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google refuse users desire to put tab on the bottom of their chrome browser

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adi cahya

Oct 18, 2011, 9:35:07 PM10/18/11
Hi All,

This an UI post :)

Just read this article on slashdot.
Im quite surprise that many user prefer the tab on the bottom of browser window. Well, i also proposed the idea on my previous UI concept. Back then, i don't know that people actually (at least some) prefere it.

Here is the excerpt

"This issue has had overwhelming feedback from users with no notable dissent. But Google revealed their view on the community, saying that feedback and comments aren't considered, and today moved to silence dissent and lock comments on the issue. [A Chromium developer] says, 'Commenting on this bug has absolutely no effect at all on the likelihood that we are going to reconsider. So that people don't get their hopes up falsely, I'm locking this bug to additional comments.'"

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