(chip=0).analogReadAllFloat to REST GET /devices/dac2/analog/*/float2015-11-17 11:12:09 - WebIOPi - DEBUG - Mapping AD5263S(chip=0).analogReadAllVolt to REST GET /devices/dac2/analog/*/volt2015-11-17 11:12:09 - WebIOPi - DEBUG - Mapping AD5263S(chip=0).analogReadFloat to REST GET /devices/dac2/analog/%(channel)d/float2015-11-17 11:12:09 - WebIOPi - DEBUG - Mapping AD5263S(chip=0).analogReadVolt to REST GET /devices/dac2/analog/%(channel)d/volt2015-11-17 11:12:09 - WebIOPi - DEBUG - Mapping AD5263S(chip=0).analogReference to REST GET /devices/dac2/analog/vref2015-11-17 11:12:09 - WebIOPi - DEBUG - Mapping AD5263S(chip=0).analogResolution to REST GET /devices/dac2/analog/resolution2015-11-17 11:12:09 - WebIOPi - DEBUG - Mapping AD5263S(chip=0).analogWrite to REST POST /devices/dac2/analog/%(channel)d/integer/%(value)d2015-11-17 11:12:09 - WebIOPi - DEBUG - Mapping AD5263S(chip=0).analogWriteFloat to REST POST /devices/dac2/analog/%(channel)d/float/%(value)f2015-11-17 11:12:09 - WebIOPi - DEBUG - Mapping AD5263S(chip=0).analogWriteVolt to REST POST /devices/dac2/analog/%(channel)d/volt/%(value)f2015-11-17 11:12:09 - WebIOPi - INFO - DAC - AD5263S(chip=0) mapped to REST API /devices/dac2
Hi Michel,
from what I see from your wiring, it looks nothing is completely wrong. The separate VDD and VLOGIC wiring seems to match the spec of the chip, so that should be ok.
What I observe:
- You also connect SDO of the chip to the MISO pin. This is unnecessary as the chip never sends anything specific back. It just replicates the SDI signal with a slightly delay, The SDO pin has to be used later to realize the SPI daisy chain between the chips.
- You leave the SHDN and RES pins open (and thus floating). At least for the SHDN the spec says to connect it to 5 V if unused. So maybe it helps to connect both to 5 V (maybe even via a pullup).
What you could check:
- What is the behaviour of the chip when the RPi is powered on but the driver not loaded (WebIOPi not running)?
- Are there differences between the channels?
- What dou you mean with floating? Do you change any of the AD channel settings just once, let it then be constant and the value still floats while doing nothing with WebIOPi?
- If you change the analog value for ANY of the channels and measure ONE channel, does it show any reaction or not, especially when you change a channel value that is not dedicated to the measured channel?
Providing an Ohm interface makes almost no sense at the moment as the final value depends on the different basic Ohm values of the chips and needs an extension of the REST API that may be too specific at the moment. If you really need any Ohm value today you could implement that within a WebIOPi macro if you want.
is there anything new here or has this activity being stopped?
Cheers Andreas